The Pentagon: Russia is more dangerous than China in the short term

The Pentagon suggested that Russia may constitute in the short term the most serious security problem facing the United States and Europe in the military field.

During his video participation in the “Baltic Military Conference” held in Lithuania, US Deputy Secretary of Defense for Political Affairs Colin Kahl said that China may pose a major threat to the United States, but Russia may pose a bigger problem in the short term.

“In the coming years, Russia may indeed pose the greatest security challenge facing the United States, and certainly Europe, in the military sphere,” he said, according to the text of his remarks published on the US Defense Department’s website.

The US official described Russia as “an increasingly resolute adversary in its steadfast pursuit of strengthening its influence in the world and playing a destabilizing role internationally, including through attempts to divide the countries of the West.”

He added that “Russia’s behavior in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, and in the cyber field, constitutes a serious challenge for the United States and its allies,” accusing Moscow of “undermining transparency and predictability, using military force to achieve its goals, and supporting proxy groups in order to sow chaos and suspicion and undermine order.” global rules-based activity through cyber and international activities,” as well as “Russia’s breach of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbors.

Cal said that the United States “will deal with Russia from a position of collective power,” stressing that US forces deployed in Europe “remain strong, ready, resilient, and provide solid and effective deterrence.”

“We are working in NATO with our allies and partners to ensure military readiness to bolster robust combat deterrence throughout the transatlantic community,” he added.

Russia has repeatedly rejected Western accusations about its behavior, warning against positioning NATO at its borders.

البنتاغون: روسيا أخطر من الصين على المدى القصير

أكّد نائب وزير الدفاع الأميركي للشؤون السياسية، كولين كال، أن الصين ربما تشكل خطرا أساسياً على الولايات المتحدة، لكن روسيا قد تجسّد مشكلة أكبر على المدى القصير.

وأضاف أنه في السنوات القادمة، قد تتحوّل روسيا بالفعل إلى أكبر تحد أمني تواجهه الولايات المتحدة، وبالتأكيد أوروبا، في المجال العسكري، واصفاً إياها بالخصم الذي يزداد حزماً في سعيه الثابت إلى تعزيز نفوذه في العالم وأداء دور مزعزع على الصعيد الدولي.

واتهم كال موسكو بتقويض الشفافية والقابلية للتنبؤ، واستخدام القوة العسكرية لتحقيق أهدافها، ودعم جماعات تعمل بالوكالة من أجل زرع الفوضى والشكوك، بالإضافة إلى خرقها سيادة جيرانها ووحدة أراضيها.

وختم قائلاً أنّ الولايات المتحدة ستتعامل مع روسيا من موقف القوة الجماعية، مشددا على أن القوات الأمريكية المنتشرة في أوروبا تبقى قوية وجاهزة ومرنة وتقدم ردعا راسخا وفعالاً، مشيراً إلى أنهم يعملون في الناتو مع حلفائهم للتأكد من الاستعداد العسكري لتعزيز وسائل ردع قتالي راسخة في كافة أنحاء المجتمع العابر للأطلسي.

Pakistan initiates dialogue with Taliban for inclusive Afghan government

Pakistan’s prime minister says he has initiated a dialogue with the Taliban to encourage them to form an inclusive government that would ensure peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region.

Imran Khan tweeted on Saturday that he took the initiative after his meetings this week in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, with leaders of countries neighbouring Afghanistan.

Last week the Taliban announced an all-male interim government that included no women or members of Afghanistan’s minorities, contrary to their earlier pledges on inclusivity. They have also since moved to curb women’s rights, harking back to when they were in power in the 1990s.

Khan said he had had detailed discussions with the Tajik president, Emomali Rahmon, on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s meeting in Dushanbe. The economic and security group is made up of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan.

“After meetings in Dushanbe with leaders of Afghanistan’s neighbours and especially a lengthy discussion with Tajikistan’s president, Emomali Rahmon, I have initiated a dialogue with the Taliban for an inclusive Afghan govt to include Tajiks, Hazaras & Uzbeks,” Khan said in the tweet.

“After 40 years of conflict, this inclusivity will ensure peace and a stable Afghanistan, which is in the interest not only of Afghanistan but the region as well.”

Khan did not say what form his dialogue would take or elaborate on his plans.

باكستان: بدأنا حوارا مع طالبان لتشكيل حكومة شاملة

بدأ رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني عمران خان، حوارًا مع حركة طالبان الأفغانية بهدف حثها على تشكيل حكومة شاملة تضم جميع الأقليات العرقية مثل الطاجيك والشيعة الهزارة.

وقال خان إن هذه الخطوة جاءت عقب محادثات أجراها مع زعماء الدول المجاورة لأفغانستان خلال اجتماع قمة منظمة شنغهاي للتعاون الذي عقد في طاجيكستان.

واعتبر رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني أن ضم جميع الأقليات العرقية سيضمن السلام والاستقرار في أفغانستان التي عاشت أربعين عامًا من الحرب