In the wake of Turkey’s recent elections Egypt was one of the countries that quickly reached out to discuss increasing diplomatic ties between Cairo and Ankara. While in the past Egypt and Turkey had tensions, today Egypt is not only reaching out to Ankara but also hosting a large delegation from the Palestinian Authority and also doing outreach to Iran.
This showcases Cairo’s new role in the region in which it is channeling the larger diplomatic engagement that is taking place across the Middle East. In addition, this is part of Egypt’s return to its historic role as a powerful country in the region and a center of dialogue.
The spokesman for the Egyptian presidency posted online about Egypt and Turkey working to build on their current diplomatic ties. The VOA noted on Tuesday that “Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu visited Cairo on Saturday to push to restore full diplomatic relations between the two countries despite Ankara’s ongoing support for the Muslim Brotherhood group.”
The report further added that “during a joint news conference with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, Cavusoglu said that Turkey was ‘using its influence to extend a Black Sea grain deal permitting the export of grain from Ukraine’ in its role as mediator between Moscow and Kyiv.”
Egypt’s Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly also welcomed his Palestinian counterpart Mohamed Shtayyeh at Cairo International Airport on Monday. The Palestinians brought a large delegation with them and this illustrates Cairo’s potential role in increasing trade and other ties with the Palestinian Authority, which could stabilize Ramallah and help reduce current tensions between the Palestinians and Israel. This comes amid several attacks and clashes in the West Bank this week and in the wake of a conflict between Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza.
Iran contributes thoughts on Egyptian diplomacy
On Monday Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said he wanted to also restore diplomatic ties with Egypt. This comes as Iran is improving ties with Saudi Arabia in a deal brokered by China. Iraq has also hosted Iran-Saudi Arabia talks. Egypt is a key partner of Saudi Arabia and also works closely with other Gulf states and Iraq. Egypt was also an early advocate, quietly, of resuming ties with Damascus in some form in the region. Now Syria has returned to the Arab League.
Iran made the comments about Egypt during a meeting with Oman’s Sultan Haitham bin Tariq. Oman is a country that has often been a kind of neutral place for many countries to meet in the region. As such it can play a key role in working with Egypt to restore ties to Iran.
Meanwhile the Palestinian delegation in Cairo this week includes various Palestinian Authority ministers and officials from the offices of the interior, economy, religious affairs, health and agriculture.
Egyptian media noted that “the high-ranking Palestinian delegation groups the ministers of foreign affairs and expatriates, interior, national economy, Awqaf and religious affairs, health, agriculture, public works and housing, higher education and scientific research, transport and communications, as well as the head of the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority,” came to Cairo.
There was an official reception for these ministers and also meetings with Egyptian counterparts. This visit will continue for three days.
Historically Egypt was a major regional power. This was the case not only during the Nasser era from the 1950s to 1960s but after the Egypt-Israel peace deal when Egypt became a recipient of US defense aid. Egypt has played a role in the past in Yemen, as well as in ties with Syria and also in North Africa. It has a long arm of interests that stretch up the Nile and to Libya and also has historically included Iran and Turkey.
It also sits at a crossroads of regional trends. That means that the rise and fall of the Muslim Brotherhood had been entwined with Egypt’s political and religious history. Groups like the ruling party in Turkey, Hamas, and the opposition in Tunisia have ties to the Brotherhood, as do other groups in Jordan, Kuwait, and also the Kurdistan region of Iraq.
Cairo’s current outreach to Turkey and the Palestinian Authority, as well as potential new ties with Iran, all come in the context of a regional diplomatic revolution in which countries are pursuing diplomatic ties, rather than conflict. This has important ramifications for Israel. Egypt has often helped with ceasefires in Gaza and will have an important role to play in the future of issues relating to the Palestinian Authority.
This also includes a role in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Negev Forum, and connections with US Central Command and what may happen in ties to Syria and Jordan to stabilize the ring of countries around Israel. If there are moves toward new normalization deals between Israel and other countries, this also ties into Cairo’s overall role potentially.
بعد 15 عاما من التطوير، يمثل طراز “سي 919” (C919) من الطائرات الصينية الذي يضم 164 مقعدا، اختراقا لطموح بكين طويل الأمد، لتأسيس صناعة طائرات قادرة على تحدي اللاعبين الرئيسيين.
ومع إكمال الطائرة رحلتها التجارية الأولى من مطار شنغهاي هونغتشياو إلى مطار العاصمة بكين الدولي، أشاد الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ بالمشروع باعتباره انتصارا للابتكار الصيني، كما روجت وسائل الإعلام الحكومية للطائرة باعتبارها رمزا للبراعة الصناعية والفخر الوطني.
كيف بدأ مشروع “سي 919” الصيني؟
2006: أنشأ مجلس الدولة الصيني مجموعة قيادية خاصة رئيسية للطائرات الكبرى.
2007: الموافقة على التأسيس الرسمي لمشروع علمي وتكنولوجي كبير لتطوير الطائرات الكبرى.
2008: إنشاء شركة الطيران التجارية الصينية.
2009: إصدار الاسم الرمزي “كوماك919” (COMAC919) لأول نموذج لطائرة ركاب كبيرة.
2010: موافقة إدارة الطيران المدني الصينية رسميا على طلب شهادة النوع لطائرة الركاب الكبيرة.
2011 – 2016: اعتماد التصاميم وبدء عملية إنتاج أجزاء الطائرة واختبارها.
2017: نجاح الطائرة في القيام برحلتها الأولى في شنغهاي.
2018- 2020: بدء سلسلة من الرحلات التجريبية.
2021: شركة “إيسترن إيرلاينز” (Eastern Air Lines) الصينية وقعت رسميا عقد شراء 5 طائرات.
2022: إصدار إدارة الطيران المدني الصينية شهادة نوع، وتسليم أول طائرة للشركة المشغلة.
2023: أكملت طائرة الركاب الكبيرة “C919” بنجاح أول رحلة تجارية لها.
بماذا تتميز الطائرة الصينية؟
الطائرة من إنتاج شركة الطيران التجارية الصينية “كوماك” (COMAC) المدعومة من الدولة ومقرها مدينة شنغهاي، والتي تقول إنها أول طائرة ركاب رئيسية من النوع النفاث تم تطويرها بشكل مستقل وفقا لمعايير الطيران الدولي، ومع حقوق الملكية الفكرية المستقلة.
تتبنى الطائرة الكبيرة عددا من التقنيات المتقدمة الرائدة عالميا، وفق ما تقول الشركة المصنعة، بما في ذلك نظام إلكترونيات الطيران الرقمي، ومحرك الحد من الضوضاء منخفض الضغط.
وتحتوي الطائرة على ممر واحد وتتسع لـ158-164 مقعدا، وبحد أقصى 192 مقعدا، ويمكنها الطيران لمدى يتراوح بين 4075-5555 كيلومترا، وتتمتع بأداء اقتصادي جيد، ويبلغ طول جسم الطائرة 38.9 مترا، وطول جناحيها 35.8 مترا، وأقصى وزن للإقلاع 79.5 طنا.
وجاء على موقع الشركة الرسمي، أن انبعاث أكاسيد النيتروجين من الطائرة أقل بنسبة 50% من معيار منظمة الطيران المدني الدولي، وانبعاث ثاني أكسيد الكربون أقل بنسبة 12% من انبعاثات الطائرات في الخدمة الفعلية.
وحسب شركة “إيسترن إيرلاينز” الصينية، التي استلمت الطائرة وسيّرت رحلتها الأولى، فإن تكلفة الطائرة بلغت 653 مليون يوان صيني (99 مليون دولار أميركي).
كيف سيؤثر هذا الطراز على سوق الطيران؟
بحسب تقرير صادر عن شركة كوماك، فإن سوق الطيران الصيني سيضيف 9284 طائرة خلال العقدين المقبلين، وبحلول عام 2041، سيتجاوز الأسطول الوطني الصيني 10 آلاف طائرة، وهو ما يمثل 21.1% من أسطول طائرات الركاب العالمي.
وقال التقرير، إن سوق الطيران الصيني سيصبح أكبر سوق طيران منفرد في العالم، وسيوفر البحث والتطوير والإنتاج للطائرة الكبيرة فرصة تطوير ضخمة لصناعة الطيران في الصين.
ولطالما سعت بكين إلى تقليل الاعتماد على التكنولوجيا الأجنبية مع تدهور العلاقات مع الدول الغربية، ومع ذلك، تظل المكونات المتقدمة بما في ذلك المحركات النفاثة وإلكترونيات الطيران وأنظمة التحكم والاتصالات ومعدات الهبوط عرضة للقيود أو العقوبات الأجنبية.
وحتى في ظل وجود إمدادات آمنة، لا يزال أمام صناعة الطيران الصينية سنوات عديدة لتنضج في جميع المجالات، وحسب مراقبين، فإن الوقت مبكر للقول إن “سي 919” ستشكل تهديدا لشركتي “إيرباص” و”بوينغ” الرائدتين في هذه الصناعة، سواء داخل الصين أو في أي مكان آخر، نظرا لحداثة التجربة وعدم التأكد من الأداء والموثوقية.
في الوقت ذاته، أعلنت الشركة المصنعة، أن طلبات شراء الطائرة وصلت لـ1200 اعتبارا من يناير/كانون الثاني 2023، حيث تخطط الشركة لرفع قدرتها الإنتاجية إلى 150 طائرة سنويا خلال السنوات الخمس المقبلة.
أين تتجه صناعة الطيران في الصين؟
سرّعت صناعة الطيران المدني الأعمال الأولية وبناء 100 مشروع كبير للبنية التحتية، وتم تشييد 8 مطارات حديثا، وحتى الآن، يوجد في الصين إجمالي 254 مطار نقل، و399 مطارا للأغراض العامة، و4165 طائرة نقل، و3177 طائرة للأغراض العامة، و282 مدرجا، و18 مليونا و6 آلاف متر مربع من مباني المطار، و7328 مقعدا للطائرات.
وبحسب الباحثة تشين تسي فانغ من معهد “تشونغيان بوهوا” (Zhongyan Puhua) للبحوث الصناعية، فإن صناعة النقل الجوي في الصين ستحافظ على متوسط معدل نمو سنوي بنحو 10%، وسيزداد عدد المطارات لكل مليون كيلومتر مربع بشكل كبير، وستزيد المؤشرات المختلفة، مثل كثافة الرحلات وحركة الركاب بسرعة، وستعزز الصين موقعها كسوق مهم للطيران في العالم.
China has rejected a United States proposal for Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to meet with his Chinese counterpart Li Shangfu at the Shangri-La Dialogue Security Forum in Singapore this week, according to a Pentagon statement.
China’s opposition to the meeting comes amid strained relations between the two countries following former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to the self-governing island of Taiwan last August and the US’ decision to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon that transited over sensitive US military sites in February.
In the statement, the Pentagon said China had declined an invitation extended in early May for a meeting, but said the refusal would not deter the US from seeking better lines of communication.
“The PRC’s concerning unwillingness to engage in meaningful military-to-military discussions will not diminish the Department of Defense’s commitment to seeking open lines of communication with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) at multiple levels as part of responsibly managing the relationship,” Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder in the statement.
In response, the Chinese Embassy in the US questioned the sincerity and significance of the invitation, pointing to US sanctions imposed on Chinese officials, institutions and companies.
The statement did not specifically call out US sanctions against Li, which were imposed in 2018 by the administration of former president Donald Trump over China’s purchase of Russian weapons, including a Su-35 combat aircraft and a S-400 surface-to-air missile system.
The US has imposed a range of sanctions on China in recent years for a variety of reasons including alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang and restrictions on political freedoms in Hong Kong.
In the statement, Chinese Embassy spokesman Liu Pengyu said “China always firmly opposes illegal unilateral sanctions and has made clear its stern position to the US side.”
“The US side should immediately lift sanctions and take concrete actions to remove obstacles, create favorable atmosphere and conditions for dialogue and communication,” he added.
32The Wall Street Journal first reported China’s refusal to participate in a meeting between the defense chiefs.
Austin told CNN earlier this year that he had not spoken to his Chinese counterpart in “months,” and China has continued to rebuff requests for meetings and phone calls, defense officials said.
“This is far from the first time that the PRC has rejected invitations to communicate from the Secretary, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or other Department officials,” a defense official said.
“Frankly, it’s just the latest in a litany of excuses. Since 2021, the PRC has declined or failed to respond to over a dozen requests from the Department of Defense for key leader engagements, multiple requests for standing dialogues, and nearly ten working-level engagements,” he added.
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has declared victory in his country’s presidential election, extending his rule into a third decade.
In his first comments since the polls closed on Sunday, Erdogan spoke to supporters on a campaign bus outside his home in Istanbul.
“I thank each member of our nation for entrusting me with the responsibility to govern this country once again for the upcoming five years,” said Erdogan, the leader of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party).
He ridiculed his challenger, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, for his loss, saying “bye bye bye, Kemal,” as supporters booed.
“The only winner today is Turkey,” Erdogan said, after unofficial results gave him the win in the second round of voting.
The Undersecretary of the Palestinian Ministry of Social Development, Assem Khamis, said all 170 Palestinian children who are currently imprisoned by Israel have been subjected to various forms of abuse and torture.
Speaking before the regional conference on preventing grave violations against children in armed conflicts held in the Qatari capital, Doha, on Sunday, Khamis said since 2005 until 2022, Israel has detained 7,500 Palestinian children, adding that the State of Palestine is keen to protect all children from any activity that leads to their involvement in armed conflicts, especially children who have previously been arrested by the Israeli occupation.
“The Israeli occupation seeks, in a permanent and continuous attempt, to obstruct the lives of the Palestinian children, and targets them with arrests, harassment, and expose them to violence and threats,” he said.
He called to hold Israel; the occupying state, accountable for violations related to children’s rights before international courts, in addition to supporting the Ministry of Development to be able to protect, care and rehabilitate Palestinian children.
Khamis has also called to support international organisations and Palestinian institutions that document the Israeli violations of children’s rights, in addition to providing support, assistance, and participation in the Palestinian Child Conference, which will soon be hosted by the Kingdom of Jordan.
The Arab League has also called on the international community to intervene and work seriously to stop Israeli violations against Palestinian children, and to ensure the protection of their rights and safety.
Israeli settlers on Monday relocated a Jewish religious school originally established on private Palestinian land in the illegal outpost of Homesh to nearby state-owned land.
Settlers have long campaigned for a yeshiva to be established in the area, and the latest move is part of an incremental effort by the government to legalise the Homesh settlement, built deep inside the occupied West Bank.
Earlier this year, Israeli lawmakers approved a controversial piece of legislation that would allow four abandoned Jewish settlements in the West Bank – Homesh, Sa-Nur, Ganim and Kadim – to be re-established after they were dismantled in 2005.
Monday’s steps to tentatively re-establish the settlement was made with the approval of Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, and was given the green light by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Israeli military is allowing settlers to enter and exit Homesh freely, but journalists have been blocked from reporting on the construction efforts, according to Haaretz.
The government is working on rolling back elements of then-prime minister Ariel Sharon’s plan for disengagement from Gaza, which saw the four Israeli settlements in the West Bank also evacuated.
The attorney general’s West Bank office has opposed the relocation of the school and reiterated that the move to re-establish the Homesh settlement was illegal.
The government ordered the military to no longer prevent settlers from entering Homesh and to provide security. The military, however, decided not to assist in constructing the new outpost until its legality is clarified.
Military officials speaking anonymously to Haaretz expressed frustration with the government’s conduct, given that its instructions have been increasingly difficult to justify, even within Israeli law.
The Shomron Regional Council, which includes Homesh, has obtained permission from Israel’s governing body in the West Bank, the Civil Administration, to plan construction work but it was not granted permission to start building.
“This is a holiday. An important day in the history of the state of Israel. A day when historical justice was done for one of the greatest injustices in this country to the Land of Israel and to Israeli citizens,” Yossi Dagan, Shomron Regional Council chairman, said during a visit to the site of the yeshiva in Homesh.
‘Reward to serious criminals’
The Yesh Din organisation, which provides legal advice to Palestinian landowners, said following the decision that “instead of evacuating the outpost immediately, Israel is giving a reward to serious criminals”.
According to Yesh Din, the new location of the yeshiva “still doesn’t allow Palestinians to reach their land and [further] continues their dispossession”.
The right-wing National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, whose party co-authored the bill, welcomed the move, describing it as a “historic moment”.
The legislation is one of a series actions by Netanyahu’s far-right government that have dealt a blow to Palestinian hopes for statehood and is likely to raise tensions that are already at a boiling point.
Netanyahu’s government is dominated by settler leaders and allies who seek to promote settlement activity in occupied Palestinian territory. Now Israeli settlers can potentially re-establish the four illegal settlements.
The settlement of Homesh is one of the most politically charged and symbolic hilltops in the West Bank.
In recent years it has become a cause celebre amongst settlers seeking to establish Jewish supremacy over the whole West Bank territory.
For many settlers, it is also a means of establishing their religious arguments that no part of the land shall be off limits, as well as fulfilling a decades-long idea of grabbing as many hilltops as possible in a bid to establish “facts on the ground”.
Despite not being allowed to establish a permanent presence in Homesh, settlers, often guarded by Israeli soldiers, have regularly flaunted their presence on the hilltop.
Whether establishing tents, religious schools and even parties on religious holidays, their presence has symbolised a vivid display of power and force that they will not allow politicians to give any concessions on settlements.
في شهر فبراير الماضي، زار الرئيس البرازيلي لولا دا سيلفا، الولايات المتحدة الأميركية برفقة وفد “صغير” ولمدة يوم واحد، وعقد مباحثات مع الرئيس جو بايدن، ركزت على قضايا الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان وأزمة المناخ والعلاقات التجارية، دون الإعلان عن اتفاقات أو صفقات مشتركة.
على الجانب الآخر، وفي شهر أبريل الماضي زار دا سيلفا الصين، حيث استغرقت زيارته ثلاثة أيام برفقة وفد أوسع ضم عشرات من قادة الأعمال وحكام الولايات. كانت حصيلة تلك الزيارة نحو 20 اتفاقية بقيمة 10 مليارات دولار.
تعكس هذه المقارنة حقيقة تصاعد النفوذ الصيني في أميركا اللاتينية، وهي واحدة من أهم المناطق الاستراتيجية بالنسبة للولايات المتحدة، والتي عادة ما توصف بكونها “الحديقة الخلفية لواشنطن”، في مقابل تراجع أميركي واضح عن تلك المنطقة، وإحجام عن عديد من الصفقات التجارية والاستثمارية من جانب شركات أميركية وأوروبية، وبما يعزز من حضور الصين في واحدة من ساحات الحرب الباردة الجديدة بين القوى الكبرى.
ومن البرازيل حيث دا سيلفا الذي قال إنه لا يمكن لأحد عرقلة علاقات بلاده مع بكين، إلى “الإكوادور” التي ضربت هي الأخرى نموذجاً واضح الدلالة على حجم الحضور الصيني. فقد وقعت كيتو أخيراً صفقة تجارية مع الصين، كما سبق وأن حصلت على 1.4 مليار دولار من بكين العام الماضي لتخفيف الدين.
تجربة الإكوادور مع الصين
تقرير لصحيفة “فاينانشال تايمز” البريطانية اعتبر أن تجربة “الإكوادور” مع الصين “تُظهر كيف تخاطر الولايات المتحدة والدول الغربية الأخرى بفقدان المزيد من الأرض في أميركا اللاتينية لصالح بكين، ما لم تتمكن واشنطن من تقديم فرص تجارية واستثمارية أفضل”.
▪ تعد الصين أكبر شريك تجاري لأميركا اللاتينية. ▪ ارتفعت التجارة الصينية مع دول أميركا اللاتينية من 12 مليار دولار في العام 2000 إلى 495 مليار دولار في العام 2022. ▪ أبرمت شيلي وكوستاريكا وبيرو اتفاقيات تجارة حرة مع بكين، ووقعت الإكوادور اتفاقها هذا الشهر، كما تخطط بنما وأوروغواي لاتفاقيات أخرى. ▪ ومع ذلك، استبعدت الإدارة الأميركية الاتفاقيات التجارية الجديدة، ما أحبط دول أميركا اللاتينية. ▪ كما أمضى الاتحاد الأوروبي 20 عاماً في التفاوض على اتفاقية تجارة حرة مع كتلة أميركا الجنوبية ميركوسور لكنه لم يصادق عليها بعد.
وبينما تسعى الصين لتعزيز نفوذها في هذه المنطقة ذات الأهمية الاستراتيجية بالنسبة لها في سياق المنافسة الاقتصادية والسياسية مع الولايات المتحدة، فإن الأخيرة تُخاطر بخسارة المزيد من مناطق النفوذ، باتخاذ خطوات للوراء، عبّرت عنها بشكل واضح سلسلة الانسحابات من جانب بعض الشركات الأوروبية والأميركية من المنطقة، بينما ينتهز الصينيون الفرصة كبديل مناسب.
▪ قطاعات عديدة شهدت انسحاب الاستثمارات الأميركية والغربية من أميركا اللاتينية، من بينها (الطاقة المتجددة والمعادن الرئيسية). ▪ شركة Duke Energy (شركة أميركية قابضة للغاز الطبيعي والطاقة الكهربائية، مقرها الرئيسي في شارلوت بولاية نورث كارولينا) باعت 10 سدود لتوليد الطاقة الكهرومائية في البرازيل لشركة Three Gorges Power الصينية في 2016، لتركز الأولى على السوق المحلية. ▪ شركة Nutrien الكندية باعت حصتها البالغة 24 بالمئة في شركة SQM في تشيلي، وهي أحد أكبر منتجي الليثيوم في العالم، إلى شركة صينية في العام 2018. ▪ شركة Enel الإيطالية أعلنت الشهر الماضي عن أنها ستبيع أصولها مقابل 2.9 مليار دولار لشبكة الطاقة الصينية الجنوبية. ▪ باعت شركة Naturgy الإسبانية شركة توزيع الطاقة في تشيلي للصينيين في العام 2020. ▪ فورد تدرس بيع أحد مصانعها هناك لشركة BYD الصينية لتصنيع السيارات الكهربائية.
حرص لاتيني على توسيع التحالفات
الاستاذ في الجامعة الأميركية بواشنطن، المتخصص في سياسة الولايات المتحدة في أميركا اللاتينية، إريك هيرشبرغ، يقول في تصريحات خاصة لموقع “اقتصاد سكاي نيوز عربية”: “بغض النظر عما إذا كانت لديها اتفاقيات تجارية مع الولايات المتحدة، فإن حكومات أميركا اللاتينية ستظل في معظمها حريصة على توسيع العلاقات الاقتصادية مع الصين”.
▪ الولايات المتحدة الأميركية لديها فعلياً ستة اتفاقيات تجارة حرة حالية. ▪ تغطي الاتفاقيات الستة 12 دولة في أميركا الجنوبية. ▪ تفتقر تلك الاتفاقيات إلى إطار عمل مشترك، الأمر الذي قاد لمجموعة من الإشكاليات. ▪ النائب الأول لمساعد وزير الخارجية الأميركي، ريكاردو زونيغا، سبق وأن قال إنه “لا يوجد دعم لتوسيع اتفاقيات التجارة الحرة”. ▪ حذر مكتب واشنطن لمجلس الأميركتين (مجموعة أعمال إقليمية) من تبعات عدم وجود أجندة تجارية أميركية نشطة لأميركا اللاتينية. وذكر أن واشنطن لا تنافس هناك بشكل فعال، بحسب تقرير الصحيفة البريطانية.
وحول ما إذا كانت العلاقات (الصينية- اللاتينية) من شأنها أن تؤثر على نفوذ واشنطن هناك وعلى مصالحها الاقتصادية، يقول هيرشبرغ: “لا، ليس في الغالب، على الرغم من أن بعض صانعي السياسة الأميركيين يعتقدون بذلك بالفعل”.
▪ استطاعت الصين من جانبها أن تُحقق مزيداً من الاختراقات المؤثرة من خلال سلسلة التمويلات التي تُقدمها لدول المنطقة. ▪ استهدفت تلك التمويلات في المقام الأول “البنية التحتية”، من خلال بناء طرق وجسور ومطارات. ▪ أكثر من 136 مليار دولار قدمتها بكين لحكومات أميركا اللاتينية والشركات الحكومية هناك منذ العام 2005. ▪ أكثر من 20 دولة من أميركا ومنطقة البحر الكاريبي مُنضمة لمبادرة الحزام والطريق الصينية.
بينما على الجانب الآخر، فإن تركيز واشنطن، طبقاً لتقرير الفاينانشال تايمز، كان على ملفات الفساد والديمقراطية والبيئة وحقوق الإنسان ومخاطر التعامل مع الصين. فيما تعهدت مبادرة البوابة العالمية للاتحاد الأوروبي، بتقديم 3.5 مليار دولار “فقط” لأميركا اللاتينية.
من بين نقاط الحديث بين الولايات المتحدة وأمريكا اللاتينية ، طلب لتجنب شبكات الهاتف 5G التي بنتها شركة هواوي الصينية، والتي تفرضها واشنطن عقوبات عليها – لكن البدائل الأمريكية والأوروبية لهواوي غالباً ما تكون أكثر تكلفة.
مسرح تنافس بين القوى الكبرى
وإلى ذلك، يشير الباحث في العلاقات الدولية بجامعة محمد الخامس بالرباط، المتخصص في شؤون أميركا اللاتينية، محمد عطيف، في تصريحات خاصة لموقع “اقتصاد سكاي نيوز عربية”: “إن منطقة أميركا اللاتينية هي مسرح تنافس بين القوى الكبرى، لا سيما الولايات المتحدة والصين، وفي ضوء التغيرات التي تشهدها منظومة الاقتصاد العالمي، تتسارع وتيرة تلك المنافسة من أجل بسط النفوذ والاستحواذ على أسواق تلك المنطقة كما يحدث في مناطق أخرى في أفريقيا وآسيا”.
ويتابع: “تُعد أميركا اللاتينية الحديقة الخلفية للولايات المتحدة، وتمثل أهمية استراتيجية خاصة (..)”، موضحاً أن الاقتصاد يمثل الركيزة الأساسية للسياسة الخارجية لدول المنطقة، والتي تحظى بتبادلات اقتصادية مختلفة مع عددٍ من الأطراف الإقليمية والدولية، في وقت تسعى فيه الولايات المتحدة لبسط نفوذها الاقتصادي، لكنها تصطدم بالصين كقوة عظمى تحاول هي الأخرى تعزيز نفوذها من خلال إبرام عديد من الاتفاقات مع الدول اللاتينية.
ويضيف عطيف: “تضم أميركا الجنوبية مجموعة من الدول التي تحظى بمكانة اقتصادية مُهمة، كالأرجنتين وتشيلي والمكسيك وحتى البرازيل”، موضحاً أن بكين تربطها علاقات وطيدة مع بعض تلك الدول لمزاحمة واشنطن في هذا الصدد وإبعادها عن المنطقة في سياق التنافس الاستراتيجي بين القوتين، مستدلاً على ذلك بتكتل “البريكس” الذي تشارك فيه البرازيل إلى جانب الصين (وهو التكتل الذي ينافس مجموعة السبع).
ويوضح المتخصص في شؤون أميركا اللاتينية، في معرض حديثه مع “اقتصاد سكاي نيوز عربية” أن ثمة تغيرات في التوجهات السياسية الخارجية لبعض دول المنطقة، بحيث تحاول أن تقوم بربط علاقاتها الاقتصادية مع الصين (باعتبار الاقتصاد المحرك الرئيسي، بعيداً عن المعايير السياسية)، وبحكم أن بكين قوة استراتيجية هائلة، وترى دول لاتينية أن المستقبل مع الصين والتي قد يكون لها مكان الريادة الاقتصادية، وبالتالي يأتي الانفتاح اللاتيني على بكين للاستفادة من التجارب الاقتصادية للأخيرة من الناحية التنموية وغيرها من الأمور، وهناك عديد من الشركات الصينية التي تستثمر في المنطقة.
وبينما كانت الصين تستثمر بشكل كبير وتبني العلاقات التجارية ، أطلقت الولايات المتحدة مبادرة تلو الأخرى، ولكن دون جدوى. وفي غضون ذلك ، يحاول القادة الأوروبيون معالجة ما يقرب من عقد من الإهمال من خلال عقد قمة مع رؤساء أمريكا اللاتينية في يوليو. لكن الصحيفة البريطانية نقلت عن أحد الدبلوماسيين في الاتحاد الأوروبي، قوله: “إذا فشلنا فقد لا تكون هناك قمة أخرى.. إنها فرصة أخيرة لإعادة إطلاق العلاقة “.
Last February, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine came as a shock for European leaders. Now, chastened and newly conscious of geopolitical risk, the same politicians are starting to sour on China. The China-Europe relationship will not go entirely off the rails this year because most European capitals are reluctant to sign on to an American China policy that they see as unnecessarily combative. In the longer term, however, it seems inevitable that the once-friendly relationship between the world’s second and third-largest economies will turn frosty.
European politicians are not just blaming China for supporting Russia’s war effort. They are staking out an ambitious agenda, coordinated with Washington, to “de-risk” the economic and technological relationship with Beijing. Thanks to structural economic factors, skillful American diplomacy, and Chinese diplomatic incompetence, the breakdown in the relationship is poised to accelerate.
China’s cozy relationship with Europe was forged in the Eurozone crisis of the early 2010s. German carmakers, French engineering firms, and Italian clothing brands flooded into China’s vast and fast-growing market. Smaller economies in Europe’s south and east, such as Greece and the Czech Republic, looked to China for foreign direct investment. From the perspective of Europe’s powerful business groups, the profits to be made in China were worth the onerous joint-venture requirements and risk of intellectual property theft. Expanding trade with China was not just profitable; in most European countries it was extremely popular with voters.
This was why the China-Europe relationship seemed resilient, even as U.S. policy towards China began to turn hawkish during the Trump administration. Under pressure from NGOs and civil rights groups, European politicians periodically complained about China’s human rights policies, but these disputes were largely performative. Tensions began to simmer during the COVID-19 pandemic, as negotiations over a proposed investment agreement broke down amidst European concerns about forced labor in Xinjiang and surveys showed European voters losing confidence in China. Yet business interests made sure that the change in public sentiment did not translate into a change in policy. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel enthusiastically embraced a China policy known as Wandel durch Handel (“change through trade”), through the very end of her term in office in December 2021 — the idea being that the more China was exposed to Western values through economic interactions, the more liberal and open it would become.
All this changed on February 24, 2022. China’s refusal to condemn Vladimir Putin alienated EU leaders from Beijing from the outset of the war. While China has so far resisted sending lethal weapons to Russia, it has provided vast quantities of dual-use equipment, including drones and chips that the Russian military uses to target Ukrainian positions on the frontline. By highlighting the China-Russia partnership, the war has also linked the geopolitics of the European and Pacific regions more closely than at any time since the Cold War. Japan’s foreign minister said last week that the country is in talks to open a NATO office. The conflict has also forced Europeans to acknowledge the risk that China may attack Taiwan, leading to a war with even greater economic fallout than the one in Ukraine.
… Europe will seek to deter Beijing from changing the status quo by force, knowing that this would inevitably lead to war with global economic consequences.
To be sure, U.S. and European interests on China policy are not perfectly aligned. Most European countries have released strategies for the “Indo-Pacific” region, but the bloc’s interests there are more economic than geopolitical in nature. As French President Emmanuel Macron remarked in a controversial April interview in Beijing, European countries have neither the interest nor the intention to intervene in a potential conflict over Taiwan.
However, both sides of the Atlantic share an interest in reducing their vulnerability to Chinese coercion and unfair competition, and to deterring Beijing from destabilizing Asia as Russia has destabilized Eastern Europe. As Macron reiterated in the same interview, Europe is a trading economy and has a keen interest in peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. This means that Europe will seek to deter Beijing from changing the status quo by force, knowing that this would inevitably lead to war with global economic consequences.
Meanwhile, across the bloc, holding pro-China positions is increasingly a political liability. In Italy, populist Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said last week that she intends to withdraw from the Belt and Road Initiative. In Germany, Merkel’s center-right Christian Democrats, currently in opposition, have fully repudiated her Wandel durch Handel policy, overriding resistance from their supporters in the business community. The next time Germany holds elections, conservative parties plan to attack Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a Social Democrat, as too soft on China.
In Central and Eastern Europe, which until two years ago were some of China’s closest partners in Europe, the change has been even more profound. Several have sent delegations to Taiwan, leading to trade disputes with Beijing. Czech President Petr Pavel dismissed Xi Jinping’s offer to broker negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, saying that China does not have an interest in peace. China’s ambassador to France Lu Shaye did not help matters last month when he remarked that post-Soviet EU member states “have no effective status in international law.” (Lu has since retracted the comment.) As Gabrielius Landsbergis, Lithuania’s foreign minister, commented on Twitter: “If anyone is still wondering why the Baltic States don’t trust China” to broker peace, they need look no further.
These political shifts have created space for the European Commission, led by President Ursula von der Leyen, to push for a unified European policy on China. Von der Leyen is seeking re-election next spring and is courting the bloc’s smaller member states by proposing to “de-risk” the economic relationship. Last week, the Commission proposed sanctioning several Chinese entities suspected of aiding Russia’s war efforts. In the coming weeks, it will propose a new outbound investment screening regulation targeting venture capital and niche sectors. It is also preparing ambitious strategies to reduce dependence on China for “strategic” supply chains. More detail was announced at the G7 conference in Hiroshima earlier this month. De-risking is both rhetorically softer and more precise than the concept of economic “decoupling” favored by the Trump administration. For von der Leyen, however, it is clearly a euphemism for aligning Europe’s economy more closely with the U.S. — on the basis of a shared assessment that China is a “systemic rival” that cannot be trusted.
China has responded by doubling down on its partnership with Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s right-wing populist prime minister. Orbán is notorious for regularly holding the rest of the EU hostage on foreign-policy decisions, which require unanimity from the bloc’s 27 leaders. In 2022, Chinese EV-battery maker CATL announced that it would invest 7 billion euros into a new plant in Hungary. Beijing may believe that by cultivating economic ties with Orbán, it will be able to sway the EU’s foreign policy process in its favor. However, the Ukraine war has demonstrated that Orbán cannot resist the collective will of the rest of the European bloc on essential foreign policy issues. His vetoes have delayed sanctions packages against Russia and aid disbursement to Ukraine, but they have not prevented them altogether. The fundamental reason is that Europe has much more leverage over Hungary than China does. In 2020, investors in EU countries accounted for nearly 60 percent of inward FDI stock in Hungary. Chinese investors’ share was below 3 percent, according to the Hungarian National Bank.
Akey reason for the transition in Europe’s approach is that its trading relationship with China no longer offers the clear-cut benefits it did just a few years ago. As Chinese manufacturers have moved up the value chain, they are increasingly competing with European firms in the same markets. In 2016, Europe’s trade deficit in goods with China was 145 billion euros. Last year, that figure had more than doubled, to 396 billion. Some of this change can be explained by depressed demand for European consumer goods as Chinese buyers were stuck home due to government-mandated lockdowns. But there is another, structural driver that will outlive the now-defunct zero-COVID policy: Chinese firms are purchasing fewer high-tech goods from Europe, thanks to Chinese rules-of-origin requirements that have incentivized Chinese producers to substitute imports of precision parts with domestically made alternatives.
Nowhere is competition intensifying faster than in the auto industry, where Chinese makers are becoming global exporters for the first time. Beijing has been using regulations and generous consumer subsidies to support mass adoption of EVs since the early 2010s; Brussels did not follow suit until the pandemic. As a result, European carmakers, once at the cutting edge of the auto industry, failed to take the EV transition seriously until very recently, and are now lagging behind technologically. Thus, Chinese brands are beginning to crowd out European competitors as drivers across the bloc stop buying combustion-engine cars. In 2022, over 20 percent of new EU-registered autos were electric or hybrid, up from just 3 percent in 2019. Other obstacles that previously limited Chinese cars’ attractiveness to European drivers seem to have vanished: BYD and other Chinese brands now regularly perform well on European safety tests and have a growing presence at trade shows. In February 2023, the value of Chinese car imports into the EU hit 1.9 billion euros — an increase of 144 percent over January 2019. Chinese purchases of German-made cars are up just 12 percent in the same period.
The evolving dynamics in the EU-China relationship present a strategic opportunity for Washington, which the Biden administration is working deftly to exploit.
Brussels’ definition of economic “de-risking” will inevitably be narrower and more gradualist than Washington’s. Protectionism is philosophically anathema in an economic bloc whose origins lie in the elimination of trade barriers. It also opens up the possibility of retaliation from Beijing. In the near-term, pushback from industries that are still doing well out of the trade relationship, such as French and Italian luxury-goods firms, will limit the political space to impose radical countermeasures. In the longer term, however, the interests of European carmakers and clothing brands will diverge ever more clearly — and at that point, it is all-but-certain that the former will win out. Auto production is the beating heart of the European political economy, making up more than 10 percent of GDP in many Central European countries. Moreover, European producers of other strategically or economically crucial industrial goods are also likely to notice China’s cooling demand for their exports, even if it takes years for this frustration to translate into restrictions on imports of Chinese cars or other industrial goods.
The evolving dynamics in the EU-China relationship present a strategic opportunity for Washington, which the Biden administration is working deftly to exploit. European publics want a tougher line on China. European corporates will soon realize that a once-lucrative export market is now turning out formidable competitors, both at home and abroad. European leaders want to reduce their exposure to a potential crisis over Taiwan, which could be even more economically disruptive than the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, European institutions are relying on U.S. leadership to maintain unity and support for Ukraine’s war effort. This constellation of factors has opened avenues for enhanced transatlantic cooperation.
في الأيام الأخيرة، قال مدير وكالة المخابرات المركزية وليام بيرنز إن الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ يعدّ قواته لغزو تايوان في عام 2027، فكيف سيدافع التايوانيون عن أنفسهم في حالة إنزال صيني على شواطئهم؟ وهل تجرؤ واشنطن على الدخول في مواجهة مباشرة مع العملاق الصيني؟ وكيف ستكون تلك المعركة الدامية المروعة إذا لم يلجأ أي من العملاقين إلى السلاح النووي؟ هذا ما حاول بحث في معهد “ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا” تقييم جميع فرضياته.
وفي تقرير له عن هذا الموضوع، يبدأ نائب رئيس تحرير الشؤون الدولية بصحيفة لوتان (Le Temps) السويسرية جوليان بيرون بأحد السيناريوهات المحتملة قائلا “فشل الغزو.. وتم القضاء على الأسطول البرمائي الصيني، ودُحر جنود جيش التحرير الشعبي الصيني الذين تمكنوا من الوصول إلى البر التايواني، وبدت الجزيرة مدمرة جزئيًا ولكنها حرة..”.
ويتابع “تمكنت الولايات المتحدة الأميركية من الوفاء بتعهداتها، إذ هبّت لنجدة الجزيرة المتمردة منذ بداية الإنزال الصيني، وكان النصر حليفها في هذه المواجهة المباشرة الأولى من نوعها مع بكين، وأسكتت بذلك أولئك الذين تجرؤوا على التشكيك في تفوقها العسكري في مواجهة صعود الجيش الصيني”.
لكن بأي ثمن؟ يتساءل بيرون ليرد بما قدره في أوائل عام 2023 مركز الدراسات الإستراتيجية والدولية (CSIS)، وهو أحد أشهر مراكز الأبحاث في أميركا، لحجم الخسائر البشرية والمادية، حيث يقول إن الثمن سيكون باهظا ولا يصدق. ففي غضون أيام قليلة من المعركة حول تايوان وفي غرب المحيط الهادي، تكون البحرية الأميركية قد أغرقت أكثر من 100 سفينة صينية لكنها فقدت بين 10 و20 سفينة، منها حاملتا طائرات و4 غواصات فضلا عن تعطيل مئات من المقاتلات الأميركية وقتل عشرات الآلاف من الجنود الأميركيين، بل التدمير الجزئي للقواعد الأميركية في المنطقة وتخييم جو بيرل هاربور على جزيرة غوام حيث تتناثر جثث مشاة البحرية الأميركية وسط ركام طائرات “إف-35” (F-35) المتفحمة.
ويعلق الكاتب هنا بأن هذه الصورة قد تبدو مروعة بل بعيدة الاحتمال، ومع ذلك فإن هذا هو أفضل السيناريوهات إذا قررت بكين الاستيلاء على الجزيرة بالقوة واستجابت واشنطن لطلب تايبيه بالتدخل إلى جانبها، وفقا للمركز المذكور آنفا.
ويلاحظ الكاتب أن معدّي هذه الدراسة استبعدوا فرضيتين هما استخدام الأسلحة النووية من قبل أحد المتحاربين وكذلك هجوم أميركي كبير على الصين القارية. وقد اقتصر التقرير على دراسة للنزاع حول تايوان بعد محاولة إنزال صينية، وكانت النتيجة هي أنه من 22 من السيناريوهات الـ24 لهذه “اللعبة الحربية” تمخض الصراع عن انتصار التحالف الذي شكلته الولايات المتحدة وتايوان واليابان وذلك على الرغم من الخسائر الكبيرة.
ويضيف بيرون أن الخبراء الأميركيين يعتقدون أن احتمال نشوب صراع مفتوح بين القوتين العظميين “قائم” من الآن حتى عام 2027، وترى هذه الدراسة أن مثل تلك المواجهة ستمثل لبكين رهانًا محفوفًا بالمخاطر لا يصدق.
لكنها تحذر واشنطن من مغبة الانتشاء بمثل نتيجة تلك المعركة، فالمنتصر في الصراع ليس بالضرورة من ينتصر في ساحة المعركة، حسب قول هؤلاء الباحثين.
ويتساءل الكاتب قائلا: “ما هو الاستفزاز؟ أو ما الخطوة الصينية التي يمكن أن تدفع واشنطن إلى الانخراط أكثر في الوضع الراهن في مضيق تايوان؟”، ليجيب بأن ذلك غدا من علم الغيب منذ أن فشل الخط الأحمر للرئيس الأميركي باراك أوباما في سوريا، إذ لم يجرؤ أي مسؤول أميركي على استخدام هذا التعبير بعد ذلك.
وتحذر الدراسة واشنطن من أن نصرا باهظ الثمن سيضعفها على المدى البعيد، ويمكن لجميع القوى المعادية للغرب، ومنها روسيا وإيران وكوريا الشمالية، أن تستغل الحرب الصينية الأميركية لتقدم بيادقها وتزيد من زعزعة استقرار النظام الأميركي، والأدهى والأمرّ هو أن الصين يتوقع لها أن تتعافى في وقت أسرع من الولايات المتحدة.
ولتوضيح ذلك، يقول التقرير إن البحرية الصينية أصبحت الأكبر في العالم منذ أوائل عام 2020. ويقدر تقرير حديث للبنتاغون أن بكين ستمتلك 400 سفينة بحلول عام 2024 مقارنة بأقل من 300 سفينة للبحرية الأميركية، والأسوأ من ذلك أن قدرة بكين على التجديد أعلى من قدرة الأميركيين بكثير.
وهذا ما جعل الدراسة تصل إلى خلاصة مفادها أن أميركا ليست لديها مصلحة في دخول حرب مع الصين، رغم أن كل المؤشرات تظهر أنها إن فعلت فستنتصر فيها، لكن أنى لها أن تستفيد من موقعها المهيمن دون الاضطرار إلى اللجوء إلى القوة.
هذه هي المعضلة التي تقول الدراسة إن واشنطن تواجهها في تعاملها مع أحداث مضيق تايوان التي يوفر لها مركز الدراسات الإستراتيجية والدولية إجابة واضحة ودقيقة هي “الردع”، على حد تعبير بيرون.
ثمة اتفاق بين الحزبين الجمهوري والديمقراطي على أن على الإدارة الأميركية أن تكون أكثر حزما مع بكين، وثمة تدهور كبير لصورة الصين في الأوساط الأميركية في السنوات الأخيرة، إذ كان لدى نصف الأميركيين في عام 2018 رأي إيجابي عن الصين ولم تعد تلك النسبة تتجاوز 15% فقط في استطلاع حديث لمعهد غالوب.
وهذا ما جعل بيرون يتساءل: “هل يمكن لمناخ عدم الثقة العام في الصين أن يقود واشنطن إلى مواجهة عسكرية مع بكين؟ أم هل تستمر لغة التهدئة التي بدأت تتزايد في الأسابيع الأخيرة بين الطرفين؟”.
The traffic was barely moving on March 16 in central Jenin, an unusually busy Thursday afternoon in the West Bank. With the holy month of Ramadan just days away, restaurants were full and shoppers wove between cars as they hustled from store to store.
A father pushed a stroller past a silver sedan. Inside the car, Israeli undercover agents were in place, waiting to carry out an operation against two Palestinian militants who were walking nearby. Omar Awadin, age 14, pedaled by on his bicycle, having just completed his last errand of the day.
Moments later, four plainclothes security forces burst from a second silver sedan nearby in pursuit of the militants and opened fire.
Such scenes are increasingly common in the West Bank, where more than 3 million Palestinians live under Israeli military occupation and a new generation of militants has risen to prominence. Israel says raids like this one are vital to disrupting terrorist networks and protecting its citizens from attack; Palestinian officials say they are war crimes that should be referred to the International Criminal Court.
Israeli military operations have long been a fixture of life here, but they once happened mostly at night, and usually ended in apprehensions. This year, under the most right-wing government in Israeli history, a growing number of incursions have been carried out during the day, in densely packed urban areas such as Jenin. As of May 15, 108 Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including militants and civilians,had been killed by Israeli forces, according to the United Nations, more than double last year’s toll from the same period. At least 19 were children — including Omar, who was fatally shot during the raid in Jenin.
The Washington Post synchronized 15 videos and reviewed dozens more from March 16, including CCTV footage from surrounding businesses, some of which took nearly a month to surface. The Post also spoke to nine witnesses and obtained testimonies from four others to produce a 3D reconstruction of the raid.
The analysis yielded three key findings:
Israeli forces killed Omar. Israeli authorities have not publicly commented on his death.
Omar was among at least 16 civilians in the area as the officers charged down the street with AR-style rifles and a handgun, firing more than 20 shots and killing the two militants, neither of whom was visibly armed. Israeli authorities referred to the militants as “armed suspects” in an initial statement but provided no evidence to support their claim.
One of the militants was shot multiple times by Israeli forces after he was incapacitated — an apparent extrajudicial execution that experts said could violate Israeli law.
The Post’s 3D reconstruction shows civilians in the street as Israeli officers opened fire
Omar Awadin
The raid additionally appeared to violate an international ban on extrajudicial killings, experts consulted by The Postsaid, arguing that the illegality was magnified by the fact that the militants appeared to pose no imminent threat, coupled with the presence of so many civilians.
The raid was conducted by Yamam, the elite unit of Israel’s border police that focuses on counterterrorism operations, including raids in civilian areas.
Dean Elsdunne, a spokesman for the Israeli police, said that security forces were in the area to “apprehend terrorists responsible for shooting attacks on IDF soldiers, some production of bombs and other terrorist activities.”
In response to initial questions about Omar, Israeli police said in an email to The Post that “the subject of your inquiry took an active part in the violent riot while endangering the lives of the troops.” It’s unclear what riot they were referring to, but the visual evidence reviewed by The Post showed no such riot before the shootings took place.
The police declined to review The Post’s evidence or to respond to follow-up questions.
Previously unreported files from the trove of classified U.S. documents recently leaked online through the Discord messaging platform highlight mounting American concerns that Israeli incursions in the West Bank — including a Feb. 22 raid in Nablus where Israeli troops fired into a group of civilians — would jeopardize international efforts to de-escalate violence in the region.
One secret assessment of a March 7 raid in Jenin warned that it “will almost certainly prompt Palestinian militants to retaliate.”
The raid
Omar spent the day of March 16 delivering packages for his father’s medical supply shop. At about 3:10 p.m., he dropped off his last package at a nearby pharmacy, CCTV footage obtained by The Post shows.
The eldest of the family’s three children and the only boy, Omar was exceptionally kind, his mother recalled, always trying to include other children who did not have the same advantages. He loved to joke around and would go swimming or hiking on his days off.
After leaving the shop, he cycled past his father, who was driving in the opposite direction. “We met by chance,” his father, Mohammad Awadin, said. “He asked for 10 shekels to buy some clothes, but there was a police officer behind me so I couldn’t stop.”
As Omar made his way back to his father’s shop, the raid began.
Just a few feet away from him, two Palestinian militants — Nidal Khazem, 28, and Yousef Shreim, 29 — walked side by side along the street. Khazem and Shreim passed the second silver sedan, now stopped in traffic, where Yamam agents were waiting.
Shreim found his balance and continued to run, video shows. As he turned a corner, another barrage of gunfire followed. Israeli forces fired at least five times after he was first hit, video shows. His body visibly convulsed with the additional fire.
The officers then retreated back toward their vehicle. Two — one holding a handgun, the other a rifle — crouched down next to Khazem’s body and shot him in the head at point-blank range.
The Post blurred sections of the video because of its graphic nature.
Roughly 25 yards away, Omar lay on his side and rolled to his stomach.
“I went to Omar and asked him what is wrong,” said Abdallah Abahrah, owner of the cosmetics shop on the block. “He said, ‘I fell.’ I asked him if he was hit; he said ‘no.’ We had a conversation.”
There was no blood around Omar, Abahrah recalled. But then his face began to turn yellow and the area around his eyes took on a bluish hue. “I was holding his hands and they started to feel as cold as ice,” Abahrah said.
Abahrah and another man turned him over and saw he had been shot in his back. As they tried to help him, one of the cars carrying Israeli forces drove by.
No ambulance could reach the scene because of the traffic and the chaos that followed the raid, Abahrah said, so the men loaded Omar into a car and rushed him to the hospital. He was dead when he arrived, according to the hospital report.
‘Profoundly unlawful’ killings
The Post shared its findings with five experts in international law, all of whom said the deadly raid appeared to violate the prohibition on extrajudicial killings.
“One can say with a degree of confidence that these are extrajudicial executions,” said Philip Alston, who was the U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions between 2004 and 2010, after reviewing the evidence provided by The Post.
These particular killings were “profoundly unlawful” under international standards, according to Michael Lynk, who served as the U.N. special rapporteur for human rights in the Palestinian territories until last year. He added that the unlawfulness was “heightened by the apparent choice to conduct these targeted killings in a busy civilian market.”
Israeli law provides much more latitude to its forces during anti-terrorism operations — even when, as in this instance, the apparent targets were not visibly armed and there was no exchange of gunfire.
Michael Sfard, a human rights lawyer who has challenged the legality of targeted killings at Israel’s Supreme Court, described the Jenin raid as “extremely typical of how Israel conducts its lethal-force operations.”
The basic principle, said Roni Pelli, an attorney with the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, “is that you open fire only if you are at risk.” But the question of what constitutes risk is murky under Israeli law — intentionally so, rights groups contend.
A 2006 ruling by the Israeli Supreme Court set a broad definition for when alleged militants can be targeted, legalizing hits on individuals whom security forces believe to have links to militant groups, even if they do not pose a direct threat at the time of the operation.
Khazem was a member of the Islamic Jihad militant group, while Shreim belonged to the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, making them legitimate targets under Israeli law.
But Israeli and international law are in accord on a key point: Once a person is no longer a threat, they cannot be targeted with lethal force. The shooting of Khazem in the head while he was immobilized was thus likely to be illegal, experts in Israeli law said — reminiscent of a 2017 case when an Israeli court sentenced a military medic to 18 months in jail for fatally shooting a wounded and disarmed Palestinian attacker in Hebron.
Elor Azaria, the medic, had acted as “both judge and executioner,” the judge ruled. Azaria’s sentence was reduced to 14 months on appeal and he was released after nine, hailed as a hero by far-right politicians.
Among those who championed his cause was Itamar Ben Gvir, a radical settler leader and anti-Arab activist. Now Israel’s national minister of national security, Ben Gvir oversees the border police, including Yamam.
Elsdunne, the spokesman for the Israeli police, declined to say whether there was an investigation into the actions of Israeli security forces during the raid generally, or into Khazem’s shooting specifically. Security forces “were working under life-threatening conditions to apprehend terrorists,” he told The Post.
But neither man targeted in the raid “appeared to present any threat, let alone an imminent threat, and [both] could have been arrested,” Lynk noted. The “failure” to arrest the men, Alston said, “was then compounded by the firing of additional lethal shots even after the two individuals were rendered harmless.”
In that volley of bullets, Omar was killed. He had video-called his mother around 11 a.m. that morning, she recalled: “He was just sitting behind his father’s desk, so proud to show me how responsible he was.”
Four hours later, he was gone.
Osama Hassan in Jenin and Cate Brown in Washington contributed to this report.
This week, U.S. and Chinese officials held meetings in Washington aimed at building ties following months of tension since Beijing’s surveillance balloon floated across the U.S. in early February.
For the former U.S. officials who used to broker such talks 15 years ago, the tensions reflect how Beijing itself has changed under leader Xi Jinping.
Stephen Hadley, who served as national security adviser for former President George W. Bush, said Beijing has gone from wanting to be a part of the international system at the end of the Bush administration to trying to challenge it now.
“The China we faced was a China that wanted a benign international environment so they could focus on their own domestic development,” Hadley, one of the highest-profile U.S. foreign policy specialists of the past 25 years, told an audience in Washington this week.
“It was a China that did not want to overturn the international system but wanted to be a part of that system and made that very clear. It was a China that wanted a constructive relationship with the United States. And we tried to build that,” he added.
Hadley and other former Bush administration officials gathered this week to discuss relations with China during the Bush administration, just as China’s leader Xi Jinping was rising to power.
Dennis Wilder, a senior fellow for the Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues at Georgetown University, who appeared with Hadley at the event, said the Bush administration “did try to figure out Xi Jinping” during its first meeting with the Chinese leader. Wilder served as the National Security Council’s special assistant to Bush.
“When we went to the 2008 Olympics, Xi Jinping was actually in charge of the Olympics. … It was one of the most boring meetings I’d ever been in. Xi Jinping gave nothing. He was cardboard. He wasn’t going to tell us a thing about himself. He was not going to show his hand. And this is how he got to the top of the Chinese system. He did hide his cards,” Wilder said.
Wilder added that many thought Xi Jinping was “another reformist Chinese leader,” but everyone was surprised by him.
Xi’s vision
Xi is enhancing Beijing’s diplomacy, economic strength and military capability, believing the United States is in “terminal decline,” according to Hadley, whose book Hand-Off: The Foreign Policy George W. Bush Passed to Barack Obama was published in February.
Xi, Hadley said, views that “the West is in decline” and “the United States is in terminal decline.”
“Xi was prepared to put his power center stage and then to use it to intimidate his neighbors and others abroad, with his enhanced diplomacy, economic strength and military capability,” he said.
VOA contacted the Chinese Embassy in Washington for comment but received no response. But China’s official media outlets such as the People’s Daily and the Global Times have published pieces recently discussing various aspects of what is described as America’s decline, according to a collection published by CSIS.
In 1978, Deng Xiaoping, who is widely considered the father of modern China, kick-started the country’s economic reform that embraces a free-market economy while maintaining the political model of one-party dictatorship. The reform led China to open up to the world economically and politically, achieving double-digit GDP growth rates for over 30 years by becoming the global manufacturing hub. Today, China is the world’s second-biggest economy.
Hadley said Deng’s “hide and bide” strategy, which guides China to build power while hiding from international leadership responsibility, continued to be prominent in the Chinese leadership until Xi came to power in 2012.
The U.S. sees China as its main strategic and geopolitical challenge. The U.S. national security strategy published on October 2022 states that “the People’s Republic of China harbors the intention and, increasingly, the capacity to reshape the international order in favor of one that tilts the global playing field to its benefit.”
Bonny Lin, director of the China Power Project at CSIS, who also attended the event, said the U.S. right now is not necessarily able to communicate with China the way it could during the Bush administration. But she added that there is a “continued emphasis on President [Joe] Biden being able to speak directly with Xi Jinping.”
“Given how much China has centralized power under Xi – very different than under Hu Jintao, who was going in sort of the opposite direction, inviting more collective leadership – that is even more important for the two leaders to maintain that personal bond,” Lin said.
Hadley said the foreign policy of the Bush administration that was passed to the Obama administration was to try to cooperate and engage with China and to “bring China into the international system,” but China’s shift to challenge the system was not anything the U.S. can control.
“Who leads countries really matters,” he said. “And I think if China decided in 2012 for a Jiang Zemin- or Hu Jintao-type leader, and we had that leader for 2012 to 2022, I think China would be in a very different place today. And America’s relationship with China would be very different today.”
دعت الصين على لسان مندوبها الدائم لدى الأمم المتحدة، قنغ شوانغ، الكيان الصهيوني إلى وقف اعتداءاته على الأراضي والموارد الفلسطينية و استفزازاته و رفع حصاره عن قطاع غزة، مؤكدة مواصلة دعمها القوي للشعب الفلسطيني وقضيته العادلة لاستعادة حقوقه الوطنية المشروعة، ودعم إقامة دولة فلسطين ذات السيادة الكاملة والمستقلة على أساس حدود عام 1967 مع القدس الشرقية كعاصمة لهان وفق ما أفادت وكالة الأنباء الصينية (شينخوا) اليوم الخميس.
ودعا قنغ في إحاطة لمجلس الأمن حول الوضع في الشرق الأوسط بما في ذلك القضية الفلسطينية، الكيان الصهيوني الى الوقف الفوري لاعتداءاته على أراضي وموارد الشعب الفلسطيني و على ضرورة التوقف عن التوسع غير الشرعي للمستوطنات في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة. مؤكدا ان “الأنشطة الاستيطانية تنتهك القانون الدولي وقرار مجلس الأمن رقم 2334″، مشيرا إلى أن الكيان الصهيوني “استمر منذ بداية هذا العام في دفع أعماله الأحادية فيما يتعلق بمنح الضوء للمستوطنين على العودة وبناء مستوطنات جديدة وإضفاء الشرعية عليها”.
وفيما يتعلق بالأماكن المقدسة، أكد قنغ على ضرورة احترام الوضع التاريخي الراهن للأماكن الدينية المقدسة في القدس والتمسك به، مشددا على ضرورة أن يوقف الكيان الصهيوني استفزازاته، وأن يضمن حق عبادة المصلين المسلمين، وتحافظ على سلام وهدوء الأماكن المقدسة.
وقال “ينبغي التخفيف من محنة اللاجئين الفلسطينيين وتلبية الاحتياجات الاقتصادية والمعيشية لفلسطين”مطالبا الكيان الصهيوني برفع الحصار عن غزة في أقرب وقت ممكن. و ” أن يظل تدفق الأشخاص وإمدادات إعادة الإعمار من غزة وإليها دون عوائق”.