الصين تدعو الكيان الصهيوني إلى وقف اعتداءاته على الأراضي الفلسطينية

دعت الصين على لسان مندوبها الدائم لدى الأمم المتحدة، قنغ شوانغ، الكيان الصهيوني إلى وقف اعتداءاته على الأراضي والموارد الفلسطينية و استفزازاته و رفع حصاره عن قطاع غزة، مؤكدة مواصلة دعمها القوي للشعب الفلسطيني وقضيته العادلة لاستعادة حقوقه الوطنية المشروعة، ودعم إقامة دولة فلسطين ذات السيادة الكاملة والمستقلة على أساس حدود عام 1967 مع القدس الشرقية كعاصمة لهان وفق ما أفادت وكالة الأنباء الصينية (شينخوا) اليوم الخميس.

ودعا قنغ في إحاطة لمجلس الأمن حول الوضع في الشرق الأوسط بما في ذلك القضية الفلسطينية، الكيان الصهيوني الى الوقف الفوري لاعتداءاته على أراضي وموارد الشعب الفلسطيني و على ضرورة التوقف عن التوسع غير الشرعي للمستوطنات في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة. مؤكدا ان “الأنشطة الاستيطانية تنتهك القانون الدولي وقرار مجلس الأمن رقم 2334″، مشيرا إلى أن الكيان الصهيوني “استمر منذ بداية هذا العام في دفع أعماله الأحادية فيما يتعلق بمنح الضوء للمستوطنين على العودة وبناء مستوطنات جديدة وإضفاء الشرعية عليها”.

وفيما يتعلق بالأماكن المقدسة، أكد قنغ على ضرورة احترام الوضع التاريخي الراهن للأماكن الدينية المقدسة في القدس والتمسك به، مشددا على ضرورة أن يوقف الكيان الصهيوني استفزازاته، وأن يضمن حق عبادة المصلين المسلمين، وتحافظ على سلام وهدوء الأماكن المقدسة.

وقال “ينبغي التخفيف من محنة اللاجئين الفلسطينيين وتلبية الاحتياجات الاقتصادية والمعيشية لفلسطين”مطالبا الكيان الصهيوني برفع الحصار عن غزة في أقرب وقت ممكن. و ” أن يظل تدفق الأشخاص وإمدادات إعادة الإعمار من غزة وإليها دون عوائق”.

(المصدر: قناة الجزائر الدولية)

China calls on Israel to ‘stop encroaching’ on Palestinian land

China has called on Israel to “stop encroaching” upon Palestinian territory and resources, as Tel Aviv continues to allow and approve the construction of illegal Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories.

Speaking to the United Nations Security Council yesterday, Geng Shuang, China’s deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, stated that “since the beginning of this year, Israel has continued to advance unilateral actions on approving returns, building new settlements and legalising settlements”.

Emphasising that such settlement building and activities violate international law and UN Security Council Resolution 2334, he expressed Beijing’s stance to “urge Israel to immediately halt these actions and stop encroaching upon the land and resources of the Palestinian people”.

Shuang also stressed that “the historical status quo of religious holy sites in Jerusalem must be respected and upheld”, saying that Israeli National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir “caused renewed tensions” by storming the Al Aqsa Mosque compound for the second time this year and proclaiming Israel’s alleged ownership of the Islamic holy site.

“On the issue of religious holy sites, Israel must stop its provocations, guarantee the right to worship of Muslim worshipers, uphold the peace and tranquillity of religious holy sites, and respect the custodianship of Jordan”, he asserted.

Shuang also drew attention to the fact that tensions and clashes between the Israeli occupation and Palestinian Resistance groups “have been repeating themselves over the past few years, fully demonstrating that a long-stalled peace process is not sustainable, that piece-meal crisis management will not last, and that a comprehensive and just solution is irreplaceable”.

He indicated China’s increasing role in the issue, as with others in the region, and the possibility of surpassing the United States as a mediatory force and hegemon. Supposedly referring to the US, he stated that “the country with major influence on the parties concerned should make concrete efforts to advance the Middle East peace process and should not unjustifiably prevent the Security Council from arriving at the minimum consensus on the Palestine-Israeli issue”.

The Chinese diplomat’s remarks came as the Israeli government yesterday approved the proposed state budget for 2023-2024, which allocates around 3.5 billion Israeli shekels ($941 million) for the illegal settlement projects and the upgrading of their infrastructure.

Current estimates report that there are around 700,000 illegal settlers living in 164 settlements and 116 outposts in the Occupied West Bank and Occupied East Jerusalem, with that set to expand as Tel Aviv frequently approves thousands of more settlement units.

(Source: MEMO)

New Chinese ambassador warns of ‘serious difficulties’ in US-China relations upon arrival in US

Kylie Atwood and Jennifer Hansler, CNN

China’s new ambassador arrived in the United States on Tuesday as both the US and Chinese governments have indicated that they want to put relations between their two nations back on track.

Xie Feng said he aims to enhance US-China relations at a time of “serious difficulties and challenges.”

“We hope that the United States will work together with China to increase dialogue, to manage differences and also to expand our cooperation so that our relationship will be back to the right track,” Xie said in remarks in English after landing in New York City.

Xie Feng’s arrival as the top envoy for Beijing comes after what has been a tumultuous period in relations between Washington and Beijing. Tensions soared following a visit by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan and Secretary of State Antony Blinken postponed a planned visit to China earlier this year after a Chinese surveillance balloon traversed the US.

In recent weeks, however, there have been signals that those heated tensions seem to be cooling. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met with top Chinese official Wang Yi in Vienna, and China’s Commerce Minister may meet with top US commerce and trade officials in the US in the coming weeks.

President Joe Biden said in Japan last weekend that “everything changed in terms of talking to one another” following the spy balloon incident, but “I think you’re going to see that begin to thaw very shortly.”

Xie said Tuesday he’s looking forward to “properly handling sensitive and important issues, like the Taiwan question,” as well as engaging with Americans “from all walks of life.” He referenced the last time he was working in the US as a diplomat over a decade ago and said that the world and the US have changed a lot.

US officials are expecting Xie to be a capable and productive interlocutor based on past engagements they have had with the longtime Chinese diplomat.

“He’s a professional, he’s very capable. We’ve known him for many, many years. I think he’s been working at the MFA for more than 30 years,” said a State Department official. “And we really know him from his time in Washington. He served multiple tours here, and most recently has been the Vice Foreign Minister overseeing the Americas and other departments as well.”

US officials point to the current moment in US-China relations being different than when Xie met with Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman in the summer of 2021, when he said the relationship had hit a “stalemate and faces serious difficulties.”

At the end of last year, Xie met with top State Department and National Security Council officials who visited China following Biden’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 in Bali. That was one of many engagements Xie has had with Biden officials over the course of the last few years.

“Things have changed,” the official said of this moment in time versus earlier on in the Biden administration. Since the Sherman meeting – which followed a tense encounter in Alaska that Blinken and Sullivan had with their Chinese counterparts, there have been “tens of dozens of hours” of calls between the US and China that have included Xie Feng, specifically in preparation for the Biden-Xi meeting in Bali and the planned Blinken visit to Beijing earlier this year.

“We have seen how professional, how clear he is,” the official said.

There was a “longer process” for the last Chinese ambassador to the US to get up and running, partially due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Officials are hoping that the process for Xie to get up and running officially – which requires him to present his credentials to Biden, which is scheduled by the White House – happens as quickly as possible.

The State Department welcomed Xie Feng’s arrival. “We look forward to working with the ambassador designate and his team,” said State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller at a press briefing.

Miller said that State Department protocol officials will work to get Xie presented with credentials “in accordance with standard State Department practices and diplomatic norms.”

“We remain committed, as we’ve said on a number of occasions, to maintaining channels of communication with the PRC to responsibly manage competition,” Miller said.

الصين والولايات المتحدة: هجوم سيبراني واسع استهدف منشآت أمريكية حيوية وواشنطن تتهم بكين

كشفت وكالات استخبارات غربية وشركة مايكروسوفت عن هجوم سيبراني واسع النطاق استهدف بنى تحتية “حيوية” في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. واتهمت ما وصفتها بـ “جهة فاعلة سيبرانية” مدعومة من بكين بالوقوف وراءه.

وقالت سلطات الأمن السيبراني في الولايات المتحدة ودول غربية أخرى، إنها رصدت “مجموعة من الأنشطة” مرتبطة بـ”جهة فاعلة سيبرانية تحظى برعاية دولة جمهورية الصين الشعبية، وتعرف أيضا باسم “فولت تايفون”.

وفي تحذير مشترك، قالت مجموعة “العيون الخمسة” الاستخبارية، والمعروفة اختصاراً بـ “FVEY”، التي تضم “الولايات المتحدة وكندا والمملكة المتحدة وأستراليا ونيوزيلندا”، إن هجمات مماثلة قد تحدث في جميع أنحاء العالم من خلال تطبيق الأساليب ذاتها.

وفي بيان منفصل، أكدت شركة مايكروسوفت أنها رصدت “نشاطاً سيبرانياً” تنفذه مجموعة صينية تتسلل لاختراق شبكات البنية التحتية الحيوية في الولايات المتحدة.

وحذرت مايكروسوفت، من أن هذا الهجوم يهدد بإحداث “اضطرابات في البنى التحتية الحيوية للاتصالات بين الولايات المتحدة والمنطقة الآسيوية في الأزمات المستقبلية”، وقالت مايكروسوفت: “قد يكون التخفيف من حدة هذا الهجوم تحدياً”.

وأضافت مايكروسوفت أن “سلوك المهاجمين يشير إلى أنهم يريدون التجسس والحفاظ لأطول فترة ممكنة على قدرتهم للولوج إلى البنى التحتية دون أن يتم اكتشافهم”.

وأعلنت مايكروسوفت أن الهجوم استهدف قطاعات الصناعة والنقل والبناء والبحرية والتعليم والخدمات الحكومية، وأضافت أن تصرفات مجموعة القرصنة تلك ركزت على جمع المعلومات الاستخباراتية والتجسس وإحكام السيطرة على أنظمة المواقع الحيوية لأطول فترة ممكنة، بدلاً من التسبب في التعطيل الفوري.

وفي إعلان نادر عن اختراق الأنظمة، قالت مجموعة التكنولوجيا الأمريكية إن المتسللين، عمدوا منذ منتصف عام 2021 على استهدف البنية التحتية الحيوية في جزيرة غوام الأمريكية، وهي قاعدة عسكرية أمريكية تحظى بأهمية استراتيجية في المحيط الهادي.

تكتيكات “العيش خارج الأرض”

في عالم التكنولوجيا، يشير مصطلح “العيش خارج الأرض” (LotL) إلى سلوك المهاجم الذي يستخدم أدوات أو ميزات موجودة بالفعل في البيئة المستهدفة من خارجها.

وقالت الولايات المتحدة وحلفاؤها إن الأنشطة تشمل تكتيكات “العيش خارج الأرض”، والتي تستفيد من أدوات الشبكة المدمجة للاندماج مع أنظمة ويندوز العادية.

وحذرت من أن عمليات الاختراق يمكن أن تستخدم بعد ذلك سيطرتها على الأنظمة لإصدار أوامر تبدو “غير ضارة”.

وقالت جين إيسترلي، رئيسة وكالة البنية التحتية والأمن السيبراني الأمريكية: “على مدى سنوات عديدة، كانت الصين تجري عمليات في جميع أنحاء العالم لسرقة حقوق الملكية الفكرية والبيانات السرية من منظمات البنية التحتية الحيوية في البلدان حول العالم”.

وأصدرت مايكروسوفت ووكالات الأمن إرشادات للمؤسسات لمحاولة اكتشاف القرصنة ومكافحتها.

ولم تقدم الصين أي رد فوري على هذه المزاعم، لكنها تنفي بشكل روتيني تنفيذ هجمات إلكترونية ترعاها الدولة.

وتتهم الصين بدورها الولايات المتحدة بانتظام بالقيام بعمليات تجسس إلكتروني.

(المصدر: بي بي سي)

Chinese Malware Hits Systems on Guam. Is Taiwan the Real Target?

David E. Sanger

Around the time that the F.B.I. was examining the equipment recovered from the Chinese spy balloon shot down off the South Carolina coast in February, American intelligence agencies and Microsoft detected what they feared was a more worrisome intruder: mysterious computer code appearing in telecommunications systems in Guam and elsewhere in the United States.

The code, which Microsoft said was installed by a Chinese government hacking group, raised alarms because Guam, with its Pacific ports and vast American air base, would be a centerpiece of any American military response to an invasion or blockade of Taiwan. The operation was conducted with great stealth, sometimes flowing through home routers and other common internet-connected consumer devices, to make the intrusion harder to track.

The code is called a “web shell,” in this case a malicious script that enables remote access to a server. Home routers are particularly vulnerable, especially older models that have not had updated software and protections.

Unlike the balloon that fascinated Americans as it performed pirouettes over sensitive nuclear sites, the computer code could not be shot down on live television. So instead, Microsoft on Wednesday published details of the code that would make it possible for corporate users, manufacturers and others to detect and remove it. In a coordinated release, the National Security Agency — along with other domestic agencies and counterparts in Australia, Britain, New Zealand and Canada — published a 24-page advisory that referred to Microsoft’s finding and offered broader warnings about a “recently discovered cluster of activity” from China.

Microsoft called the hacking group “Volt Typhoon” and said that it was part of a state-sponsored Chinese effort aimed at not only critical infrastructure such as communications, electric and gas utilities, but also maritime operations and transportation. The intrusions appeared, for now, to be an espionage campaign. But the Chinese could use the code, which is designed to pierce firewalls, to enable destructive attacks, if they choose.

So far, Microsoft says, there is no evidence that the Chinese group has used the access for any offensive attacks. Unlike Russian groups, the Chinese intelligence and military hackers usually prioritize espionage.

In interviews, administration officials said they believed the code was part of a vast Chinese intelligence collection effort that spans cyberspace, outer space and, as Americans discovered with the balloon incident, the lower atmosphere.

The Biden administration has declined to discuss what the F.B.I. found as it examined the equipment recovered from the balloon. But the craft — better described as a huge aerial vehicle — apparently included specialized radars and communications interception devices that the F.B.I. has been examining since the balloon was shot down.

It is unclear whether the government’s silence about its finding from the balloon is motivated by a desire to keep the Chinese government from knowing what the United States has learned or to get past the diplomatic breach that followed the incursion.

On Sunday, speaking at a news conference in Hiroshima, Japan, President Biden referred to how the balloon incident had paralyzed the already frosty exchanges between Washington and Beijing.

“And then this silly balloon that was carrying two freight cars’ worth of spying equipment was flying over the United States,” he told reporters, “and it got shot down, and everything changed in terms of talking to one another.”

He predicted that relations would “begin to thaw very shortly.”

China has never acknowledged hacking into American networks, even in the biggest example of all: the theft of security clearance files of roughly 22 million Americans — including six million sets of fingerprints — from the Office of Personnel Management during the Obama administration. That exfiltration of data took the better part of a year, and resulted in an agreement between President Barack Obama and President Xi Jinping that resulted in a brief decline in malicious Chinese cyberactivity.

On Wednesday, China sent a warning to its companies to be alert to American hacking. And there has been plenty of that, too: In documents released by Edward Snowden, the former N.S.A. contractor, there was evidence of American efforts to hack into the systems of Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications giant, and military and leadership targets.

Telecommunications networks are key targets for hackers, and the system in Guam is particularly important to China because military communications often piggyback on commercial networks.

Tom Burt, the executive who oversees Microsoft’s threat intelligence unit, said in an interview that the company’s analysts — many of them veterans of the National Security Agency and other intelligence agencies — had found the code “while investigating intrusion activity impacting a U.S. port.” As they traced back the intrusion, they found other networks that were hit, “including some in the telecommunications sector in Guam.”

Anne Neuberger, the deputy national security adviser for cyber and emerging technology, said that covert efforts “like the activity exposed today are part of what’s driving our focus on the security of telecom networks and the urgency to use trusted vendors” whose equipment has met established cybersecurity standards.

Ms. Neuberger has been spearheading an effort across the federal government to enforce new cybersecurity standards for critical infrastructure. Officials were taken by surprise by the extent of the vulnerabilities in such infrastructure when a Russian ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline in 2021 interrupted gasoline, diesel and airplane fuel flow on the East Coast. In the wake of the attack, the Biden administration used little-known powers of the Transportation Security Administration — which regulates pipelines — to force private-sector utilities to follow a series of cybersecurity mandates.

Now Ms. Neuberger is driving what she called a “relentless focus on improving the cybersecurity of our pipelines, rail systems, water systems and other critical services,” including the mandates on cybersecurity practices for these sectors and closer collaboration with companies with “unique visibility” into threats to such infrastructure.

Those firms include Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and many telecommunications firms that can see activity on domestic networks. Intelligence agencies, including the N.S.A., are forbidden by law from operating inside the United States. But the N.S.A. is permitted to publish warnings, as it did on Wednesday, alongside the F.B.I. and the Department of Homeland Security’s Cyber Infrastructure and Security Administration.

The agency’s report is part of a relatively new U.S. government move to publish such data quickly in hopes of burning operations like the one mounted by the Chinese government. In years past, the United States usually withheld such information — sometimes classifying it — and shared it with only a select few companies or organizations. But that almost always assured that the hackers could stay well ahead of the government.

In this case, it was the focus on Guam that particularly seized the attention of officials who are assessing China’s capabilities — and its willingness — to attack or choke off Taiwan. Mr. Xi has ordered the People’s Liberation Army to be capable of taking the island by 2027. But the C.I.A. director, William J. Burns, has noted to Congress that the order “does not mean he has decided to conduct an invasion.”

In the dozens of U.S. tabletop exercises conducted in recent years to map out what such an attack might look like, one of China’s first anticipated moves would be to cut off American communications and slow the United States’ ability to respond. So the exercises envision attacks on satellite and ground communications, especially around American installations where military assets would be mobilized.

None is bigger than Guam, where Andersen Air Force Base would be the launching point for many of the Air Force missions to help defend the island, and a Navy port is crucial for American submarines.

(Source: The New York Times)