Netanyahu redefines Israel

The results of the last round of Israeli elections must have represented a big blow to US hopes and efforts as they placed their bets on the former caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid. However, the results have shown that they bet on the losing horse. In essence, though, there is not much difference between Lapid and Benjamin Netanyahu regarding political outcome, except for maintaining the long-propagated image of Israel.

Yet, Netanyahu, who acts as the “king of Israel” (he has already served six times as prime minister), is much hated in the US and other places for his arrogance and meddling in the affairs of others. He always tries to play the role of a manipulative salesman who wants to take your money but gives you nothing in return. He is the one who contorted the Arab slogan “Land for Peace” into “Peace for Peace”, knowing all too well that the Arabs threatening him would not be a match for the dozens of F-35 aircraft and the rest of the Israeli high-tech arsenal, including atom bombs given to Israel by the US and Europe.

A few months ago, when Lapid’s government reached a mutual agreement with Lebanon on maritime borders through the US to solve the issue of gas deposits in the East Mediterranean, Netanyahu commented that if it were him, he would take all without giving anything in return. He added that this agreement represents – for him – a kind of submission to Hezbollah, and if he is elected, he would “neutralise” the agreement as he did with the Oslo Accords.

This time, Netanyahu’s “talent” is not directed at Palestinians and Arabs, and Netanyahu has formed a government no less than a gang consisting of confirmed criminals according to Israeli standards. Many describe his government as the most extreme far-right government in the “history” of Israel.

Similar to a prophecy, Lapid, the former Israeli prime minister, in his farewell speech, addressed Netanyahu and his team by saying that he handed Israel to them in good condition and, hopefully, they would be able to hand it back to him in the same condition when he wins the next elections.

Many in Israel are extremely irritated and alarmed by Netanyahu and his government. Some resorted to the streets, and others to the supreme court. Some even chose to leave the country, accusing Netanyahu of turning Israel into a “pariah state” and destroying government legitimacy by losing public support.

The Times of Israel noticed that when US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides tweeted his congratulations to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his new government, he hailed strong ties between Jerusalem and Washington, but did not stress, as it is the habit, shared values. The message hinted that Israel has already started losing US support and has moved far away from the American model and values.

Netanyahu is systematically undermining Israel: on the ideological level, the judicial level, the parliamentary level, the governance level, the military level, the security level, the foreign affairs level, the economic level and the social level.

One might wonder, is Netanyahu doing this because it is the only way to forge a coalition or because he has always harboured fanatical and extremist views? Is it a coincidence that he is the son of Professor Benzion Netanyahu (Benzion Mileikowsky), the personal secretary of the militia leader and terrorist Ze’ev Jabotinsky (Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky)?

To execute his plans, Netanyahu had to amend the law – a serious blow to the concept of the State of Law, which he tried to market.

Israel’s haters should relax and enjoy watching the scene as Netanyahu destroys every pillar of the temple of Israel. He is the same person who claimed, a few months ago, that he is the only guarantee for Israel against internal and external enemies; the same person who – most likely – is going to bring Israel to its end by fanning internal differences and losing external support, as many Israeli leaders have been warning.

Source: MEMO

باكستان والهند تتبادلان قوائم الأصول النووية والسجناء

تبادلت باكستان والهند المجاورة قوائم منشآتهما النووية، يوم الأحد، في إطار اتفاق أبرم عام 1988 والذي يمنع كل منهما من مهاجمة المنشآت النووية للطرف الآخر، وفقا لتصريحات رسمية من الجانبين.

العلاقات بين باكستان والهند متوترة بشأن إقليم كشمير الواقع في جبال الهيمالايا، منذ استقلالهما عن الحكم الاستعماري البريطاني عام 1947.

وخاض البلدان ثلاث حروب وأسسا جيشين وطورا أسلحة نووية. وأجرت الهند أول تجربة نووية لها عام 1974، في حين أجرت باكستان أول تجربة لها عام 1988. تم تسليم القوائم بالتزامن، من خلال دبلوماسيي البلدين في إسلام أباد ونيودلهي.

كما تبادلت الهند وباكستان قوائم الأسرى المحتجزين لدى كل منهما كجزء من اتفاق يعود تاريخه إلى عام 2008.

وتبادلت باكستان قائمة تضم 705 هنود محتجزين (51 مدنيا و654 صيادا). كما تبادلت الهند قائمة تضم 434 باكستانيا محتجزين لديها (339 مدنيا و95 صيادا).

وتعتقل الهند وباكستان صيادين من البلدين لعبور الحدود البحرية غير المرسمة بينهما.

وتصادر أجهزة الأمن البحري التابعة لهما القوارب وتسجن الصيادين، الذين عادة ما يتم الإفراج عنهم فقط بعد إجراء مفاوضات بين البلدين. وعادة ما يقضون سنوات خلف القضبان دون محاكمة رسمية.

ويمنح اتفاق عام 2008 كل جانب الوصول إلى السجناء، ويطالبهما بتبادل قوائم الأسرى في عهدة الطرف الآخر في شهري يناير ويوليو.

كما سعت باكستان بشكل منفصل إلى الوصول القنصلي لأفراد جيشها المفقودين خلال حربي عامي 1965 و1971 والوصول القنصلي الخاص إلى 56 سجينا مدنيا آخرين.

المصدر: العربية

باكستان 2023.. هل تشهد انتخابات مبكرة وعودة عمران خان للسلطة؟

محمد العقاد

إسلام آباد- لم يكن المشهد السياسي في باكستان مستقرا منذ بداية عام 2022 حيث كان الصراع على الحكم على أشده، وها هو المشهد يزداد توترا مع بداية عام جديد.

ولا يزال الصراع على أشده بين الحكومة الحالية التي يقودها تحالف من عدة أحزاب، وبين المعارضة التي يقودها رئيس الوزراء السابق وزعيم حزب “إنصاف” الباكستاني عمران خان.

ما أبرز الأحداث السياسية التي شهدها عام 2022 في باكستان؟

منذ بداية مارس/آذار، أصبح عمران خان في مواجهة تصويت في المجلس الوطني (البرلمان) لحجب الثقة عن حكومته، وهو تصويت كان قد نجا منه في العام الذي سبقه حيث دعا للتصويت على تجديد الثقة لحكومته بعد أزمة مع المعارضة التي تتهمه بالفوز في الانتخابات بدعم من الجيش.

في 9 أبريل/نيسان، نجحت المعارضة في البرلمان في حجب الثقة عن حكومة خان، وهو ما دعاه لاتهامها وأطراف أخرى في البلاد بالتآمر مع الولايات المتحدة لإسقاط حكومته.

بعد يومين فقط، انتخب البرلمان حكومة جديدة تضم وزراء من الأحزاب التي أسقطت حكومة حزب إنصاف، وانتُخب شهباز شريف زعيم حزب الرابطة الإسلامية الباكستانية (جناح نواز شريف) رئيسا للوزراء، ما جعل عمران خان يصفها بـ”الحكومة المستوردة”.

استغل خان حرارة الشارع ليروج لرواية المؤامرة والتدخل الخارجي لحشد أنصاره والتضييق على الحكومة الجديدة، أملا في إجبارها على إجراء انتخابات مبكرة -وهو ما لم يحدث حتى اللحظة- بالرغم من الاحتجاجات والمظاهرات المتكررة التي قادها خان على مدار الأشهر الماضية.

في بداية نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني وفي خضم سعيه وراء هذا الهدف، تعرض خان لمحاولة اغتيال في مدينة وزير آباد في إقليم البنجاب (شرقي البلاد)، وهو ما جعل الأزمة السياسية تدخل في نفق مظلم خاصة بعد اتهام عمران خان رئيس الوزراء ووزير الداخلية وقائدا كبيرا في الاستخبارات العسكرية الباكستانية بالتورط في تلك المحاولة.

تجمع جماهيري لأنصار حزب إنصاف بزعامة عمران خان في مدينة راولبندي المحاذية للعاصمة إسلام آباد
تجمع جماهيري لأنصار حزب إنصاف بزعامة عمران خان في مدينة راولبندي قرب العاصمة (مواقع التواصل)

إلى أين وصل الصراع بين الحكومة والمعارضة في باكستان؟

تصاعدت حالة التوتر في الساحة الباكستانية وتصاعدت أيضا حالة الغضب لدى أنصار خان بعد محاولة اغتياله، وهو ما استغله عمران خان للتأكيد على ضرورة عقد انتخابات مبكرة.

ويعتقد البعض بأن عمران خان لا يزال يتمتع بشعبية كبيرة في باكستان، وذلك قياسا على الحشود التي لا يزال قادرا على جمعها، وعلى نتائج الانتخابات الفرعية التي فاز بها حزبه في إقليم البنجاب أكبر الأقاليم الباكستانية من حيث عدد الناخبين.

ويعتقد البعض أيضا أن تعيين قائد جديد للجيش في نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني سوف يكون له تأثير كبير على مسار الصراع خاصة في ظل الاعتقاد السائد في البلاد بأن القائد الجديد علاقته ليست على ما يرام مع خان.

ولم يتوقف عمران خان خلال الأشهر الماضية عن التلميح عن مسؤولية المؤسسة العسكرية أو شخصيات عسكرية مرموقة عن إسقاط حكومته، وها هو خان يؤكد على تلك التصريحات حيث اتهم قائد الجيش السابق الجنرال قمر جاويد باجوا بالتآمر مع الولايات المتحدة لإسقاط حكومته.

أي مستقبل ينتظر صراع الحكومة والمعارضة في باكستان؟

في محاولة أخرى للضغط على الحكومة الفدرالية لإجراء انتخابات مبكرة، أعلن خان عن نيته حل مجلسي إقليمي البنجاب (شرق) وخيبر بختونخوا (شمال غرب) اللذين يسيطر عليهما حزبه، وبالتالي حل حكومتي الإقليمين.

وحول مستقبل الصراع بين الحكومة والمعارضة في باكستان يرجح البعض أن الصراع سوف يستمر على ما هو عليه خاصة في ظل عدم وجود جديد على خطاب عمران خان.

وفي هذا السياق، يرجح المحلل السياسي والإستراتيجي حذيفة فريد أن تجرى الانتخابات في موعدها المقرر مسبقا بعد انتهاء المدة الدستورية للحكومة الفدرالية الحالية في أغسطس/آب المقبل، بحيث تكون الانتخابات في أكتوبر/تشرين الأول.

وفي حديثه للجزيرة نت استبعد فريد أن يتم إجراء انتخابات مبكرة كما يطالب خان حتى ولو تم حل حكومتي البنجاب وخيبر بختونخوا. وبدلا من ذلك يمكن أن تقوم الحكومة بعقد انتخابات في الإقليمين فقط دون الذهاب لانتخابات عامة.

ويرى فريد أن الأوضاع الحالية والتي تشهد تحسنا في الوضع الاقتصادي وقيمة العملة وانخفاض معدل التضخم والتي يتوقع أن تستمر خلال العام المقبل، فإنه يصب في صالح الحكومة، خاصة لو أخذنا بعين الاعتبار أن “ذاكرة الشعوب ضعيفة”، وفق تعبيره.

من جهة أخرى، يرى فريد أن تصريحات عمران خان ضد قائد الجيش السابق قد أدت إلى صدام بينه وبين أحد أقرب حلفائه في حزب الرابطة الإسلامية الباكستانية (جناح قائد أعظم).

وهذا ما يؤكد عليه الكاتب والصحفي زاهد حسين في مقال رأي على صحيفة “دون” (DAWN) الباكستانية، الذي يقول إن تصريحات خان ضد قائد الجيش السابق جعلت حليف خان وزعيم حزب الرابطة (جناح قائد أعظم) يتراجع عن فكرة حل البرلمانات الإقليمية.

ويرى حسين أن التحالف الحكومي الفدرالي سوف يستفيد استفادة كاملة من اتساع الفجوة في الائتلاف الحاكم في البنجاب (حزب الإنصاف وحزب الرابطة -جناح قائد أعظم)، بل وقد ينفض التحالف بينهما.

وحول خيارات خان للتعامل مع المرحلة المقبلة يقول فريد إن عمران خان يخاطر بالأوراق التي يلعب بها، وليس أمامه سوى الانتظار حتى إجراء الانتخابات العامة وعدم إقدامه على أي خطوة أخرى. ويرى أيضا أن حل حكومتي البنجاب وخيبر بختونخوا ليس في صالحه.

ويبقى باب الصراع بين الفرقاء السياسيين مفتوحا على مصراعيه في وقت يتحدث فيه البعض عن اقتراب نفاد الأوراق السياسية لعمران خان.

ويبقى التساؤل أيضا قائما حول عودة خان وحزبه إلى الشارع مجددا كورقة ثابتة للضغط على الحكومة، في الوقت الذي لا يزال يملك فيه شعبية تبقيه حاضرا وبقوة في المشهد السياسي خلال الفترة المقبلة.

المصدر : الجزيرة

Israel has detained 130 Palestinian journalists in 2022

Israel has detained 130 Palestinian journalists in 2022, with 20 reporters still in its custody, according to a local NGO.

In a statement, the Prisoner Information Office documented 36 Israeli violations against Palestinian journalists in December.

“More than 130 journalists were detained in 2022 in a brazen violation of all international laws and norms that guarantee the freedom of opinion and expression,” the statement said.

“Israel is still holding 20 journalists, including Jerusalemite reporter Mahmoud Issa, who has been detained since 1993,” it added.

For its part, the Beirut-based Journalist Support Committee said Israeli forces injured 13 Palestinian reporters in December.

“Journalists were repeatedly attacked by Israeli occupation forces and settlers,” it added in a statement.

Palestinians mark December 31 as Palestinian Journalist Day in recognition of their role in embracing the Palestinian struggle and national rights.

Source: TRT World

Imran Khan: Pakistan should be non-aligned in cold war, neutral over Ukraine, applauds China

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan was overthrown in April 2022 in a soft coup supported by the United States. Khan argued that he was targeted due to his independent foreign policy, comparing his ouster to the CIA coup in Iran in 1953.

Since leaving office, Khan has held massive protests across the country, blasting the unelected coup regime for surrendering its sovereignty to Washington.

“The US has made Pakistan a slave without having to invade it,” Khan fumed. “The people of Pakistan will never accept the imported government.”

Khan has also become a leading voice on the international stage calling for the rebirth of the Non-Aligned Movement.

He argues that Pakistan should have been non-aligned in the first cold war. And he insists his country must be independent today in the new, second cold war between the US on one side and China and Russia on the other.

“Pakistan should not take any sides,” Khan said. “Why do we have to take sides? Pakistan should have a good relationship with both China and with the United States. Similarly, I feel with Russia and the United States.”

“For instance, that’s the policy of India,” he added. “I must say that I have always admired the way India remained non-aligned during the [first] cold war. I thought it was a sensible thing to do.”

Just weeks before he was overthrown, the US government demanded that Khan denounce Russia over its war in Ukraine. Khan rebuked the pressure campaign, declaring that he refused to be a “slave.”

“When we are told to take sides in a conflict like Ukraine, why should we?” Khan asked. “When things that are important to us, the Western countries don’t take a stand or moral stand on it. And so I feel that, I think we should be nonaligned in this. We should be neutral.”

Khan also praised Beijing’s massive poverty reduction program, pointing to the “friend in need” in China as a model for Pakistan, where tens of millions of people struggle in economic hardship.

“There is no precedent in human history of what China has achieved,” Khan stressed. “They have lifted 700 million people out of poverty in the last 35, 40 years. It’s never been done in human history. And when you go to China, the rate of their development is phenomenal.”

Khan issued this call for Pakistan to be be non-aligned in a December 28 interview with the Istanbul, Türkiye-based think tank the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA).

His proposal marks a radical shift in the foreign-policy history of the South Asian giant, the fifth-most populous country on Earth.

During the first cold war, Pakistan had been a key ally of the United States. It did have good relations with China, but it took a hard line against the Soviet Union.

In the 1980s, Pakistan’s notorious spy agency the ISI even helped the CIA and Saudi Arabia support extremist Mujahideen militants in Afghanistan, assisting the US in its proxy war against the USSR.

Khan represents a new generation of Pakistani nationalists who think Islamabad’s historic alliance with Washington was a mistake. He wants his country to be independent and to act in the interests of its own people, not those of another nation.

Imran Khan improved relations with Russia weeks before he was overthrown

When Imran Khan arrived to Moscow, he had no idea that he was about to find himself in the middle of a massive global conflict.

The fateful trip had been planned long in advance, and Khan sat down with President Vladimir Putin on February 24, 2022 – the same day that Russia sent its troops into Ukraine.

Clearly, Khan did not know what had been planned. Western governments pressured Khan to denounce Putin, right there on the spot. But he maintained a diplomatic position.

Several days later, 22 Western countries sent Khan a letter demanding that Pakistan vote against Russia on the international stage.

“What do you think of us? Are we your slaves?” Khan shot back defiantly. He asked if they thought “that whatever you say, we will do?”

“We are friends with Russia, and we are also friends with America,” Khan explained at the time. “We are friends with China and with Europe; we are not in any camp.”

Khan’s steadfastness set geopolitical shockwaves across the West. During the first cold war, Pakistan had a very antagonistic relationship with Russia. Now Khan had reversed this longtime policy.

Until he was overthrown in April, Khan made sure that Pakistan was neutral over the Russia-NATO proxy war in Ukraine.

But immediately after the coup, Islamabad’s unelected US-backed regime did a 180 and promptly criticized Moscow.

There have even been reports that the coup regime has sent weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.

Imran Khan reiterates that Pakistan should be neutral over proxy war in Ukraine

In his December 28 interview, Khan reiterated his call for Pakistan to be neutral and non-aligned:

I happened to be visiting Moscow on the day when Russia decided to go into Ukraine [February 24, 2022]. You know, I had a meeting that same day with President Putin. So I know the Russian point of view. And the Russian point of view is that we had repeatedly indicated to the Western countries that we would not allow NATO to come right on our doorsteps.

And their argument is that, just like the United States would not want Russia to come in, say, in Mexico, with all their weaponry. So the conflict, from the Russian point of view, has been triggered out of fear that if there are moves in Ukraine, which they felt should have been demilitarized or should have been neutral, they felt that, then the security of Russia was at stake.

And the other thing that President Putin kept saying was that, in the past, Western leaders, American leaders had all told him that, look, this will not happen. And they had given him assurances. And so, unfortunately, he said that these assurances are broken, and hence the conflict.

The Western point of view is very straightforward, that this is Russian aggression; it’s invasion; they invaded a country, and they’re blaming Russia for all the destruction that is taking place due to war.

So now my point of view, I basically feel that countries like Pakistan, we should not become partisan in this. We should not pass value judgments on this, or moral judgments on this. The reason: I don’t feel that our countries should get involved in conflicts that don’t affect us. And I’m talking about the developing world, countries like Pakistan, which have 100 million people vulnerable, almost 50 million people below the poverty line, 50 million people above the poverty line.

And so when we make moral judgments in conflicts, it comes at a cost for countries like us. So, for instance, we would have wanted cheap oil from Russia. We would have wanted wheat, 2 million tons of wheat from Russia. A gas pipeline was arranged with a Russian company. So all that gets affected the moment you take sides.

And you know, our neighbor India, which is a part of the Quad, which is a strategic economic-military alliance with the United States, India abstained on this, because they do feel that they needed cheap oil from Russia.

And what this conflict has done, post the Covid situation, where already there was a commodity supercycle, and this conflict has raised energy prices to the level which is causing a lot of problems in Europe. We all know that in Europe they are suffering from gas shortages and an energy prices spike.

But in the developing world, it has caused massive problems in our balance of payments. Because the oil prices going up – I know they’re coming down now – but that caused an enormous problem for countries like us.

So therefore, my take on this, there are two points of view, we would like to abstain, my country, we would like to abstain on this. But I do feel that this conflict has caused massive problems all over the world.

Imran Khan criticizes US war on terror: ‘We should have stayed neutral’

Khan’s push for neutrality also applied to the US government’s so-called “war on terror.” He stated:

So when came 9/11, Afghanistan gets invaded by the Americans, now the Pakistan government took the stand – which I opposed, we should have stayed neutral – they started supporting the US war on terror.

Imran Khan says Pakistan should maintain good relations with China, Russia, and the US

In the interview, Khan argued that Western countries are hypocritical because they pressure developing countries like Pakistan to take their side, but then the West abandons Pakistan in issues that are important to it.

He explained:

When we are weak countries, we developing countries, are pushed to take sides. And I feel that Pakistan should not take any sides. I’m talking about our country. Because, you know, why? Why do we have to take sides? Pakistan should have a good relationship with both China and with the United States.

Similarly, I feel with Russia and the United States. For instance, that’s the policy of India.

I must say that I have always admired the way India remained non-aligned during the [First] Cold War. I thought it was a sensible thing to do.

I mean, when you become part of a bloc, that means that the whole other bloc is excluded from you. And of course, great powers do put enormous pressure on you to take sides.

So let me first say that the China-Pakistan relationship goes back a long time, 60 years. And China has been what we call always a friend in need. China has stood by Pakistan, you know, whether it is on international forums, on politics.

For instance, Kashmir is an issue, a United Nations resolution on Kashmir stating that there should have been a plebiscite in Kashmir, for the people of Kashmir to decide whether they wanted to be with India or Pakistan. And that right was not given to them.

But hardly any other country stands with us. China has always stood with us. And I must say Turkey has stood with us.

But, you know, other even Muslim countries, despite knowing the injustice going on in Kashmir, just like in Palestine, they do not stand with us.

Which is, by the way, one of the reasons I feel that when we are told to take sides in a conflict like Ukraine, why should we? When things that are important to us, the Western countries don’t take a stand or moral stand on it.

And so I feel that, I think we should be nonaligned in this. We should be neutral. We should be friendly with both.

Imran Khan praises China’s anti-poverty program

Applauding China’s anti-poverty program, Khan continued:

What about China? I have seen the development of China in the last 30 years, and I must say what they have achieved is, there is no precedent in human history of what China has achieved. They have lifted 700 million people out of poverty in the last 35, 40 years.

It’s never been done in human history. And when you go to China, the rate of their development is phenomenal.

And I just do not think that Western countries will be able to compete with them. Because, you know, electoral politics, it has its limitations. I mean, the amount of maneuvering a democratic government which comes about through electoral politics, you have a lot of limitations.

In China, what is considered national interest? The people stand with the government. And what they have managed to do, like, for instance, shifting populations – I don’t think that happened in Western countries.

So I just don’t think that the other countries will be able to stop the growth of China. They’re a system of meritocracy. I visited China, and I saw the way they bring up all the talent. And then the single focus, long-term planning,

I haven’t seen such long-term planning in most countries. Certainly countries like us, which every five years are supposed to have elections. So very rarely governments plan beyond five years. But in China, they have just planned so far ahead. And then they single-handedly pursue their goals. And I feel that, you know, China is going to be the [leader]; I think it will leave everyone behind.

Imran Khan on the allegations of Chinese repression of the Uyghurs: ‘There are always two sides of the story’

When asked about Western government allegations that China is guilty of egregious human rights violations against Uyghur Muslims, Khan refused to take the bait, responding diplomatically:

Well, let me say that the Pakistan-China relationship was such that, whatever the issues of Uyghurs, the Chinese have always preferred to speak behind closed doors. Their system is such that they hate talking about sensitive issues like the Uyghurs in public. So we have had discussions with them, and they gave us a different side of the story.

And there are always two sides of the story. And so the conversations I’ve had with the Chinese government on the Uyghurs, we have always, knowing the sensitivity they feel, we have kept that behind closed doors.

Imran Khan warns nuclear war is not a possibility

Khan also used the December 28 interview as an opportunity to warn that nuclear weapons should never be used, because it would mean “the end of the world.”

He said Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program is strictly defensive:

First of all, let me tell you, I am not a great fan of nuclear weapons, because I do believe in settling your issues. I’m not also a great fan of military solutions. For instance, I would never try and solve issues militarily.

But for me, it is basically for defense. I mean, if someone is going to take away your freedom, then that’s when you fight for it and you use the military.

So the Pakistan military, the nuclear program, has always been a defensive one. Because India is seven times the size of Pakistan. It has huge resources now, and the people in Pakistan have always been threatened by the idea that a bigger neighbor would just overwhelm the country.

Remember that we’ve had three conflicts with India, and this was from ‘48, 1965, and then 1971.

And so ever since Pakistan has had the nuclear program, we actually have had no conflict. So it gives the country of a 220 million people security, when you are facing a neighbor, which is 1.3 billion people.

And hence, the nuclear program for Pakistan is essentially defensive.

The idea of a nuclear war, the idea that you will actually be face to face with another country with nuclear weapons, is beyond my imagination.

And I say this simply because, you know, nuclear war is the end of the world. You must remember, it’s a suicide attack on the world, because I don’t think the world will be able to sustain or survive a nuclear holocaust.

Source: Multipolarista

231 Palestinians were killed this year. These are their stories.


2022 has been the deadliest year for Palestinians living under Israeli occupation in decades. In the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem specifically, this year marked the highest number of killings of Palestinians in the territories since the UN began recording fatalities in 2005. 

The killings began almost instantaneously, with the first two Palestinians killed within the first week of January — one by an Israeli soldier, and one by an Israeli settler. From then on, the killings did not stop. 

Since the start of the year, Mondoweiss has kept a record of all the Palestinians killed by Israeli forces and settlers. As part of our documentation efforts, we have cross referenced the numbers and names of those killed with reports from the Palestinian Ministry of Health, local and international news agencies, and independent journalists.  

At the time of publication, the total number of Palestinians killed in 2022 stood at 231. This number also includes 53 killed in Gaza, 49 of whom were killed during Operation Breaking Dawn in August, and five Palestinians with Israeli citizenship who were killed inside the territory of the Israeli state. 

The vast majority of the deaths this year, however, came from the occupied West Bank, with 173 Palestinians killed. For the purpose of this report, we will focus on those who were killed in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, or those who were residents of the West Bank and Jerusalem but were killed in other parts of occupied Palestine. 

This list does not only include Palestinians who were shot dead by Israeli soldiers, or run over by Israeli settlers. It also includes Palestinian political prisoners who died inside Israeli prisons as a result of “direct medical negligence,” or those who died while resisting Israeli apartheid and colonialism, and are thus considered “martyrs” — those who died for the cause — by the Palestinian public.

Among the 173 killed in the West Bank and East Jerusalem were 39 children aged 17 and under, making them close to 27% of the total deaths in the territory. 

According to our documentation, the least amount of Palestinians killed in a month this year was six, and the highest number was recorded in October, when 30 Palestinians were killed — almost one person every day on average.

Within the West Bank, the highest number of casualties occurred in two specific regions: Nablus and Jenin, representing 19% and 34% of the total casualties, respectively. The particularly high number of deaths in the two regions of the northern West Bank can be attributed to the resurgence of armed resistance witnessed in both areas, which the Israeli military focused its efforts on quashing this year. 

In late 2021, the Israeli army amended its already loose open-fire regulations in the occupied West Bank, officially allowing troops to shoot at Palestinians who had thrown rocks or Molotov cocktails at civilian vehicles, even if the Palestinian no longer presented an immediate threat. 

The military spokesperson has maintained that the amended regulations only apply when rocks or fire bombs are thrown towards civilian vehicles, not when such objects are thrown towards forces during military raids, and that soldiers are to follow a protocol in which the use of deadly force is a last resort. The nature of the killings this year, however, tell a different story. 

According to documentation collected by Mondoweiss, the vast majority of those killed were shot by Israeli police, border police, and the military during confrontations with Israeli forces. While there was a significant rise in armed confrontation between Palestinians and Israeli armed forces this year, many of those killed were shot while unarmed, or while throwing stones or Molotov cocktails towards Israeli army vehicles and armed soldiers. In many cases, rights groups deemed that those killed did not pose an explicit threat to the lives of the Israeli soldiers when they were killed.  

These are the names and faces of every Palestinian who, according to our records, was killed or died as a result of Israeli military, settler, and colonial violence in 2022. 

Occupied West Bank & East Jerusalem


1. Bakeer Hashash, 21

Date: January 6
Location: Balata Refugee Camp, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Bakeer Hashash was shot in the head during an Israeli military night raid into Balata Refugee Camp in southern Nablus, where he lived. The military was conducting an arrest raid, and was met with resistance from armed groups in the camp. Hashash was reportedly confronting the soldiers when he was shot; it remained unconfirmed if he was armed. Hashash was the first Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in 2022. 

2. Mustafa Falaneh, 25

Date: January 6
Location: Beit Sira Checkpoint, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: vehicular ramming

Mustafa Falaneh was on his way to work, and was crossing the street near the Beit Sira checkpoint west of Ramallah when an Israeli settler rammed him with a car, killing him. At the time, Israeli media reported that Israeli police were “investigating the incident,” though no one was arrested. Falaneh was a husband and father of an 18-month-old girl, and was from the Ramallah-area village of Safa. He was the first Palestinian killed by an Israeli settler in 2022. 

3. Omar Asad, 80

Date: January 12
Location: Jiljilya, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: heart attack

Omar Asad, a Palestinian-American, was on his way home from visiting relatives when an Israeli military patrol in his town pulled him over. When he reportedly “resisted a check,” the soldiers dragged him out of his car, blindfolded him, tied his hands behind his back with zip ties, gagged him, and took him to a warehouse where he was left for several hours in the cold. Asad died of a heart attack during that time, and his unconscious body was left behind by the soldiers. 

4. Suleiman al-Hathalin, 80 

Date: January 16 
Location: Umm al-Khair, Hebron, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: vehicular ramming

Suleiman al-Hathalin, an icon of the popular resistance movement in the South Hebron Hills and across the occupied West Bank, was run over by an Israeli truck on January 5 during a protest in his village. He sustained critical injuries, including a fractured skull and serious injuries to his spine, ribs, and hip. He succumbed to his wounds on January 16. The truck that ran him over had been contracted by the Israeli police to tow unlicensed vehicles in Hathalin’s village of Umm al-Khair. The police claimed the incident was an accident, and that al-Hathalin was in the middle of the road,  while local eyewitnesses said he was on the side of the road and was “deliberately” rammed by the truck, which fled the scene. Israeli police who were also at the scene reportedly left without stopping to assess the damage done by the truck, or to call an ambulance. 

5. Faleh Musa Jaradat, 39

Date: January 17
Location: Gush Etzion settlement, Bethlehem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Faleh Jaradat was shot and killed by Israeli forces outside the illegal Gush Etzion settlement in the southern West Bank, after he allegedly attempted to stab an Israeli soldier in the area. His body was reportedly seized by Israeli forces and withheld from his family. 

6. Fahmi Hamad, 57

Date: January 24
Location: Qalandiya Refugee Camp, Jerusalem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: tear gas inhalation 

Fahmi Hamad, a resident of the Qalandiya refugee camp, was on his way to the local clinic to get his diabetes medication when Israeli forces raided the camp, firing dozens of rounds of tear gas into the area, including near the clinic where Hamad was located. UNRWA said the raid lasted several hours, and that their appeals to Israeli authorities to stop firing tear gas and allow their staff and patients to evacuate the clinic were “regrettably not addressed.” Hamad suffered from suffocation due to tear gas inhalation, and was treated at a local hospital. His family said that even after he was released, he continued to cough and had trouble breathing. He died that same night. The Qalandiya refugee camp lies between Jerusalem and Ramallah, and is considered part of the Jerusalem district, though it lies on the West Bank side of the separation wall.

7. Ashraf Mubasalat, 21,
8. Mohammad Dakhil, 22
9. Adham Mabroukeh, 26

Date: February 8 
Location: Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ashraf Mubasalat, Mohammad Dakhil, and Adham Mabroukeh were shot and killed by Israeli forces during an ambush of their vehicle in the city of Nablus’s Makhfiyeh neighborhood. The three were members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of the Fatah movement, and were founding members of the novel Lions’ Den group in Nablus. The three were killed as part of Israeli military operations targeting Palestinian resistance fighters who were suspected of carrying out operations against Israeli targets in the West Bank. 

10. Mohammad Abu Salah, 16

Date: February 14 
Location: al-Sila al-Harithiya, Jenin, occupied West Bank 
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Abu Salah was shot and killed by the Israeli army while it was raiding the village of al-Sila al-Harithiya. The raid sparked protests in the village, which drew crowds of Palestinians from al-Sila al-Harithiya and the surrounding villages, including the neighboring town of al-Yamoun, where Abu Salah was from. According to Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCIP), Israeli forces “suddenly and without warning” began firing indiscriminately at the crowds of Palestinians, injuring dozens of people, including Abu Salah, who was shot in the eye, and his cousin, who was shot in the hand while attempting to aid Abu Salah. DCIP said the two were running away when an Israeli sniper shot them.  Abu Salah was the first Palestinian child killed in 2022.

11. Nihad Barghouti, 19

Date: February 15
Location: Nabi Saleh, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Nihad Barghouti was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers during confrontations between local youth and the Israeli military in Nabi Saleh. He was a resident of the nearby village of Kufr Ein. 

12. Mohammad Rezq Salah, 13

Date: February 22
Location: al-Khader, Bethlehem, occupied West Bank 
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Rezq Salah was shot and killed near the Israeli Separation Wall outside of his village of al-Khader, south of Bethlehem. The Israeli army claimed that its soldiers shot Salah while he was allegedly throwing a Molotov cocktail at cars on the highway. Salah’s family said he was 300 meters away from the wall when he was shot, and “did not pose any significant danger to the army or the settlers” at the time.

13. Abdullah al-Husari, 22
14. Shadi Najim, 18

Date: March 1
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Abdullah al-Husari and Shadi Najim were shot and killed by Israeli forces during a nighttime military raid on the Jenin Refugee Camp. 

15. Ammar Abu Afifa, 21

Date: March 1
Location: Beit Fajjar, Bethlehem, occupied West Bank 
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ammar Abu Afifa, a resident of the Al-Arroub Refugee Camp was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers while he was on a hike with a friend. His friend told B’Tselem that the two were hiking when Israeli soldiers approached them, shouting at them in Hebrew. The pair ran away when the soldiers began shooting, striking Abu Afifa in the head, and his friend in the leg. The army said soldiers were deployed to the area “after sentries reported seeing Palestinians near a lookout point constructed by Israeli settlers,” Haaretz reported

16. Karim Jamal al-Qawasmi, 19

Date: March 6
Location: Old City, occupied East Jerusalem
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Karim Jamal al-Qawasmi was shot and killed by Israeli police after he allegedly stabbed and injured two Israeli police officers near the Bab al-Hutta gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. Al-Qawasmi was from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of al-Tur.

17. Yamen Jaffal, 16

Date: March 6
Location: Abu Dis, Jerusalem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Yamen Jaffal was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a raid on the town of Abu Dis, which is located in the Jerusalem district of the occupied West Bank, and borders the Israeli Separation Wall. Jaffal was shot and killed during confrontations. The army claimed it fired at two people who were allegedly throwing “fire bombs” towards the army. 

18. Abdelrahman Qasem, 22 

Date: March 7
Location: Old City, occupied East Jerusalem
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Abdelrahman Qasem was shot and killed by Israeli police after he allegedly stabbed and injured two Israeli police officers in the Old City of Jerusalem. Qasem was reportedly from the Ramallah area in the West Bank.

19. Ahmad Hikmat Seif, 22

Date: March 8 
Location: Burqa, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ahmad Hikmat Seif was shot on March 1 during an Israeli military raid on his hometown of Burqa, in the Nablus district of the northern West Bank. He succumbed to his wounds a week later on March 8. 

20. Alaa Shahham, 22

Date: March 15
Location: Qalandiya refugee camp, Jerusalem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Alaa Shahham was shot and killed during an Israeli military raid on the Qalandiya refugee camp. He was shot during confrontations between local youth and Israeli forces; six others were injured during the raid. The Qalandiya refugee camp lies between Jerusalem and Ramallah, and is considered part of the Jerusalem district, though it lies on the West Bank side of the separation wall. 

21. Nader Rayyan, 16

Date: March 15
Location: Balata Refugee Camp, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Nader Rayyan was shot and killed during an early morning Israeli army raid on the Balata Refugee Camp in Nablus. According to DCIP, Rayyan and a friend were riding on a motorcycle, on their way to Rayyan’s brother’s cafe nearby when they were shot by Israeli forces. 

22. Diaa Hamarsheh, 27

Date: March 29
Location: Bnei Brak, Tel Aviv
Cause of death: shot with live ammunitio

Diaa Hamarseh was shot and killed after he carried out a shooting operation in the Tel Aviv suburbs that killed five people, including three Israelis and two Ukrainian nationals. Hamarsheh was from the occupied West Bank town of Yabad, in Jenin. 

23. Nidal Jaafra, 30

Date: March 30
Location: Neve Daniel junction, Bethlehem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Nidal Jaafra was shot and killed by Israeli forces after he allegedly stabbed and injured an Israeli on a bus outside the illegal Neve Daniel settlement in the Bethlehem district of the West Bank. He was from the town of Tarqumiyah in Hebron. 

24. Sanad Abu Atiyah, 16
25. Yazid al-Saadi, 24

Date: March 31 
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of Death: shot with live ammunition

Sanad Abu Atiyah and Yazid al-Saadi were shot and killed by Israeli forces during an army raid on the Jenin Refugee Camp. The raid sparked force confrontations with locals in the camp, including with local armed resistance groups. Israeli forces injured another 14 Palestinians, and arrested more than 30. Abu Atiyah was shot in the chest, and al-Saadi was shot in the back of the head. According to DCIP, the two were shot as Israeli forces were retreating from the camp while shooting towards a number of young men who were throwing stones. Al-Saadi was shot first, and Abu Atiyah was shot while attempting to render him aid. 

26. Ahmad al-Atrash, 29 

Date: April 1
Location: Hebron, occupied West Bank
Cause of Death: shot with live ammunition

Ahmad al-Atrash was shot and killed by Israeli forces during confrontations between Israeli forces and locals in Hebron City. Palestinians in Hebron and across the West Bank were protesting in commemoration of Land Day when Israeli forces suppressed protests with tear gas, sound bombs, rubber bullets, and live ammunition. 

27. Saeb Abahra, 30
28. Khalil Tawalbeh, 24
29. Saif Abu Libda, 25

Date: April 2
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Saeb Abahra, Khalil Tawalbeh, and Saif Abu Libda were all shot and killed while driving in their car during an Israeli army ambush on Jenin city in the middle of the night. According to reports, a white bus blocked their vehicle at around 2 a.m. near the Arraba village, southwest of Jenin, and Israeli special forces exited the bus and began firing at the vehicle. The three were members of the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement. They were not engaged in armed confrontations at the time they were killed, causing locals to describe it as an “assassination”.

30. Raad Khazem, 29

Date: April 7
Location: Tel Aviv
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Raad Khazem was shot and killed after he carried out a shooting attack in Tel Aviv that killed three people. He was from the Jenin Refugee Camp in the West Bank. 

31. Ahmad Saadi, 24

Date: April 9
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank 
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ahmad Saadi was shot and killed by Israeli forces during an army raid on the Jenin Refugee Camp. The raid targeted the family of Raad Khazem, who was killed two days prior after shooting and killing three people in Tel Aviv. Saadi was reportedly a leader in the Al-Quds Brigades. 

32. Ghada Sabateen, 47

Date: April 10
Location: Husan, Bethlehem, occupied West Bank 
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ghada Sabateen was shot and killed by Israeli forces near a flying checkpoint in her village of Husan, south of Bethlehem. Sabateen, a widow and mother of six who was reportedly partially blind, was shot by soldiers “on suspicion” as she passed by a flying checkpoint in the village. She was unarmed. Mondoweiss was unable to obtain a photo of Sabateen.

33. Maha Kazim al-Zaatry, 24

Date: April 10 
Location: Ibrahimi Mosque, Hebron, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition 

Maha al-Zaatry was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers stationed at a checkpoint outside the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Old City of Hebron. Al-Zaatry was shot after she allegedly stabbed a soldier. Mondoweiss was unable to obtain a photo of al-Zaatry.

34. Mohammad Ghnaim, 19

Date: April 10
Location: Al-Khader, Bethlehem, occupied West Bank 
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Ghnaim was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers after he allegedly threw a molotov cocktail towards the army near al-Khader, south of Bethlehem. 

35. Mohammad Zakarneh, 16

Date: April 11
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Zakarneh was shot on April 10 during an Israeli military raid on the city of Jenin. According to DCIP, Zakarneh was shot while running behind an Israeli military vehicle that was reportedly pursuing a civilian vehicle carrying family members of Raad Khazem. 

36. Abdullah Moussa Srour, 44

Date: April 12
Location: Asqalan (Askhelon)
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Abdullah Srour was shot and killed after allegedly attempting to stab an Israeli police officer during a raid at a work site in the port city of Asqalan (Ashkelon) in southern Israel. Srour was reportedly from the Hebron area of the West Bank. 

37. Mohammad Hassan Assaf, 34

Date: April 13
Location: Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Assaf was shot and killed during an Israeli military raid on Nablus city. Assaf was reportedly a bystander, and was shot and killed shortly after dropping his nephews off at school.

38. Qusai Hamamra, 16

Date: April 13
Location: Husan, Bethlehem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Qusai Hamamra was shot and killed during confrontations that broke out following an Israeli raid on the village of Husan. The Israeli army alleged that Hamamra was shot after he threw a Molotov Cocktail towards Israeli forces. DCIP reported that he sustained multiple gunshot wounds, including one to the head. 

39. Omar Mohammad Aliyan, 20

Date: April 13
Location: Silwad, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Omar Aliyan was shot and killed by Israeli forces during confrontations that broke out following an Israeli raid on the town of Silwad. Eleven other Palestinians were injured during the raid. 

40. Shas Kamamji, 28
41. Mustafa Abu Arub, 31

Date: April 14
Location: Kafr Dan, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Shas Kamamji and Mustafa Abu Arub were shot and killed during an Israeli army raid on the village of Kafr Dan, in the Jenin area. During the raid, Israeli forces arrested three brothers of Ayham Kamamji, one of the prisoners who escaped from the Gilboa prison last year. Shas Kamamji was also a brother of Ayham. 

42. Fawwaz Hamayel, 45

Date: April 14
Location: Beita, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Fawwaz Hamayel was shot on April 13 during protests in the town of Beita in the Nablus district of the West Bank, and succumbed one day later. Hamayel was a father of three. Mondoweiss interviewed Hamayel during our coverage of the daily protests in Beita in 2021. 

43. Shawkat Kamal Abed, 17

Date: April 15
Location: Kafr Dan, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Shawkat Abed was shot during an Israeli army raid on Kafr Dan on April 14 — the same raid during which Shas Kamamji and Mustafa Abu Arub were killed. He succumbed to his wounds the next day. According to DCIP, Shawkat was shot in his abdomen, and sustained injuries that suggest he was “struck with an exploding bullet that ruptured his blood vessels and veins.”

44. Hanan Khaddour, 18

Date: April 18
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Hanan Khaddour was shot by Israeli forces during a large-scale raid on Jenin on April 9, during which Ahmad al-Saadi was killed. According to reports, Khaddour was walking home from school when she was shot. She succumbed to her wounds on April 18. 

45. Lutfi Ibrahim Labadi, 20

Date: April 22
Location: Al-Yamun, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Lutfi Labadi was shot during an Israeli raid on the Jenin area town of al-Yamun on April 19. He succumbed to his wounds on April 22. 

46. Ahmed Oweidat, 20

Date: April 26
Location: Aqbat Jaber Refugee Camp, Jericho, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ahmed Oweidat was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a nighttime raid on the Aqbat Jaber Refugee Camp. The raid sparked confrontations from residents of the camp. Three people were wounded, and one was arrested. 

47. Ahmad Massad, 18

Date: April 27
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ahmad Massad was shot and killed during an early morning Israeli army raid on Jenin. Massad was shot in the head, and three others were wounded during the raid. 

48. Yahya Ali Adwan, 27

Date: April 30
Location: Azzun, Qalqilya, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Yahya Adwan was shot and killed during confrontations that erupted following an Israeli raid on the town of Azzun. 

49. Motasem Attalah al-Zeer, 17

Date: May 8 
Location: Tekoa settlement, Bethlehem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Motasem al-Zeer was shot and killed inside the illegal Israeli settlement of Tekoa in the Bethlehem district, a few kilometers away from his hometown village of Harmala. According to DCIP, Motasem took off to the settlement after an argument with his parents. Around an hour later his parents were informed by Israeli forces at the settlement that he was shot after allegedly entering the settlement with a knife. It was not reported that al-Zeer actually attempted a stabbing attack or injured anyone. DCIP added that it was unable to confirm the specific circumstances of his killing, including whether he was shot by an Israeli soldier, private security contractor, or an Israeli settler. His body was confiscated by Israeli authorities and withheld from his family. 

50. Mahmoud Aram, 27

Date: May 8
Location: Tulkarem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mahmoud Aram was shot and killed by Israeli army forces while he was allegedly attempting to cross an Israeli separation barrier between the West Bank and Israeli territory. Aram was a resident of the Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis, and was reportedly searching for work in Israel and the West Bank when he was killed. 

51. Shireen Abu Akleh, 51

Date: May 11
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian-American veteran journalist with Al Jazeera was shot and killed by Israeli forces while she was covering a military raid on the Jenin Refugee Camp. Abu Akleh and her colleagues, who were wearing blue vests marked as ‘PRESS’ came under fire from the direction of Israeli forces. Abu Akleh was shot in the head, directly below her ear, according to reports from the MOH. Her colleague Ali Samoudi was also shot in the back, though he recovered. Abu Akleh was a resident of occupied East Jerusalem. 

52. Thaer Khalil al-Yazouri, 16

Date: May 11
Location: Al-Bireh, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Thaer al-Yazouri was shot and killed during confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli forces in the al-Bireh area of Ramallah. According to DCIP, al-Yazouri had left school early due to a teacher’s strike and was watching the nearby confrontations when he was shot in the chest. DCIP said he did not pose any threat to the soldiers at the time he was killed. 

53. Waleed al-Sharif, 23

Date: May 14
Location: Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, occupied East Jerusalem 
Cause of death: shot with a rubber bullet

Waleed al-Sharif was severely wounded after he was shot by Israeli forces with a rubber bullet during Israeli raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on April 22, during Ramadan the month prior. He succumbed to his wounds on May 14 after several weeks in the hospital. Israeli police denied responsibility for his killing, saying he died after he fell and hit his head, despite video evidence proving otherwise.

54. Daoud al-Zubeidi, 40

Date: May 15
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Daoud al-Zubeidi was shot and injured on May 13 during an Israeli army raid on the Jenin Refugee Camp. Al-Zubeidi was a fighter and leader within the Fatah movement, and was the brother of political prisoner Zakaria al-Zubeidi, who escaped from Gilboa prison in September 2021. 

55. Ihab al-Kilani, 40

Date: May 16
Location: Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: medical negligence inside Israeli prison

Ihab al-Kilani died on May 16, one month after he was released from Israeli prison. According to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society, al-Kilani had cancer and was subject to “deliberate medical negligence” while in Israeli prison. 

56. Amjad Walid Fayed, 16 

Date: May 21
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition 

Amjad Fayed was shot and killed by Israeli forces during an army raid on the city of Jenin. According to DCIP, Fayed was shot after he threw a Molotov cocktail towards Israeli army vehicles raiding the city. 

57. Ghaith Yamin, 16

Date: May 25
Location: Joseph’s Tomb, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ghaith Yamin was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a raid on the Joseph’s Tomb area in Nablus. The raid, conducted by Israeli forces in order to escort groups of Israeli settlers to the site for worship, sparked confrontations with local youth. 

58. Zaid Ghneim, 14

Date: May 27
Location: al-Khader, Bethlehem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Zaid Ghneim was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers who were on foot patrol in the area of al-Khader. Ghneim was reportedly running away from the soldiers when he was shot. 

59. Ghufran Warasneh, 31

Date: June 1
Location: Al-Arroub Refugee Camp, Hebron, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ghufran Warasneh was shot and killed by Israeli forces outside a checkpoint near the al-Arroub refugee camp while she was on her way to work at her new job at a local Palestinian radio station. Warasneh was from the Hebron-area village of al-Shuyukh. The Israeli army claimed that Warasneh was holding a knife, and that its forces shot her as she “advanced toward an [Israeli army] soldier who was conducting routine security activity” in the area. Witnesses at the time, however, said she posed little to no threat to the armed soldiers stationed in the area when she was shot. The Palestinian Red Crescent said that Israeli forces prevented medics from approaching her for 20 minutes after she was shot.

60. Bilal Kabaha, 24

Date: June 1
Location: Yabad, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Bilal Kabaha was shot during confrontations between locals in Yabad and Israeli forces, who were raiding the town in order to demolish the family home of Diaa Hamarsheh, who was killed in March after he carried out a shooting attack in Tel Aviv that killed five people. The demolition raid sparked protests in the town, with Israeli forces firing live ammunition and tear gas at Palestinians who threw stones at the military forces. Kabaha was killed after he was shot in the chest and thigh. At least six others were injured with live ammunition during the raid. 

61. Ayman Muhaisen, 29

Date: June 2
Location: Dheisheh Refugee Camp, Bethlehem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ayman Muhaisen was shot and killed during a nighttime raid by the Israeli military on the Dheisheh refugee camp. Muhaisen was a former political prisoner. 

62. Odeh Sadaqah, 16

Date: June 2
Location: Al-Midiya, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Odeh Sadaqah was shot and killed by Israeli forces while on a walk with his friends in the village of al-Midiya. According to DCIP, the boys suddenly came under fire by Israeli forces who were patrolling the area. As they were running away, Sadaqah was shot in the back. When locals rushed to the scene and attempted to help him, Israeli forces fired on them as well. He was evacuated in a civilian vehicle around 20 minutes after he was shot, but lost consciousness on the way to the hospital. 

63. Mahmoud Abu Ayhor, 27

Date: June 9 
Location: Halhul, Hebron, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mahmoud Abu Ayhor was shot and killed during an Israeli army raid on Halhul that sparked confrontations with locals in the town. Several others were shot with live ammunition during the confrontations. 

64. Samih Jamal Amarneh, 35

Date: June 11
Location: Yabad, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Samih Amarneh was shot during an Israeli military raid on Yabad on June 1 — the same raid in which 24-year-old Bilal Kabaha was killed. Amarneh succumbed to his wounds on June 11. 

65. Yusef Salah, 23
66. Baraa Lahlouh, 24
67. Laith Abu Srour, 24

Date: June 17
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Yusef Salah, Baraa Lahlouh, and Laith Abu Srour were shot and killed by Israeli forces during a military raid on the city of Jenin. According to local reports, the vehicle they were driving in came under ambush by Israeli forces, who fired dozens of rounds of live ammunition at the vehicle. The Israeli army claimed it came under fire from the vehicle. 

68. Nabil Ghanem, 53

Date: June 19
Location: Qalqilya, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Nabil Ghanem was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers near the Israeli separation barrier outside of Qalqilya. Ghanem, who worked as a day laborer in Israel, was shot by soldiers in the area as he was on his way to work. At the time the army released a statement saying its soldiers “shot and wounded a suspect who tried to infiltrate through the wall near Qalqilya into the Green Line.”

69. Ali Harb, 28

Date: June 21
Location: Iskaka, Salfit, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: stabbing

Ali Harb was stabbed to death by an Israeli settler in Harb’s hometown of Iskaka. Harb, along with a number of Palestinians in the village of Iskaka, went to the land on the outskirts of their village after receiving a call that Israeli settlers were attacking their land. When Harb and the others arrived, they confronted the settlers and attempted to push them back, reports said. After the settlers briefly retreated from the area, they reportedly came back, accompanied by an armed settlement security guard and Israeli soldier. Witnesses at the time said that the settlement security guard fired shots into the air as the group of settlers began assaulting the Palestinians, before one settler approached Harb and stabbed him directly in the heart. Israeli police said they were investigating the incident, but that “at this stage the identity of the stabber is unclear.”

70. Mohammad Abdullah Suleiman, 16

Date: June 24
Location: Silwad, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Suleiman (also named by MOH as Abdullah Hammad) was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers during confrontations in the village of Silwad. According to DCIP, he was left to bleed out for 45 minutes after he was shot, before being transferred to a hospital in Israel. His body was also withheld from his family by Israeli authorities. 

71. Mohammad Marei, 25

Date: June 29
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Marei was shot and killed during an Israeli army raid on the city of Jenin. PIJ released a statement saying he was a PIJ fighter, and was killed while confronting the Israeli army. 

72. Sa’diya Farajallah, 68

Date: July 2
Location: Damon Prison
Cause of death: medical negligence 

Sa’diya Matar (also Sa’diya Farajallah) died of a suspected heart attack inside Israel’s Damon Prison, six months after she was beaten and detained by Israeli forces in Hebron after allegedly attempting to stab Israeli soldiers near a military checkpoint in the city. The Palestinian Prisoners Club said at the time of her death that they believed she died as a result of “deliberate medical negligence”. According to the group, she was displaying signs of deteriorating health during her imprisonment, and that her legal team requested she be sent to see a specialized doctor following medical tests that showed her health was in decline.

73. Kamal Alawneh, 17

Date: July 3
Location: Jabaa, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Kamal Alwaneh was shot during an Israeli raid on the town of Jabaa on July 2. Israeli forces raided the entrance of the town to erect a checkpoint in the area, causing confrontations to ensue with local youth. According to DCIP, Alawneh was standing around 65 feet away from the soldiers when he was struck with a live bullet in the elbow. He then turned to run away, when he was struck again in the abdomen. He succumbed to his wounds the day after he was shot. 

74. Ahmad Harb Ayyad, 32

Date: July 5
Location: Tulkarem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: beating

Ahmad Harb Ayyad was severely beaten by Israeli soldiers while attempting to cross the Israeli separation barrier outside Tulkarem into Israel for work. According to his family, who live in the Gaza Strip, Ayyad was “lynched” by soldiers, and died as a result of the wounds he sustained in the beating. The Israeli army denied any knowledge of Ayyad’s death.

75. Rafiq Ghannam, 20

Date: July 6
Location: Jabaa, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Rafiq Ghannam was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a raid on the town of Jabaa. Ghannam was arrested by Israeli forces after being shot, and died while in custody. His body was withheld from his family. According to Middle East Eye, the Israeli army provided two versions of the event at the time: one statement claimed Ghannam was shot while throwing a Molotov cocktail at soldiers, while another statement said a “suspect escaping from a building did not heed soldiers’ calls to stop and was shot as a result.”

76. Abdulrahman Suboh, 28
77. Mohammad Azizi, 24

Date: July 24
Location: Old City, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Azizi and Abdulrahman Suboh were shot and killed by Israeli forces during a large-scale military raid on the al-Yasmina neighborhood in the Old City of Nablus. It was the first time since 2002 that the army conducted a raid in the area, targeting Palestinians who the army claimed were suspected of carrying out a shooting operation targeting Israeli soldiers and settlers near Joseph’s Tomb a month prior. During the raid, resistance fighters fired heavily at Israeli forces, barricading themselves inside the home of Azizi, who is widely known to be the one of the founders of the Lions’ Den. Israeli forces surrounded the home, bombarding it with explosives and gunfire, overpowering the fighters inside. The Palestinian MOH said Azizi was shot in the chest, and Suboh was shot in the head.

78. Amjad Abu Alia, 16

Date: July 29 
Location: Al-Mughayyir, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Amjad Abu Alia was shot and killed during confrontations in his village of al-Mughayyir, between Israeli settlers, soldiers, and local Palestinian youth. According to eyewitness testimony told to Mondoweiss at the time, and corroborated by similar testimonies collected by DCIP, Abu Alia was shot in the back while running away from Israeli settlers and soldiers who were firing on protesters. At the same moment in which Abu Alia was shot, an Israeli settler around 70 meters (220 feet) away was recorded taking cover behind a stone barrier, kneeling, and shooting live ammunition at Palestinian protesters. At the time, the Israeli military took no responsibility for his killing, nor did it release any statements with regard to the allegations that the fatal shot could have potentially come from a settler.

79. Hussein Qawariq, 59

Date: July 30
Location: Huwwara, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Hussein Qawariq was shot on July 26 in the town of Huwwara by Israeli forces who were manning a checkpoint in the area. The Israeli army said it fired at a “suspect approaching them at a military post,” first firing into the air and then directly at Qawariq after he allegedly continued approaching the soldiers. The mayor of the town said Qawariq was “mentally disabled” and “used to collect bottles and cans from the street and ask for money from businesses in the area,” Middle East Eye reported. He succumbed to his wounds on July 30. 

80. Dirar al-Kafrayni, 16

Date: August 1
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Dirar al-Kafrayni was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a raid on the Jenin Refugee Camp. According to DCIP he was shot in the back by an Israeli sniper stationed about 50 meters (165 feet away). 

81. Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, 18
82. Islam Subuh, 32
83. Hussein Jamal Taha, 16

(FILE) A photo shows Ibrahim al-Nabulsi holding his weapon in the West Bank city of Nablus. (Photo by Shadi Jarar'ah/APA Images)
Date: August 9
Location: Old City, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, Islam Subuh, and Hussein Jamal Taha were killed during a large-scale Israeli military raid on the Old City of Nablus. The target of the raid was al-Nabulsi, the young commander who was, at the time, leading the increasingly popular group of resistance fighters that would come to be called the “Lions’ Den.” 

Israeli forces raided the Old City in the early hours of the morning and surrounded a house where Nabulsi was reportedly staying, sparking a gun battle with the fighters in the area. 

While Nabulsi and Subuh were both reportedly engaged in armed confrontations when they were killed, DCIP said that Taha was on his way to shop for groceries with his father and 13-year-old brother when an Israeli soldier shot him in the abdomen near the confrontations between the Palestinian fighters and Israeli forces.

84. Momin Yassin Jaber, 16

Date: August 9 
Location: Hebron, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Momin Jaber was shot and killed during protests that erupted in Hebron following the killing of Nabulsi, Subuh and Taha earlier in the day. According to DCIP, Jaber was shot in the chest with live ammunition near the Bab al-Zawiya area of Hebron. He underwent surgery at a local hospital but succumbed to his wounds later in the day. 

85. Mohammad Abdul-Karim Salim, 24

Date: August 14
Location: Salfit, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: vehicular ramming

Mohammad Salim was killed after he was run over by an Israeli vehicle near an illegal settlement outpost, near the village of Hares in the Salfit district. Witnesses told Wafa News Agency that it was a “deliberate hit and run.”

86. Mohammad al-Shaham, 21

Date: August 15
Location: Kafr Aqab, Jerusalem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad al-Shahham was shot and killed during a raid by Israeli armed forces on his family’s home in the town of Kufr Aqab, located in the Jerusalem district of the West Bank. Israeli forces claim al-Shahham tried to stab them when they entered the home, but his family vehemently denied the claims, saying he was “executed” at point blank range just moments after waking up to the sounds of armed forces bursting through the front door. His family claimed the soldiers told them they entered the home by “mistake.” His body was withheld for over a month before being returned to his family in late September. 

87. Waseem Abu Khalifa, 18

Date: August 18 
Location: Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Waseem Abu Khalifa was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a raid on the city of Nablus. 

88. Salah Tawfiq Sawafta, 58

Date: August 19
Location: Tubas, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Salah Sawafta was shot and killed by Israeli forces during an early morning army raid on the city of Tubas. Local media reported that Sawafta was on his way home from performing dawn prayers at the local mosque when he was shot near the entrance of his home. He was reportedly still wearing his prayer robes when shot. The Israeli army denied killing Sawafta, saying they shot at a number of “assailants” in the area with “precise fire.”

89. Mohammad Araysheh, 24

Date: August 23
Location: Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Araysheh was shot and injured during the Israeli military raid on the Old City of Nablus on August 9 that killed Ibrahim Nabulsi, Islam Subuh, and Hussein Taha. Araysheh, reported to be a fighter, was injured during the confrontations. He succumbed to his wounds on August 23. 

90.Yazan Afaneh, 26 

Date: September 1
Location: Al-Bireh, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Yazan Afaneh was shot and killed during an Israeli military raid on the town of al-Bireh in Ramallah. Afaneh, a resident of the nearby Qalandiya refugee camp, was apparently confronting the soldiers along with other locals, who threw stones and attempted to block the soldiers’ path into the city. 

91. Fadi Mohammad Ghattas, 19

Date: September 2
Location: Beit Einoun Junction, Hebron, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Fadi Ghattas, a resident of the Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem, was shot and killed by Israeli forces after allegedly attempting to stab soldiers near the Beit Einun junction in the Hebron district. 

92. Mousa Abu Mahameed, 40

Date: September 3
Location: Assaf Harofeh Hospital 
Cause of death: suspected medical negligence

Mousa Abu Mahameed died while in Israeli custody at the Assaf Harofeh hospital. Mahameed, from the Bethlehem-area village of Beit Tamar, died two months after he was arrested by Israeli forces for being in Jerusalem without an Israeli-issued permit. The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society said Mahameed had “neurological problems” prior to his arrest, but was otherwise healthy. His health deteriorated due to unexplained reasons around one month into his detention, and he was declared dead on September 3. 

93. Taher Zakarneh, 19

Date: September 5
Location: Qabatiya, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Taher Zakarneh was shot and killed by Israeli forces during confrontations that erupted following an Israeli military operation in the Jenin area. 

94. Mohammad Sabaaneh, 28

Mohammad Sabaaneh, 29. (Photo: Twitter)
Date: September 6
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Sabaaneh was shot and killed during an Israeli military raid on Jenin, during which Israeli forces shot and injured at least 16 people with live ammunition. The army conducted the raid in order to punitively demolish the family home of Raad Khazem, who was killed in April after he committed a shooting operation in Tel Aviv that killed three people. 

95. Younis Ghassan Tayeh, 21

Date: September 6 
Location: Al-Faraa Camp, Tubas, occupied West Bank
Cause of death:shot with live ammunition

Younis Tayeh was shot and killed during an Israeli military raid on the al-Faraa camp in the northern West Bank, located between the Tubas and Jenin districts. 

96. Haitham Mubarak, 16

Date: September 8 
Location: Beitin, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Haitham Mubarak was shot and killed during a nighttime Israeli army raid near the village of Beitin. DCIP reported that Israeli forces prevented an ambulance from reaching his body, and that he died soon after. Israeli forces confiscated his body.

97. Hamad Abu Jelda

Date: September 11
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Hamad Abu Jelda was shot and injured by Israeli forces during the army raid on Jenin refugee camp on September 6 that also killed Mohammad Sabaaneh. Abu Jelda succumbed to his wounds on September 11. 

98. Ahmed Ayman Abed, 23
99. Abdulrahman Hani Abed, 22

Date: September 14
Location: Jalameh Checkpoint, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ahmed Abed and Abdulrahman Abed were shot and killed at the Jalameh checkpoint north of Jenin, after they opened fire at Israeli forces stationed at the checkpoint, killing one soldier. The two were from the town of Kafr Dan in Jenin

100. Odai Salah, 17

Date: September 15
Location: Kafr Dan, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Odai Salah was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a military raid on the town of Kafr Dan. The Israeli military raided the homes of Ahmed and Abdulrahman Abed, who had carried out a shooting operation on the Jalameh checkpoint one day prior. The raid sparked confrontations in the town with local residents. According to DCIP, Salah reportedly attempted to shoot in the direction of Israeli military vehicles using a homemade gun, when an Israeli sniper fired two shots at him, killing him. It was unclear if he fired the weapon before he was killed. 

101. Mohammad Abu Jumaa, 23

Date: September 23
Location: Modi’in 
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Abu Jumaa was shot and killed by a plain-clothes Israeli border police officer near the Israeli town of Modi’in after he allegedly committed a stabbing attack. Abu Jumaa was from the Jerusalem-area town of al-Tur. 

102. Mohammad Abu Kafiya, 36

Date: September 24
Location: Nablus, occupied West Bank 
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohamamd Abu Kafiya was shot and killed by Israeli police while driving on a highway in the northern West Bank district of Nablus. Abu Kafiya, a resident of the village of Beit Ijza, was driving when his vehicle crashed into a police car that was parked on the side of the road. His family said it was a traffic accident, and criticized police for opening fire on him. The Israeli police accused Abu Kafiya of attempting to ram them with his vehicle, though none of the officers were hurt. 

103. Saed al-Koni, 26

Date: September 25
Location: Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Saed al-Koni was shot and killed by undercover Israeli forces during a raid on the al-Taawon neighborhood of the city. Three others were injured during the raid. Al-Koni was hailed as a hero by the Lions’ Den resistance group. 

104. Mohammad Hisham Abu Na’sa, 28
105. Abdelrahman (Abed) Khazem, 27
106. Mohammad al-Wanneh, 30
107. Ahmed Alawneh, 26

Date: September 28
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Israeli forces raided the Jenin refugee camp in the early morning, targeting the family of slain fighter Raad Khazem, who was killed in April after shooting and killing three people in Tel Aviv. During the raid, Israeli forces killed Abed Khazem, the brother of Raad Khazem, along with Mohammad al-Wanneh, Ahmed Alawneh, and Mohammad Abu Na’sa. More than 50 others were injured during the raid.  

108. Rayyan Yasser Suleiman, 7

Date: September 29
Location: Tuqu, Bethlehem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: cardiac arrest

Rayyan Suleiman died from cardiac arrest after being chased down by Israeli soldiers in his hometown of Tuqu, a village south of Bethlehem. His family said that he collapsed after being chased by the soldiers, who accused him and his brothers of throwing stones. Al Jazeera reported that a doctor at the Beit Jala Governmental Hospital, where Sulieman was declared dead, said “the most probable scenario of what happened is that under stress, he had excess adrenaline secretion, which caused the increase of his heartbeat,” Ismail said. “He developed cardiac arrest.”

109. Fayez Khaled Damdoum, 17

Date: October 1
Location: al-Ezariya, Jerusalem 
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Fayez Damdoum was shot by Israeli forces while he was riding on a motorcycle with his friend in their hometown of al-Eizariya, which sits just north of East Jerusalem, on the West Bank side of the Israeli Separation Wall. According to DCIP, Damdoum was driving on a motorcycle with his friend behind Israeli military vehicles, when soldiers shot him from the vehicle, at a distance of less than 13 feet, striking him in his neck. The Israeli border police claimed it fired at Palestinians who were throwing Molotov cocktails at Israeli forces in the area. 

110. Khaled al-Dabbas, 21
111. Salama Sharaya, 19

Date: October 3
Location: Jalazone Refugee Camp, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Khaled al-Dabbas and Salama Sharaya were shot and killed by Israeli forces during a nighttime arrest raid in the Jalazone refugee camp. The pair were reportedly driving in their car when they came under Israeli fire. The Israeli army claimed the young men attempted to ram them with the vehicle, something the families denied. No soldiers were injured in the alleged car-ramming. 

112. Alaa Naser Zaghal, 21

Date: October 5
Location: Deir al-Hatab, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Alaa Zaghal was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a military raid on the village of Deir al-Hatab outside Nablus. Israeli forces were targeting the home of a Palestinian fighter with the Fatah movement, sparking armed confrontations in the village that lasted several hours. Zaghal was shot in the head by soldiers during the raid. At least five others, including two Palestinian journalists, were injured during the raid. 

113. Adel Ibrahim Daoud, 14

Date: October 7
Location: Qalqilya 
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Adel Daoud was shot in the head with live ammunition by Israeli forces near the Israeli separation barrier, south of Qalqilya. There were reportedly confrontations in the area at the time that Daoud was shot. The Israeli army claimed that its forces fired when a Molotov cocktail was thrown towards army vehicles. 

114. Mahdi Ladadwa, 17

Date: October 7
Location: al-Mazraa al-Gharbiyya
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mahdi Ladadwa was shot in the waist by Israeli forces during a settler attack on the village of al-Mazraa al-Gharbiyya. The settler attack began around 4 p.m., sparking confrontations with local residents. Israeli soldiers who were accompanying the settlers fired live ammunition at Palestinians, killing Ladadwa. 

115. Mahmoud al-Sous, 17
116. Ahmed Daraghmeh, 16

Date: October 8
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mahmoud al-Sous and Ahmed Daraghmeh were shot and killed by Israeli forces during a large-scale Israeli military invasion on the Jenin refugee camp, conducted under the pretext of arresting a wanted Palestinian resistance fighter in the camp. Eleven others were injured during the raid. 

117. Mahmoud Mohammed Samoudi, 12

Date: October 10
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mahmoud Samoud was shot by Israeli forces with live ammunition in the abdomen during an Israeli military raid on the Jenin refugee camp on September 28, during which four Palestinians were killed. According to DCIP,  Samoudi joined a group of boys and youth who were throwing stones and Molotov cocktails towards Israeli military vehicles in the al-Zahra neighborhood of Jenin, next to the refugee camp. Samoudi allegedly threw a few stones at the Israeli military vehicles, when Israeli forces shot several live bullets towards the group of youth. One bullet struck Mahmoud in the left side of his abdomen and exited the right side, causing severe bleeding and damage to his colon, kidneys, and bladder. He succumbed to his wounds on October 10.

118. Osama Mahmoud Adawi, 17

Date: October 12
Location: Al-Arroub refugee camp, Hebron, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Osama Adawi was shot and killed by Israeli forces near the southern entrance of the Al-Arroub refugee camp. The Israeli military claimed that Adawi had thrown stones at cars with Israeli license plates on a major road adjacent to the camp. 

119. Dr. Abdullah Abu Teen, 43
120. Mateen Dabaya, 20

Date: October 14
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Dr. Abdullah Abu Teen and Mateen Dabaya were shot and killed during an Israeli army raid on the Jenin refugee camp. The Jenin Brigade identified Dabaya as a commander of its armed group, while Abu Teen was also reported to have been engaged in armed confrontations with Israeli forces when he was shot. 

121. Mohammad Ghawadra, 17

Date: October 14
Location: Tal Hashomer Hospital 
Cause of death: burn damage

Mohammad Ghawadra, a resident of the Jenin refugee camp, died on October 14 in Israeli custody in the Tal Hashomer hospital, where he was receiving treatment for severe burns across his body. Ghawadra and his cousin were detained in early September, after allegedly carrying out an attack on an Israeli settler bus in the Jordan Valley. Ghawadra reportedly sustained severe burns across 90% of his body after his car caught on fire while attempting to flee the scene. 

122. Qais Imad Shuja’iyya, 23

Date: October 15 
Location: Beit El settlement, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Qais Shuja’iyya was shot and killed in the illegal Beit El settlement in the Ramallah area, after he shot and injured one Israeli settler. Shuja’iyya was from the nearby town of Deir Jarir. 

123. Mujahed Ahmed Daoud, 30

Date: October 16 
Location: Qarawet Bani Hassan, Salfit, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mujahed Daoud was shot by Israeli forces during a military raid on his village of Qarawet Bani Hassan on October 15. He succumbed to his wounds the next day. 

124. Udai Tamimi, 22

Date: October 19
Location: Ma’ale Adumim settlement, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Udai Tamimi was shot and killed by Israeli forces at the entrance to the illegal Ma’ale Adumim settlement in the central West Bank. Tamimi, a resident of the Jerusalem-area Shu’fat refugee camp, was killed while carrying out a shooting operation, targeting armed forces stationed at the settlement. Prior to his killing, Israeli forces had embarked on a widespread manhunt for Tamimi, after he shot and killed an Israeli soldier at a military checkpoint outside Shu’fat refugee camp on October 8. Tamimi’s body was detained by Israeli forces, and continued to be withheld from his family. 

125. Mohammad Fadi Nouri, 16

Date: October 20
Location: Beit El checkpoint, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Nouri was shot by Israeli forces with live ammunition outside the Beit El checkpoint, near the city of Ramallah, on September 28. According to DCIP he was watching confrontations between Israeli soldiers and local youth when Israeli forces shot him in the abdomen. He was shot with an expanding bullet, which caused severe damage to his internal organs and sent him into a coma shortly after. He succumbed to his wounds on October 20. 

126. Salah Breiki, 19

Date: October 21
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Salah Breiki was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a military raid on Jenin that sparked confrontations with Palestinians in the city. According to the MOH he was shot in the neck.

127. Rabi Arafah Rabi, 32

Date: October 22
Location: Qalqilya, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Rabi Arafah Rabi was shot and killed near an Israeli military checkpoint in the Qalqilya district of the West Bank. The Palestinian MOH said he was shot in the head. The Israeli army claimed it shot Rabi after a vehicle he was driving had “illegally crossed into Israel,” and fled and hit a soldier. 

128. Tamer al-Kilani, 33

Date: October 23
Location: Old City, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: explosion

Tamer al-Kilani was killed when a motorcycle allegedly rigged with explosives detonated as al-Kilani was walking by. The Palestinian MOH confirmed the explosion as the cause of death. Al-Kilani was a member of the Lions’ Den resistance group based out of the Old City. 

Following al-Kilani’s death, the Lions’ Den released a statement saying that the “treacherous occupation” rigged a motorcycle with a “TNT device” in what they described as an “assassination.”

129. Hamdi Sharaf, 35
130. Ali Antar, 26
131. Hamdi Ramzi Qaim, 30
132. Wadee al-Hawah, 31
133. Mashaal Baghdadi, 27

Date: October 25
Location: Old City, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Hamdi Sharaf, Ali Antar, Hamdi Qaim, Wadee al-Hawah, and Mashaal Baghdadi were all killed during a large-scale Israeli military invasion of the Old City of Nablus targeting the Lion’s Den group. The raid began shortly after midnight and lasted several hours into the early morning. The primary focus of the raid was the al-Yasmina quarter, where al-Hawah, a commander in the Lion’s Den, and other fighters were located. Hamdi Sharaf and Ali Antar were the first two to be killed, though eyewitnesses and their families said they were not fighters, but were shot dead by Israeli forces while leaving Sharaf’s barber shop just outside the Old City. According to witnesses the pair saw Israeli special forces entering the Old City, and called out to residents to warn them, when they were shot. The remaining three, al-Hawah, Qaim, and Baghdadi were all reportedly engaged in armed confrontations with the soldiers when they were killed. 

134. Qusai Tamimi, 19

Date: October 25
Location: Nabi Saleh, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Qusai Tamimi was shot and killed by Israeli forces during confrontations between the Israeli army and local youth at the entrance of the village of Nabi Saleh. 

135. Imad Abu Rasheed, 47
136. Ramzi Sami Zabara, 35

Date: October 28
Location: Huwwara checkpoint, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Imad Abu Rasheed and Ramzi Zabara were shot and killed by Israeli forces while driving near an Israeli military checkpoint in Huwwara, south of Nablus city. Both of the men worked for the Palestinian Authority Civil Defense, and were residents of the Askar refugee camp in Nablus. The Israeli army claimed it fired towards the vehicle the men were driving in while the army was “conducting an operation” in the area and identified two “suspicious vehicles,” Al Jazeera reported.

137. Mohammad Kamal Jabari, 35

Date: October 29 
Location: Giv’at HaAvot settlement, Hebron, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: vehicular ramming, shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Jabari was killed by Israeli forces after conducting a shooting operation near the illegal Kiryat Arba settlement in Hebron. Jabari killed one Israeli settler and injured four others in the shooting before he was run over by a local settlement security guard, before being shot by an Israeli soldier. The Palestinian MOH attributed the cause of death to the injuries he sustained when he was rammed with the security guard’s car. 

138. Barakat Musa Odeh, 49

Date: October 30
Location: Nabi Moussa junction, Jericho, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Barakat Odeh was shot and killed after he carried out a vehicular ramming targeting Israeli soldiers at two locations in the Jericho area. He was shot dead by a police officer. Israeli media reported that five soldiers were injured. 

139. Habas Abdul-Hafith Rayyan, 54

Date: November 2
Location: Beit Duqqu, Jerusalem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Habas Rayyan was shot and killed by an Israeli soldier after he allegedly committed a car-ramming attack that injured one soldier at a military checkpoint near his hometown of Beit Duqqu, in the Jerusalem governorate of the central West Bank. Residents of the town reported at the time that Rayyan had been detained by Israeli forces the night before, and that his son had been arrested and detained by Israeli forces since September. 

140. Daoud Rayyan, 42

Date: November 3
Location: Beit Duqqu, Jerusalem, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Following the killing of Habas Rayyan the night before, Israeli forces raided the town of Beit Duqqu, where he was from, sparking confrontations with local residents who threw stones, burned tires, and set off fireworks towards the army. Israeli forces fired live ammunition at the residents, striking Daoud Rayyan in the heart, killing him. It remained unclear if and how Daoud Rayyan and Habbas Rayyan were related. 

141. Amer Bader, 20

Date: November 3
Location: Old City, occupied East Jerusalem
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Amer Bader, also reported as Amer Halabiya, was shot and killed by Israeli police in the Old City of Jerusalem after he allegedly carried out a stabbing attack while being stopped and searched by Israeli forces at the entrance to the Al Aqsa Mosque compound. Bader was a student at Birzeit University near Ramallah, and was from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Hanina. 

142. Mohammad Khalouf, 14
143. Farouq Salameh, 28

Date: November 3
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Khalouf and Farouq Salameh were shot and killed by Israeli forces during a military raid on the Jenin refugee camp. According to DCIP, Khalouf was shot near the site of confrontations between Israeli forces and Palestinians. He was struck with a bullet to the chest, and was shot after he allegedly fired a homemade gun at Israeli military vehicles near the entrance of the camp. Salameh was shot three times, in the abdomen, chest, and head.

144. Musab Mohammad Nafal, 18

Date: November 5
Location: Sinjil, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Musab Nafal was shot and killed while another Palestinian man was seriously injured when Israeli soldiers opened fire on the two as they were walking along a dirt road near their home village of Sinjil. Nafal was killed with a bullet to the heart.

145. Rafa’at Abedallah Al-Issa, 29

Date: November 9
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Rafa’at Al-Issa was shot multiple times by Israeli soldiers while he attempted to cross through a military checkpoint on his way to work. Al-Issa was killed as soldiers fired directly at the upper part of his body. The 29-year-old became known and hailed as “the martyr of daily bread.”

​​146. Mahdi Mohammed Hashash, 15

Date: November 9
Location: Joseph’s Tomb, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot and hit with shrapnel from explosive

Mahdi Hashash was shot and hit with shrapnel from an homemade explosive that was detonated by Israeli gunfire. Hashash was shot at from a distance of almost 400 meters and declared dead shortly after his injury at Rafidia hospital in Nablus.

147. Fulla Rasmi Malouh, 14

Date: November 14
Location: Betunia, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Fulla Malouh, also referred to as Fulla Masalma, was shot and killed as Israeli soldiers fired at the car she rode in on November 14 during a search-and-arrest raid in Beitunia. Israeli soldiers had riddled the car with bullets for almost four minutes during the dawn hours of November 14. According to reports by the Palestinian MOH, the fatal bullet which killed Malouh was to the head. The teenage girl’s slain body was dragged across the concrete before being thrown to the ground of an Israeli military jeep, according to eyewitnesses and CCTV footage acquired by Mondoweiss.

148. Mohammad Murad Souf, 18

Date: November 15 
Location: Ariel settlement, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Souf was shot and killed by Israeli forces after carrying out a stabbing operation in the illegal Ariel settlement that killed three Israeli settlers. Souf was from the nearby village of Hares, a few kilometers away from the settlement, which was built on the land of Hares and other surrounding villages. 

149. Mahmoud al-Saadi, 17

Date: November 21
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mahmoud al-Saadi was shot and killed during an early morning Israeli raid on Jenin. According to DCIP, al-Saadi was on his way to school when his path was blocked by confrontations between local residents and Israeli forces. Al-Saadi was not participating in the clashes, according to DCIP, and was shot in the abdomen by a soldier as the teen turned around to go home. 

150. Ahmed Amjad Shahada, 16

Date: November 22
Location: Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ahmed Shahada was shot and killed during an Israeli raid on the Joseph’s Tomb area of Nablus City. According to DCIP, Israeli forces had raided the area in order to escort a group of settlers visiting the tomb. The raid sparked confrontations with Palestinians, some of whom were armed. Shahada was reportedly near an armed Palestinian man during confrontations when an Israeli sniper shot him in the chest, striking his heart.

151. Mohammad Hirzallah, 30 

Date: November 23
Location: Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Hirzallah was shot and injured during an Israeli military raid on Nablus on July 24, and succumbed to his wounds on November 23. He was identified as a member of the Lions’ Den and was injured while confronting Israeli forces invading the al-Yasmina neighborhood in the Old City of Nablus. Two Lions’ Den fighters, Muhammad Azizi, 25, and Abdul Rahman Sobh, 28, were killed during the military operation. 

152. Mohammad Abu Kishik, 22

Date: November 23
Location: Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Abu Kishik was shot on November 22 by Israeli forces during a military raid on the Joseph’s Tomb area of Nablus City that sparked confrontations with local residents. He succumbed to his wounds the next day, November 23. 

153. Mufid Ikhlayel, 44

Date: November 29
Location: Beit Ummar, Hebron, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mufid Ikhlayel was killed after he was shot in the head by Israeli forces while they were raiding the town of Beit Ummar. According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, 22 Palestinians were injured during the raid. Local media also reported that Israeli forces attacked medics in the town as they attempted to treat the wounded.

154. Thafer al-Rimawi, 19
155. Jawad al-Rimawi, 22

Date: November 29
Location: Kafr Ein, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Brothers Thafer and Jawad al-Rimawi were shot and killed  when Israeli forces raided the Ramallah-area village of Kufr Ein. Confrontations erupted during an Israeli raid on the nearby town of Beit Rima, where the young men were from. They were reportedly shot while the soldiers were pulling out of Beit Rima, passing through the neighboring village of uafr Ein. According to the MOH, Jawad was shot with live ammunition in the stomach and pelvic area, and Thafer was shot in the chest. Reports stated Thafer’s age to be 21; an MOH representative confirmed to Mondoweiss that the age on his national ID card was 19. 

156. Rani Fayez Abu Ali, 45

Date: November 29
Location: outside Kochav Yaakov settlement, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Rani Abu Ali was shot and killed by Israeli police after he carried out a car ramming attack that left an Israeli soldier injured. 

157. Raed Ghazi Al-Naasan, 21

Date: November 29
Location: Al-Mughayyir, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Raed al-Naasan was shot and killed by Israeli forces during confrontations between Israeli forces and local residents in the village of al-Mughayyir, which erupted following an Israeli army raid on the town. The Israeli army initially claimed that forces shot al-Naasan after he threw a Molotov cocktail at soldiers. Video footage released after his killing, however, showed that he was running away after throwing rocks at Israeli forces when he was shot. Neither al-Naasan nor those around him had Molotov cocktails. 

158. Mohammad Badarna, 26

Date: November 30
Location: Yabad, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad Badarna was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a military raid on the town of Yabad in Jenin. Armed clashes reportedly broke out following the raid. 

159. Mohammad Ayman Al-Saadi, 26
160. Naim Jamal al-Zubeidi, 27

Date: December 1
Location: Jenin Refugee Camp, Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mohammad al-Saadi and Naim al-Zubeidi were shot and killed during a raid on the Jenin refugee camp by Israeli special forces. The raid sparked armed confrontations with local armed resistance groups. Both al-Saadi and al-Zubeidi were fighters with the Jenin Brigade.

161. Ammar Mufleh, 23

Date: December 2
Location: Huwwara, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ammar Mefleh was shot and killed by an Israeli Border Police officer in what was described by witnesses as an “execution.” Mefleh, whose killing was caught on camera, was shot at point-blank range by an Israeli Border Police officer after a scuffle, in which Israeli forces claimed Mefleh charged at them with a knife. When Israeli border police attempted to detain Mefleh, he was filmed fighting back, grabbing the automatic rifle of one of the officers and throwing it to the ground, at which point the officer pulled out his hand gun and shot Mefleh several times. Mefleh’s body was detained by Israeli forces, and was released to his family for burial weeks later, on December 29. 

162. Omar Manna, 22

Date: December 5
Location: Dheisheh refugee camp, Bethlehem occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Omar Manna was shot and killed during an Israeli night raid on the Bethlehem-area Dheisheh refugee camp. Israeli forces were raiding the camp to arrest local residents, including Manna’s brother. 

163. Mujahed al-Najjar, 32

Date: December 7 
Location: Deir Dibwan, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Mujahed al-Najjar, a resident of the Ramallah-area town of Silwad, was shot and killed by Israeli forces near the village of Deir Dibwan, following a days-long manhunt for the fighter. Al- Najjar had carried out several shooting operations targeting the illegal Israeli settlement of Ofra, as well as military checkpoints outside of Ramallah, and had been evading Israeli forces for days before he was shot. 

164. Tariq Fawzi al-Damaj, 29
165. Sidqi Zakarneh, 29
166. Atta Yaseen Shalabi, 46

Date: December 8
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Tariq al-Damaj, Sidqi Zakarneh, and Atta Shalabi were killed during an Israeli military operation on Jenin, targeting armed resistance groups and fighters in the area. During the early dawn hours, undercover Israeli special forces, intelligence units, and the army targeted resistance fighters Zakarneh and al-Damaj as they were sitting in a vehicle reportedly belonging to Damaj, near a coffee shop located just outside Jenin refugee camp. According to eyewitnesses, Zakarneh and al-Damaj did not engage in armed confrontation with the Israeli forces when they were shot, causing many to deem the targeted operation an “assassination.” 

Meanwhile, Shalabi, a laborer from the town of Qabatiya in Jenin, was shot during the assassination mission while he was heading to work. 

167. Diyaa al-Rimawi, 16

Date: December 8 
Location: Aboud, Ramallah, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Diyaa al-Rimawi was shot and killed near an Israeli military tower located between the villages of Aboud and Deir Abu Mashaal, northwest of Ramallah. Al-Rimawi, a resident of the village of Beit Rima, was with four other young Palestinians who were also injured by Israeli forces’ live fire. 

168. Jana Zakarneh, 15

Date: December 12
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Jana Zakarneh was shot with three bullets while she was on the roof of her home in Jenin as Israeli forces invaded the area to conduct an arrest operation. The teenager’s body was found on the rooftop by her neighbors after the military withdrew from the area.

169. Mohammad Mateer, 28
170. Muhannad Mateer, 24

Date: December 17
Location: Zaatara checkpoint, Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: vehicular ramming

The two brothers, Mohammad and Muhannad Mateer, were run over and killed by an Israeli settler near Nablus. The two brothers were from Qalandia refugee camp near occupied Jerusalem.

171. Tamer Nasharti, 23

Date: December 19
Location: Jenin, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: detonation of explosive device

Tamer Nasharti was injured with an explosive device earlier in December, succumbing to his wounds on December 19 in Ramallah’s Istishari Hospital. He is from the Jenin refugee camp, and was a member of a local resistance group in the camp.

172. Nasser Abu Hmeid, 50

Date: December 23
Location: Assaf Harofeh Hospital
Cause of death: medical negligence

Nasser Abu Hmeid, a founder of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade in the Second Intifada, had been suffering from cancer and denied proper medical care. Since January of this year he had been in need of medical care, but Israeli authorities continued to refuse it before he finally succumbed to the cancer. Abu Humeid is from the Al-Amari refugee camp in Ramallah.

173. Ahmad Daraghmeh, 23

Date: December 22
Location: Nablus, occupied West Bank
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ahmad Daraghmeh was shot and killed with Israeli gunfire during armed confrontations as the army invaded Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus, a flashpoint for settler invasion and Palestinian confrontation. A soccer player and athlete, Daraghmeh is from Tubas

Gaza Strip


In total, 53 Palestinians were killed inside the Gaza Strip this year, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. At least two other residents of Gaza were killed in the occupied West Bank, and were thus included in the West Bank & East Jerusalem list.

The vast majority of those killed inside Gaza were killed during Operation Breaking Dawn, Israel’s three-day offensive on Gaza in early August. The operation killed 49 Palestinians within the three days of airstrikes, 17 of whom were children. Their names, faces, and stories were told here, in our report: Israel’s ‘Operation Breaking Dawn’ killed 49 Palestinians. These are their stories.

Additionally, four other Palestinians were killed in Gaza this year, after succumbing to wounds they had sustained in prior airstrikes. Of the four, two people died from wounds sustained during Operation Breaking Dawn. Two others died from wounds sustained during Israel’s military offensive on Gaza in May 2021, that killed at least 260 Palestinians. These are their names:

50. Yasser Atiya al-Masri, 41

Date: June 1
Location: Deir al-Balah, Gaza
Cause of death: airstrike

Yasser al-Masri was injured during an Israeli airstrike in May 2021 . He was recieving treatment in Egypt, and succumbed to his wounds on June 1.

51. Mohammed al-Tilbani, 32

Date: October 27 
Location: al-Maghazi refugee camp, Gaza
Cause of death: shrapnel

Mohammad al-Tilbani sustained injuries from shrapnel during an Israeli airstrike in May 2021. Al-Tilbani was affiliated with the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement. He was targeted in an airstrike on his home that killed his pregnant wife and two daughters. Only one of his sons survived the strike. He succumbed to his wounds on October 27. Mondoweiss was unable to obtain a photo of al-Tilbani.

52. Nabil Shalah, 59

Date: December 9
Location: Shujaiyya, Gaza City, Gaza
Cause of death: airstrike

Nabil Shalah was injured in an Israeli airstrike on August 5 during Operation Breaking Dawn. He succumbed to his wounds on December 9. Mondoweiss was unable to obtain a photo of Shalah.

53. Abdelrahman Ali Ibrahim, 22

Date: August 8
Location: Beit Hanoun, Gaza
Cause of death: airstrike

Abdelrahman Ibrahim was injured in an airstrike on August 7, 2022, during Operation Breaking Dawn. He succumbed to his wounds the next day. Mondoweiss was unable to obtain a photo of Ibrahim.

Palestinians with Israeli citizensip


Five Palestinians with Israeli citizenship were killed in 2022. These are their names:

1. Sanad Salem Harbad, 27

Date: March 15 
Location: Rahat, al-Naqab
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Sanad Harbad was shot and killed during an Israeli police raid on his hometown of Rahat in the Naqab (Negev) region of southern Israel. At the time the Israeli Police claimed they fired at Harbad after being shot at during the operation, but witnesses claimed he was unarmed, and was on his way to work when he was killed.

2. Ahmed al-Qiaan, 33

Date: March 22 
Location: Beer al-Sabe, al-Naqab
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ahmed al-Qiaan was shot and killed after he carried out a stabbing that killed four people in the city of Beer al-Sabe (Beer Sheva). Mondoweiss was unable to obtain a photo of al-Qiaan.

3. Ibrahim Ighbariah
4. Ayman Ighbariah, 31

Date: March 27 
Location: Hadera
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Ibrahim and Ayman Ighbariah, both residents of the Palestinian town of Umm al-Fahm, located in northern Israel, were shot and killed after carrying out a shooting in the Israeli city of Hadera that left two Israelis dead.

5. Isa Hani Al Talaqat, 16

Date: November 30  
Location: Soroka Hospital
Cause of death: shot with live ammunition

Issa Talaqat was shot and injured by Israeli police on November 1, the night of Israeli elections. He succumbed to his wounds on November 30. Talaqat is from Arara, one of the last remaining Palestinian Bedouin communities in the Naqab.

Source: Mondoweiss

أمريكا تعلق على دعوة بوتين رئيس الصين لزيارة موسكو

(CNN)– أعرب متحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية عن “قلق” بلاده بشأن “تحالف الصين مع روسيا، حيث تواصل موسكو غزوها الوحشي وغير القانوني لأوكرانيا”.

وجاء البيان بعد الاجتماع عبر الفيديو الذي عقده الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين ونظيره الصيني، شي جينبينغ، في وقت سابق من يوم الجمعة، حيث دعا بوتين، نظيره الصيني، لزيارة موسكو خلال الربيع المقبل، ووصف العلاقات بين موسكو وبكين بـ”الأفضل بالتاريخ”.

وقال المتحدث: “بكين تدعي أنها محايدة، لكن سلوكها يوضح أنها لا تزال تستثمر في علاقات وثيقة مع روسيا”.

وأضاف: “لقد حذرت الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا الصين من عواقب تقديم المساعدة العسكرية لروسيا في حربها ضد أوكرانيا أو التهرب من العقوبات”.

وتابع المتحدث: “نحن نراقب نشاط بكين عن كثب”، مضيفا أن “أولئك الذين يقفون إلى جانب موسكو في هذه الحرب الظالمة سيجدون أنفسهم حتمًا في الجانب الخطأ من التاريخ”.

وذكر: “العالم يراقب ليرى أي الدول تدافع عن المبادئ الأساسية للحرية وتقرير المصير والسيادة، والتي تقف إلى جانب روسيا أو تدعمها ضمنيا في حربها التي تخوضها مع سبق الإصرار بدون مبرر”.

يذكر أن بوتين ذكر أن البلدين سيعززان التعاون بين قواتهما المسلحة، ومشيرا إلى نمو التجارة بين البلدين رغم “ظروف السوق غير المواتية”.

وقال إن العلاقات الثنائية هي “الأفضل في التاريخ، وتتحمل كل الاختبارات”، مضيفا: “نتشارك نفس الآراء حول أسباب ومسار ومنطق التحول المستمر للمشهد الجيوسياسي العالمي”.

من جهته، قال الرئيس الصيني: “على خلفية الوضع الدولي الصعب، الصين مستعدة لزيادة التعاون السياسي مع روسيا”، وأن تكونا “شركاء عالميين”، وفقًا لترجمة وسائل الإعلام الروسية الرسمية للبث.

رئيس الصين لبوتين: طريق السلام لحل الأزمة الأوكرانية صعب لكنه ممكن

عقد الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين ونظيره الصيني شي جينبينغ، يوم الجمعة، قمة عبر تقنية الفيديو، ناقشا خلالها العلاقات الثنائية.

وفي تصريحات في بداية اجتماع عبر رابط فيديو بين الزعيمين بثت على التلفزيون الرسمي، أكد بوتين خلال كلمته أن التعاون الروسي الصيني يزداد كعامل استقرار على الساحة الدولية. وقال بوتين إن التعاون العسكري مع بكين مهم لتعزيز الأمن الإقليمي، مشيرا إلى العزم على تطويره مستقبلاً.

كما أضاف بوتين أن موسكو تتوقع زيادة إمدادات الغاز الروسي إلى الصين خلال العام القادم.

وقال الرئيس الروسي إنه يتوقع قيام نظيره الصيني بزيارة دولة لروسيا في ربيع عام 2023، فيما سيمثل استعراضا لتضامن بكين مع روسيا في ظل تعثر حملتها العسكرية في أوكرانيا. وأضاف أن الزيارة “ستظهر للعالم مدى تقارب العلاقات الروسية الصينية”.

وفي رد استمر حوالي دقيقتين، قال شي إن الصين مستعدة لزيادة التعاون الاستراتيجي مع روسيا على خلفية ما وصفه بالوضع “الصعب” في العالم بأسره.

وأبلغ الرئيس الصيني نظيره الروسي أنه يتعين على بكين وموسكو التنسيق والتعاون عن كثب في الشؤون الدولية، وفقا لما ذكرته وسائل الإعلام الحكومية الصينية.

كما أبلغ شي بوتين في مكالمة عبر رابط فيديو أن الطريق إلى محادثات السلام بشأن أوكرانيا لن يكون سهلا وأن الصين ستواصل التمسك “بموقفها الموضوعي والعادل” بشأن هذه القضية، وفقا لتلفزيون الصين المركزي.

واكتسبت العلاقات بين روسيا والصين، التي يصفها الجانبان بأنها شراكة “بلا حدود”، أهمية كبيرة بعد انطلاق الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا في 24 فبراير الماضي.

وبينما فرضت الدول الغربية عقوبات غير مسبوقة على روسيا، أحجمت الصين عن إدانة حملة موسكو العسكرية واكتفت بالتشديد على الحاجة للسلام.

وزادت صادرات الطاقة الروسية إلى الصين بشكل كبير منذ اندلاع الحرب، وأصبحت موسكو أكبر مورد منفرد للنفط للصين.

وتلتزم بكين حتى الآن بالحذر في عدم تقديم دعم مباشر قد يجعلها عرضة لفرض عقوبات غربية.

وفي قمة عقدت في سبتمبر في أوزبكستان، أقر بوتين “بمخاوف” لدى نظيره الصيني بشأن الوضع في أوكرانيا.

المصدر: العربية

2023 عام الترقّب.. ماذا ينتظر الصين وتايوان؟

بكين – سكاي نيوز عربية

احتبست أنفاس العالم بداية من أغسطس 2022 أمام التصعيد الصيني والأميركي الذي هدد باندلاع حرب عالمية حول جزيرة تايوان، لن تتحملها الشعوب التي ما زال اقتصادها ينزف تحت وطأة حرب أوكرانيا.

بعد مرور 5 أشهر دون حدوث الانفجار، تنتعش توقعات خبراء تحدث بعضهم لموقع “سكاي نيوز عربية” بأن يكون عام 2023 أكثر هدوءا.

تعتبر الصين تايوان جزءا منها، ولا تخفي نيتها لاسترداد السيادة الكاملة عليها بالقوة إذا أصرت على الانفصال، متهمة واشنطن بوقوفها وراء “الانفصاليين”.

نزاع من القرن الـ17

  • الجزيرة الواقعة على بعد 100 ميل من ساحل جنوب شرقي الصين، خضعت للسيطرة الصينية الكاملة، لأول مرة، في القرن 17.
  • في 1895 تخلت مملكة تشينغ عن الجزيرة لليابان بعد خسارة الحرب الصينية اليابانية الأولى.
  • استولت الصين على الجزيرة مرة أخرى 1945 بعد خسارة اليابان في الحرب العالمية الثانية.
  • نشبت حرب أهلية في الصين بين القوات الحكومية القومية بقيادة تشيانغ كاي شيك، والحزب الشيوعي الذي يتزعمه ماو تسي تونغ.
  • انتصر الشيوعيون عام 1949 وسيطروا على بكين.
  • فر تشيانغ كاي شيك بقواته إلى تايوان وحكموا هناك.
  • قبلت الصين ذلك، مع اتفاق بأن تخضع تايوان لها.
  • شهدت الثمانينيات استقرارا واتفق الجانبان على نظام “دولة واحدة ونظامان“.
  • في 1991، أعلنت تايوان انتهاء العداء مع الصين بشكل نهائي.
  • في 2000 عادة مياه العلاقات للاضطراب، بعد انتخاب تشين شوي بيان رئيسا لتايوان، وهو يؤيد الاستقلال.
  • ردا على ذلك، أصدرت الصين ما يسمى بقانون مناهضة الانفصال، وينص على حقها في استخدام الوسائل الحربية ضد تايوان إذا حاولت الانفصال.
  • هدأت الأوضاع عام 2008 بتولي ما يينغ جيو رئاسة تايوان بسعيه لتحسين العلاقات بالاتفاقيات الاقتصادية.
  • في 2016، انتخبت الرئيسة الحالية لتايوان تساي إنغ ون، وهي أكبر الداعمين للانفصال.
  • من وقتها، صعدت الصين تهديداتها لمن تعتبرهم “انفصاليين” باجتياح الجزيرة.

  • تهديد حقيقي في 2022
  • شهد عام 2022 تحول التهديدات إلى تحركات عسكرية قرب سواحل الجزيرة، جعلت العالم يقف على أطراف أصابعه خوفا من الاجتياح واندلاع حرب عالمية؛ نتيجة تدخل أطراف دولية:
  • في 2 أغسطس حطت طائرة رئيسة مجلس النواب الأميركي نانسي بيلوسي في تايوان في أول زيارة رسمية منذ ثمانينيات القرن الماضي لمسؤول أميركي.
  • أغضبت الزيارة الصين التي سبق وحذرت منها.
  • حرَّكت الصين أسطولا حاصر تايوان لساعات، وأجرت مناورة هي الأكبر لها حول الجزيرة، استمرت 3 أيام، واستخدمت الذخيرة الحية.
  • اتهمت تايوان الصين أنها تنفذ نموذج محاكاة للاجتياح.
  • دفع هذا واشنطن للتأكيد أن موقفها ثابت نحو سياسة “دولة واحدة ونظامين” لكسر حدة التوتر.
  • اخترقت مئات الطائرات الصينية المجال الجوي التايواني ودخلت نطاق الدفاع الجوي.

  • تسليح أميركي
  • رغم بعض التصريحات الأميركية المهدئة، إلا أن واشنطن اتخذت قرارات أغضبت بكين:
  • أعلنت واشنطن صفقة أسلحة لتايوان قيمتها 1.1 مليار دولار، تتضمن صواريخ دفاعية وأنظمة دفاع جوي، و60 صاروخا طراز هاربون، و100 صاروخ طراز سايد ويندر، وعقد صيانة لنظام الرادارات.
  • اعتبرت الصين الصفقة موجهة ضدها.
  • في 26 ديسمبر أعلنت تايوان أن 43 طائرة تابعة للقوات الصينية عبرت خط المنتصف في مضيق تايوان.

  • ماذا تقول التوقعات؟
  • رغم استمرار التوتر حول تايوان فإن المحلل السياسي طارق شفيق، يرى أن تبعات حرب أوكرانيا ستجعل الغرب لا يجازف بفتح جبهة أخرى تستنزف مخزونه من السلاح واقتصاده خلال 2023.
  • وتوقع أن يكون العالم الجديد “أكثر هدوءا”، ولن يحدث تطور كبير قبل انتهاء الأزمة في أوكرانيا.