صحف عالمية: ضغوط أميركية وأعباء اقتصادية دفعت إسرائيل لسحب قوات من غزة

واصلت صحف عالمية وإسرائيلية رصد تطورات الحرب على قطاع غزة وتداعياتها وانعكاساتها على المستوى الداخلي والدولي، وكان الأبرز قرار جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي سحب عدد من لواءاته في قطاع غزة، وأسباب ذلك ودوافعه.

فقد نقل تقرير لمجلة “التايم” عن مسؤول أمني إسرائيلي سابق أن تغيير وضع القوات الإسرائيلية وسحب جزء منها في قطاع غزة قد يكون نتيجة ضغوط أميركية، وأشار التقرير إلى أن هذا القرار يأتي قبيل زيارة لوزير الخارجية الأميركي أنتوني بلينكن للمنطقة.

أما صحيفة “نيويورك تايمز” فربط تقرير لها سحب جزء من القوات الإسرائيلية من قطاع غزة بتزايد الأعباء الاقتصادية في إسرائيل على خلفية التعبئة المستمرة منذ أشهر، وغياب أي أفق لإنهاء الحرب في وقت قريب، كما أشار إلى توقعات خبراء بانكماش الاقتصاد الإسرائيلي خلال عام 2024.

وفي هذا السياق، اعتبرت صحيفة “يديعوت أحرونوت” قرار بنك إسرائيل المركزي خفض سعر الفائدة “مفاجئا ومخالفا للتوقعات” بعد أن تجنب اتخاذ الخطوة خلال السنوات الماضية، ورأت أن القرار جاء نتيجة مباشرة للحرب وتزايد مخاوف رجال الأعمال من زيادة التضخم في ظل التوترات التي يفرضها الحوثيون في البحر الأحمر.

واستدعى هذا التوتر دخول الولايات المتحدة على خط المواجهة المسلحة في البحر الأحمر، وهذا الأمر رأت “واشنطن بوست” أنه سيؤثر على الاقتصاد العالمي وسيفاقم أزمة الشحن البحري عبر العالم، ونقلت عن خبراء في مجال النقل البحري أن مرافقة كل باخرة شحن ببوارج حربية أمر غير ممكن عمليا.

أما صحيفة “هآرتس” الإسرائيلية فقد سلطت الضوء على ما خلفته القنابل الإسرائيلية من إبادة لعائلات فلسطينية بأكملها منذ بداية الحرب في غزة، وذكرت أن نحو 1800 عائلة فقدت الكثير من أفرادها بسبب القصف المتواصل، ثم رصدت الظروف الصعبة التي تضطر أغلب أفراد العائلة في غزة إلى العيش مجتمعين في منزل واحد.

المصدر : الجزيرة

إسرائيل.. نصب واحتيال وانتحال صفات رسمية خلال الحرب على غزة

سلّط تحقيق لصحيفة “يديعوت أحرونوت” الضوء على استغلال بعض المحتالين في إسرائيل الحرب الدائرة في غزة لممارسة أنواع من الاحتيال، بما في ذلك ابتزاز كبار السن بحجة استخدام حساباتهم البنكية “لتحويل أموال للإرهاب في غزة”، وانتحال صفة جهات حكومية تقدم المساعدات على خلفية الحرب للحصول على تفاصيل الحسابات البنكية للإسرائيليين، وسرقة أموال بحجة بيع أقراص مدمجة “للمخطوفين”، وانتحال شخصية أقارب المختطفين، وغيرها من صنوف الاحتيال الإلكتروني.

وجاء في التحقيق الذي أعده للصحيفة ليئور أوحانا بعنوان “محتالون وقحون: الأشخاص الذين يستغلون الحرب لارتكاب عمليات احتيال” أنه منذ شهرين، تلقت الرقيب شير بار، المحققة في شرطة منطقة تل أبيب، شكاوى من أنواع لم تواجهها خلال السنوات الثماني التي عملت فيها كمحققة، من قبيل بيع أقراص مدمجة من أجل المختطفين عبر عدة مجموعات واتساب، والتعهد بتحويل الأموال كمساهمة للعائلات، لكن الأموال التي دفعت تختفي.

ونقلت الصحيفة عن الرقيب قولها “أنا أخدم في قسم مكافحة الاحتيال في تل أبيب، حيث تتدفق الجرائم التي تحدث في جميع المناطق”، وتضيف “في نهاية أكتوبر/تشرين الأول، بدأنا نتلقى شكاوى أصابتنا جميعاً بالصدمة. ففي الوقت الذي تقوم فيه الدولة بأكملها بدعم كل من يحارب، وتحتضن أهالي المختطفين، وصلتنا شكاوى في حق أشخاص نشروا رابطا يمكن من خلاله شراء أقراص مدمجة مقابل 40 شيكل، والتبرع لجمعية المختطفين، ثم يختفي الأشخاص، ولا تصل الأقراص أبدا”.

وتقول النقيب بار: “لم يكن من السهل الوصول إلى الجناة وكان التحقيق معقدا للغاية، فهم يستخدمون وسائل متطورة”.

People rally calling for the release of hostages kidnapped on the deadly October 7 attack by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel, December 9, 2023. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne
تم استغلال أسماء المحتجزين في عمليات احتيال ونصب (رويترز)

استغلال ساخر للحرب

وأوضحت الصحيفة أن هذه الحالة ليست إلا غيض من فيض لظاهرة تم اكتشافها في الأشهر الأخيرة وهي استغلال ساخر للحرب لارتكاب عمليات احتيال وخداع مواطنين، كانتحال صفة الجهات الرسمية للدولة التي يُزعم أنها تقدم مساعدات حكومية، وصفة بنك إسرائيل وبنوك أخرى، والشرطة والمنظمات المساندة للجيش الإسرائيلي، ونجمة داود الحمراء، والأبرز من هذا كله انتحال صفة المقر الرئيسي للمختطفين.

فقد جرى انتحال شخصية يفعات زايلر، قريبة عائلة محتجزة لدى حماس منذ ما يقرب 3 أشهر، لطلب تبرعات من الناس نيابة عن عائلتها من أجل العمل على عودتهم، وتم تحويل الأمر إلى تحقيق منطقة المركز.

وهذه ليست الحالة الوحيدة، حيث نشرت الصحيفة مجموعة من الحالات التي تعرض فيها أقارب بعض المختطفين لمثل هذا النوع من الاحتيال وقاموا بالفعل بتحويل الأموال.

وتكشف الصحيفة عن أن هناك حالات أخرى لمحتالين يتظاهرون بأنهم أشخاص تم إجلاؤهم من الشمال والجنوب، ويقولون إنهم يواجهون العديد من الصعوبات المالية منذ الحرب ويطلبون المساعدة المالية على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي. وفي مجموعة من الحالات التي تم الكشف عنها مؤخرا، وقع مواطنون في الفخ لأنهم أرادوا التبرع والدعم، وقاموا بتحويل مبالغ تتراوح بين مئات وآلاف الشواكل إلى هؤلاء المحتالين.

كما تنقل الصحيفة عن بعض المسنين الذين لا يجيدون التحدث بالعبرية، روايتهم بشأن تعرضهم لنوع آخر من الاحتيال، وذلك بتقديم المحتالين أنفسهم على أنهم محققون من الشرطة، ثم يستدعونهم ويحققون معهم ويتمكنون من سرقة ما يقرب من مائة ألف شيكل، وذلك بعد تهديدهم بأنهم ضمن قائمة المواطنين الذين يحولون الأموال إلى فلسطين و”دعم الإرهاب”.

وتضيف الصحيفة أن هناك نوعا آخر لا يصدق من جرائم الحرب الساخرة هو سرقة الممتلكات من منازل المستوطنين بغلاف غزة، الذين تم إجلاؤهم، أو من منازل عائلات القتلى والمختطفين. وفي هذا السياق اعتقلت في منطقة الجنوب هذا الأسبوع خلية مجرمين من وسط البلاد سرقوا عشرات المركبات من العائلات النازحة في الشهر الأول من الحرب.

خلية مجرمين من وسط إسرائيل سرقوا عشرات المركبات من العائلات النازحة في الشهر الأول من الحرب (غيتي)

احتيال وبيانات

وتذكر الصحيفة أن رئيس بلدية ريشون لتسيون، راز كينستليخ، أيضاً كان ضحية انتحال شخصيته بشكل غير مباشر، ففي رسالة أرسلت نيابة عنه قبل بضعة أسابيع، جاء فيها: “أعزائي سكان ريشون لتسيون، أخيرا، وبعد جهد كبير، يحق لكم الحصول على منحة لمرة واحدة من الدولة بمبلغ 1500 شيكل للشخص الواحد ولا يزيد عن 10 آلاف شيكل للعائلة الواحدة، بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يحق لكل عائلة الحصول على بطاقة ائتمانية متعددة الاستخدام برصيد بقيمة 3 آلاف شيكل للتسوق، ويمكن تقديم الطلب من خلال الرابط المرفق بدءا من يوم الأحد. معًا سننتصر، مع أطيب التحيات.. راز كينستليخ”، وأرفق بالرسالة رابط، وبناء عليها أدخل سكان ريشون لتسيون الذين تلقوا المساعدة من البلدية أثناء الحرب، البيانات هذه المرة أيضاً، لكنهم سُلبوا آلاف الشواكل.

وأشارت الصحيفة إلى أن الشخص الذي يتعامل على مدار الساعة مع هذا النوع من الاحتيال، وخاصة بين المواطنين الأكبر سنا، هي عضو الكنيست ميراف كوهين من حزب “هناك مستقبل”، وهي أيضا رئيس اللجنة الخاصة لعلاج الناجين من المحرقة، حيث عقدت اللجنة الأربعاء الماضي اجتماعا بشأن ارتفاع حالات الاستغلال الاقتصادي للناجين من المحرقة وكبار السن بسبب الحرب، وقال ممثلو البنوك والشرطة في الاجتماع إن هناك زيادة في مثل هذه الأعمال الاحتيالية في الأشهر الأخيرة.

وقالت عضو الكنيست كوهين إن هناك زيادة في عمليات الاحتيال وفي خطورتها، “فعندما يكون هناك معتدون يستغلون الخوف والقلق الذي يعيشه الناجون هذه الأيام سيكون من السهل استغلالهم”.

المصدر : يديعوت أحرونوت

Israel withdraws thousands of troops from Gaza in possible precursor to scaled-back offensive

The planned troop withdrawal came on the same day that Israel’s Supreme Court struck down part of Netanyahu’s polarising judicial overhaul.

The Israeli military confirmed on Monday that it was withdrawing thousands of troops from the Gaza Strip, a move that could pave the way for a new, long-term phase of lower-intensity fighting against the Hamas militant group.

The confirmation of the planned withdrawal came on the same day that Israel’s Supreme Court struck down a key component of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s polarising judicial overhaul.

Netanyahu’s plan opened up deep divisions within Israel and sparked months of mass protests, threatening to trigger a constitutional crisis between the judicial and legislative branches of government. It also damaged the cohesion of Israel’s powerful military, which proved unprepared for the October 7th Hamas attack that triggered the ongoing war.

Politicians warned against reopening those divisions and damaging the national unity that has prevailed throughout the Israel-Hamas war.

Netanyahu has vowed to press ahead with the military offensive until Hamas is crushed and the more than 100 hostages it still holds in Gaza freed.

But Israel has come under growing international pressure to scale back its onslaught on Gaza, an aerial and ground campaign that has left nearly 22,000 Palestinians dead – most of them civilians and many of them children.

A Palestinian child looks at the graves of people killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip and buried inside the Shifa Hospital grounds in Gaza City.
A Palestinian child looks at the graves of people killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip and buried inside the Shifa Hospital grounds in Gaza City.Mohammed Hajjar/Copyright 2023 The AP. All rights reserved.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has repeatedly urged Israel to abide by international law and spare civilians in its war against Hamas in Gaza, is expected in the region next week.

In its announcement, the army said five brigades, or several thousand troops, would be withdrawn from Gaza in the coming weeks.

Some will return to bases for training or rest, while many older reservists will go home. The war has taken a toll on the economy, preventing reservists from going to work, running their businesses or returning to university. The army’s chief spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, did not say whether the withdrawal of some troops reflected a new phase of the war.

“The objectives of the war require prolonged fighting, and we are preparing accordingly,” he told reporters late on Sunday.

But the move is in line with plans outlined by Israeli leaders for a low-intensity campaign expected to last much of the year, focusing on remaining Hamas strongholds and “pockets of resistance”.

Palestinians displaced by the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip cook at the makeshift tent camp in the Muwasi area on Sunday
Palestinians displaced by the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip cook at the makeshift tent camp in the Muwasi area on SundayFatima Shbair/Copyright 2023 The AP. All rights reserved.

Israel has said it is close to taking full operational control of most of northern Gaza, reducing the need for troops there. But fierce fighting has continued elsewhere in the Palestinian territory, particularly in the south, where many Hamas forces remain intact and where most of Gaza’s 2.3 million people have fled.

The fighting in Gaza has threatened to spread across the region. Israel has engaged in near-daily battles with Hezbollah militants in Lebanon, Israel’s north.

Israel’s warplanes and drones struck several areas in southern Lebanon, including a strike on the village of Kfar Kila that killed three people, state media and security officials said. Hezbollah said the three were some of its fighters.

Since the latest exchange of fire began along the Lebanon-Israel border on Oct. 8, 133 Hezbollah fighters and around 20 civilians have been killed in Lebanon.

Netanyahu versus the law

Meanwhile, the Israeli Supreme Court’s landmark decision to strike down part of Netanyahu’s contentious judicial overhaul could reopen the protests that preceded the war against Hamas – and the same rifts that split Israeli civil society for much of last year.

In Monday’s decision, the court narrowly voted to overturn a law that prevents judges from striking down government decisions they deem “unreasonable.” The law was the first part of the government’s plan to curb the authority of unelected judges.

The legislation has been widely criticised as a naked attempt to protect Netanyahu from facing legal sanction on numerous allegations related to his personal conduct while in office.

But Benny Gantz, a rival of Netanyahu’s who joined his War Cabinet when the strikes on Gaza began, has called on all sides to put aside their differences and focus on the war.

“These are not days for political arguments,” he said after the judgment was handed down. “There are no winners and losers today.”

(Source: Euronews)

Israel’s war on Gaza encapsulates the entire history of European colonialism

Hamid Dabashi

As millions of Palestinians trapped in Gaza were facing starvation and mass murderIsrael’s invading army made sure to film themselves enjoying “rejuvenation complexes”, where they were lavished with “concerts, massage chairs, buffet, and more”.

It is surreal to watch Israelis being pampered while slaughtering Palestinians in their own homeland.

This is the genocidal practice of settler-colonialism, dating back at least as far as Bartolome de las Casas in his A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies (1552). In it, he documented for posterity the vicious brutality of the Spanish, butchering “savage Indians” in an orgy of violence. Israelis are doing the same to the Palestinians.  

In North and South America, Australia, Asia and Africa, European settler-colonialists have left behind the evidence of their psychotic genocidal practices.

The European transatlantic slave trade may have halved the population of Africa, some historians believe. The US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many African colonies were all built on the systematic extermination, displacement and internment of the original inhabitants.  

In the Israeli settler-colonialism now on violent display in Gaza and the rest of Palestine, European colonialism is living up to its murderous infamy and has returned to the global stage with a vengeance. 

For decades, scholars of European colonialism have been working hard to document, archive and connect these episodes of the premeditated mass murder of native people around the globe.

But such painstaking scholarship has been unnecessary in Gaza and the West Bank. For there, the barbarity of the Israeli army and the settlers has been on full display on social media, and in the mainstream media in the global south, for anyone who cares to look for themselves.

Israel has put the entire history of Euro-American settler-colonialism and its genocidal instincts on full global display. 

While the western media works tirelessly and shamelessly to whitewash Israel’s murderous activities – offering “alternative facts”, demonising Palestinians, valorising Israelis, and sanitising Zionism to assure the world that Israel is “the most moral army” the globe has ever seen – the world at large has been liberated from their pernicious journalism.

Settler colonialism and genocide

While Israel goes about its genocide against the Palestinians, US Congress has been busy persecuting those voicing opposition to Israel’s actions and prosecuting imaginary threats to Jews, supported by billionaires frightening university presidents out of their wits.

For decades, critical thinking by leading anticolonial and postcolonial thinkers had been radically altering our perceptions of the savageries committed around the world by Europeans and Americans. 

In the US, critical race theorists and intersectional feminists have staged groundbreaking challenges against “established” world history.

Israel is a microcosm of that colonial history, all jammed inside a Zionist nutshell.

“In a matter of weeks, a far greater number of children have been killed by Israeli military operations in Gaza than the total number of children killed during any individual year, by any party to a conflict since I have been secretary-general,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on 30 November 2023.

Yet Palestinians have been consistently dehumanised, their fate de-historicised, and Israelis cast as victims retaliating against an unprovoked attack. The entire history of the Zionist conquest of Palestine with the aid of their European and American benefactors is being consistently erased. Palestinians have no history, no humanity, no culture. Israelis have been in Palestine since the creation of heaven and earth. Evangelical Zionism was the paramount story of the world at large. 

What the Israelis are doing in Palestine is what the French did in Algeria, the British did in India, the Belgians in the Congo, the Americans in Vietnam, the Spaniards in Latin America, the Italians in Africa and the Germans in Namibia, another chapter of European genocidal history.

In his essay, Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native (2006), Patrick Wolfe demonstrated how, “as practised by Europeans, both genocide and settler colonialism have typically employed the organising grammar of race”.

Even more poignantly, the Martinique author and politician Aime Cesaire, in his 1950 seminal work Discourse on Colonialism, described the pernicious drive of colonists to enslave the natives and dehumanise them, while stealing their land, exploiting their labour and vandalising their resources.  

Manifest destiny

How dare a people do this to another people – unless, of course, they think of themselves as destined by divinity.

Zionism is the Jewish version of the racist US doctrine of “manifest destiny”, a belief in the racial superiority of white people and definitive to the American colonial conquest of the Native Americans and other groups they exterminated.

Like the American version, Zionists believe Palestine was their promised land, that it was destined and promised to them by their God, and that the native inhabitants were a nuisance that must be brutally eliminated. 

What the Israeli army is doing in Gaza is the Zionist version of “the great replacement” theory, which holds that people of colour are replacing white people and that the process must be reversed.

When such sentiments are uttered in the US, serious newspaper columnists ridicule it and dismiss it as a conspiracy theory. But when such views are expressed in Israel, they support, endorse and ideologically arm and weaponise them.  

A Christian zealotry was at the roots of the American manifest destiny ideology, which has now morphed into evangelical Zionism, with its drive to conquer “the Holy Land” and prepare for the second coming of their messiah. (This figure has nothing to do with the Palestinian Jesus Christ or Latin American liberation theology and is an entirely fictitious construct of America’s imperialist imagination.) 

‘Exterminate all the brutes’

In his classical 1893 essay, The Significance of the Frontier in American History, historian Frederick Jackson Turner theorised that American settler colonialists saw their destiny framed by the European civilisation they had left behind and the barbarism they faced in the “new world”.

Turner believed that the American character was shaped by those beliefs. Through evangelical Zionism, that frontier, that fight against “barbarism”, is what drives the Israeli settler-colonial project against Palestinian resistance.

“Exterminate all the brutes,” whispers the character Kurtz, an ivory trader sent by a shadowy Belgian company into the heart of an unnamed place in Africa, believed to be the Congo Free State, in Joseph Conrad’s 1899 novella Heart of Darkness.

Swedish author Sven Lindqvist borrowed that phrase for the title of his 1992 book, a moral meditation on the roots of European colonialism, racism and genocide in Africa.

When the Haitian documentary filmmaker Raoul Peck made his 2021 HBO miniseries Exterminate All the Brutes, in part based on Lindqvist’s book, he went around the globe documenting the barbarity of European colonialism, but dared not go near Palestine, except for a quick liberal Zionist cliche reference to how things there were “complicated”.

Things are not complicated in Palestine. In fact, things there are very simple: a pernicious European settler-colonial madness of conquest, colonisation and genocide is unfolding right in front of our eyes.

Zionists have the loyal and unreserved support of other settler colonists from Europe, the US, Canada and Australia behind them.

For that reason, the entire world, long brutalised historically by European savagery, has become Palestinian.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

(Source: Middle East Eye)

Gaza’s Holocaust

Zionism has long used the crime of the Holocaust to justify its crimes against the Palestinian people. What Gaza is witnessing today is a repetition of the massacres carried out by the Nazis before, and how the crimes do not match, and the Nazi mentality governs the behavior and even the permits of the Zionist government today, it is outdone by calling for the use of nuclear weapons.

The “Gaza’s Holocaust” campaign is being launched to expose Zionist crimes, trying to put the world before its responsibilities to stop the current Holocaust crime, and despite the cruelty of some scenes presented by the campaign, However, activists and media activists active in the campaign felt that the silence was much harsher, a partner in the killing, and the facts must be presented as they were. Therefore, the “Gaza’s Holocaust” campaign calls on all activists and media who feel moral responsibility and the need to work to stop the crimes, to engage in the campaign, according to self-capacity, also tweet on the label:


هولوكوست غزة

طالما استخدمت الصهيونية جريمة الهولوكوست، لتبرير جرائمها بحق الشعب الفلسطيني. وما تشهده غزة اليوم من مجازر يومية، هو تكرار للمجازر التي نفذها النازيون من قبل. وكيف لا تتطابق الجرائم، والعقلية النازية تحكم سلوك وحتى تصاريح الحكومة الصهيونية اليوم، وتتفوق عليها بالدعوة لاستخدام السلاح النووري.

إن حملة “هولوكوست غزة” تنطلق في فضح الجرائم الصهيونية، محاوِلةً وضع العالم أمام مسؤولياته في وقف جريمة الهولوكوست الحالية. ورغم قساوة بعض المشاهد التي تعرضها الحملة، إلا أن الناشطين والإعلاميين الذين ينشطون في الحملة، رأوا أن الصمت أقسى بكثير، وهو شريك بعملية القتل، ولا بدّ من عرض الحقائق كما هي. لذا فإن حملة “هولوكست غزة” تدعو كل الناشطين والإعلاميين الذين يشعرون بالمسؤولية الأخلاقية وضرورة العمل لوقف الجرائم، إلى الانخراط في الحملة، وفق القدرات الذاتية، وكذلك التغريد على وسم:



This is an opportune moment to solve the Palestinian refugee problem

Hossam Shaker

It seems that this is the opportune moment to solve the Palestinian refugee problem. The timely moment has arrived, despite the smoke rising in the region. It sounds illogical, but everyone is talking about the Gaza Strip, which has captured the world’s attention, so much so that this tiny piece of land has diverted people from the brutal war in Ukraine, the competition between the US and China, and the situation in the Sahel and Sahara countries.

Most of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the population of which is 2.3 million, are refugees whose families were displaced from their land and homes in 1948 by the nascent occupation state of Israel. Children and their mothers make up two-thirds of the population.

It is obvious from recent events that the Israeli leadership has a strong desire to clear the Gaza Strip completely and displace the population in its lust for revenge. The most fitting description of this, whether the Israeli army succeeds in doing so or not, is ethnic cleansing; any other term is both inaccurate and unjust. We have already seen Israeli officials and others close to the Netanyahu government announce moves to forcibly displace residents from northern and central Gaza to the south, in preparation for pushing them across the Egyptian border to get lost in the Sinai desert.

Egypt responded to these Israeli efforts with a firm rejection, and was supported by Arab countries, including Jordan, which understood that the displacement of the Palestinians from the occupied West Bank would be the next step if the displacement to the Sinai was allowed. We know that Israeli officials, including fascist Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, developed an ethnic cleansing plan for the West Bank years ago.

Although Arab governments oppose the expulsion of Palestinians to Sinai, on 18 October Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, in the presence of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, proposed an alternative if the Israeli leadership insists on emptying Gaza of its people. Move them to the Negev Desert, which is controlled by Israel, said Al-Sisi. He presented Western leaders with a strong argument in support of Cairo’s position, pointing out that the displacement of Palestinian refugees to Sinai will also move the Palestinian resistance there and new attacks will be launched towards Israeli targets across a wider area. That, in turn, will push the Israeli army to respond inside Egyptian territory, effectively ending the 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty.

So, what can be done for the Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip? There are five possible options in this regard; if they are all rejected, their fate will inevitably be terrifying.

Displacement to Sinai is clearly the first option, and that has already been rejected by Egypt and the Arab governments. Israeli targets will still be threatened across the extended Egyptian border and the move will create a comfort zone for Palestinian resistance, with or without Hamas. Sinai’s geostrategic advantages will provide ample mobility capabilities, open coastlines, and unprecedented opportunities for anyone who wants to damage Israeli interests and undermine peace with Egypt.

Failing this, the second option is Al-Sisi’s proposal: the Negev. Israel is ignoring this already, so it is probably a non-starter.

Another option is for Europe to “think outside the box” and enable the Israeli leadership to complete the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip by opening its doors to Palestinian refugees and grant them European passports. There would be no need for the refugees to make the dangerous crossing to Europe in flimsy boats, and it would in any case be immoral and illogical to then gather them in concentration camps on the fringe of the EU. Moreover, according to European calculations, it would not be easy to achieve a “fair distribution” of Palestinian refugees among the union’s 27 member states.

Given that a European crime — the Nazi Holocaust — has been used to justify the theft of Palestine for the state of Israel, land in Europe is fair compensation for the Palestinian refugees

Serious thought will have to be given within EU decision-making circles about how to absorb 2.3 million Palestinians from Gaza, with approximately the same number joining them from the Palestinian refugee communities who live in extremely miserable conditions in the various refugee camps elsewhere. This would mean having to allocate part of Europe for the accommodation of up to five million Palestinian refugees with full citizenship rights and decent conditions. There are already around 667,000 Palestinian refugees and their descendants in Europe, some of whom may choose to move to the “European Palestinian territory”. This would require the evacuation of the equivalent of ten European cities to accommodate such a number and deal with the consequences of Israel’s ethnic cleansing mission in the Gaza Strip, which is openly supported by the US and EU. It is logical, therefore, that the European leaders most keen in their support of Israel would volunteer to help it get rid of what one Israeli minister shamelessly called “human animals” by allocating a territory as large as Czechia, Hungary or three German states exclusively for the refugees. Given that a European crime — the Nazi Holocaust — has been used to justify the theft of Palestine for the state of Israel, this seems only fair compensation for the Palestinians.

A variation of that third option could be the allocation of an archipelago of Greek islands for this purpose, with the islanders having the right to hold a popular referendum on independence afterwards in order to raise their flag over the “Second People’s Democratic Republic of Palestine” as they are very stubborn and do not want an alternative to their original homeland. From this Palestinian reality, an army will be formed from the densely populated islands, and within a few years it will be a potential qualitative addition to NATO, so that Russian overtures to join its axis can be rebuffed. However, the Palestinians in this “second republic of Palestine” will not hesitate to intervene militarily to force the Israeli authorities to end the occupation of the first homeland and abolish the apartheid regime imposed on the rest of their people; and they may lure NATO with unexpected grace into a military confrontation with the occupation state.

It must be pointed out that all of the above options are against international law and humanitarian conventions, and would ignore the voice of the Palestinian refugees themselves, which is not being heard in the ongoing deliberations regarding their fate post-ethnic cleansing. Everyone seems to want to decide the fate of the Palestinian people without listening to their what they want, and to impose a specific “solution” by threatening them with bombing, and using water, food, medicine, fuel and the basic necessities of life as bargaining chips.

The Palestinian refugees in Gaza have two realistic options. They can refuse to be displaced yet again and commit themselves to staying in the Gaza Strip no matter how difficult it is, and at what cost. However, this option requires an immediate end to the ethnic cleansing campaign and serious efforts to make what remains of Gaza’s cities, towns and villages liveable. Israel must put a stop to its bombing which has turned residential areas into piles of rubble within days.

It is important to remember that the UN announced in 2012 that the Gaza Strip would be “unliveable” by 2020. This gives us an idea of the catastrophe that the people are facing with yet another round of war and destruction being wreaked on already terrible conditions. The opportunity for this option to remain possible is eroding daily, given the scale of the Israeli army’s bombing of residential neighbourhoods and civilian infrastructure. Those who wish to keep this option open must act urgently to put an end to this war.

The most realistic and sustainable option, and an ideal solution compared with the other options, complies with international law and UN General Assembly Resolution 194 dated 11 December, 1948, which requires the return of Palestinian refugees to their land and homes from which they were displaced by the creation of the state of Israel. This resolution is still on the books; it just hasn’t been implemented. The Israeli leadership must be convinced of the feasibility of complying with the resolution, and now is an opportune moment to do so. It may require a slick US public relations company to convince the Israeli public of the advantages of this option and how it opens up a window of hope at an exhausting and distressing time for everyone. Those Israelis who cannot bear the thought of having Palestinians living alongside them always have the option of moving back to their own place of origin or other Israel-friendly countries.

The right to return to their homes and land is enshrined in law for all refugees, not just the Palestinians. If we ask the children traumatised by the brutal bombing in the Gaza Strip today where they are from, most will know the name of their family’s original city, town or village. It is in their DNA, and they will insist on returning there. It is not an unrealistic option as far as they are concerned. If Israel is able to accommodate an apparently endless number of Jewish immigrants, why can’t it accommodate Palestinians born and raised in the land and their descendants?

The legitimate right of return for all Palestinian refugees is an individual right, and cannot be negotiated away by governments or authorities; nor is it subject to a statute of limitations. It is untouchable for the Palestinian people, and their insistence on fulfilling that right has increased generation after generation, to the point that refugees in Gaza organised major peaceful marches in 2018 for several months, demanding to cross through the Israeli barriers separating them from their land and homes in what is now the occupation state. The Israeli army killed hundreds of unarmed demonstrators and inflicted life-changing injuries on many others.

Distinguished cartographer Dr Salman Abu Sitta has produced a well-known book on this matter, along with a map listing the accurate locations, in English, Arabic and Hebrew, of the depopulated towns and villages. The map is popular among Israeli experts. Of course, the return of Palestinian refugees from the Gaza Strip and elsewhere requires the annulment of discriminatory legislation so that they do not become a persecuted community in the country of their ancestors.

This option, of course, will not appeal to the reckless current Israeli leadership, but its only realistic alternative is to stop the war immediately — today rather than tomorrow — and end the systematic destruction of the Gaza Strip. One of Israel’s Western “friends” must whisper in Netanyahu’s ear that the displacement of the Palestinians in the Sinai desert will lead to the appearance of a Palestinian David who will fire his sling across the border, at which point the events of 7 October will be a relatively minor incident compared with what will happen.

If all of these options are rejected, then the annihilation of 2.3 million people in Gaza will follow, two-thirds of whom are women and children.

Today, they are thirsty, hungry and sick, crammed into a miserable detention centre that smells of corpses crushed under the rubble. They face collective punishment of the worst kind, with high explosives raining down on them under the pretext that they are “human shields”. The world will reflect on the injustice of what is happening too late to save the Palestinians in Gaza, and then build monuments to remember the victims of the horrific genocide; weep at the memory of the horrifying number of victims on Gaza Genocide Memorial Day every year; and ask forgiveness from the remnants of the Palestinian nation who have been failed by the world, while teaching future generations about this tragic lesson in the hope that “never again” will actually mean something for once.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.

(Source: MEMO)

Israel says war in Gaza expected to continue throughout 2024

George Wright

The Israeli military has said it expects the conflict in Gaza to continue throughout 2024.

In a new year’s message, Israel Defence Forces spokesman Daniel Hagari said troop deployments were being adjusted to prepare for “prolonged fighting”.

He said some troops – especially reservists – would be withdrawn to allow them to regroup.

“These adaptations are intended to ensure the planning and preparation for continuing the war in 2024,” he said.

“The IDF must plan ahead out of an understanding that there will be additional missions and the fighting will continue the rest of the year.”

He said that some reservists would leave Gaza “as soon as this week” to allow them to “re-energise ahead of the coming operations”.

More than 21,800 people have been killed in Gaza – mostly children and women – during 11 weeks of fighting, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.

The latest war was triggered by an unprecedented cross-border attack by Hamas gunmen on southern Israel on 7 October, in which 1,200 people were killed – most of them civilians – and about 240 others taken hostage.

Israel continued its bombardment of Gaza up until the end of what has been dark year in the region.

At least 48 Palestinians were killed in overnight bombing in Gaza City on Sunday, the health ministry in Gaza said, with many still buried under the rubble.

Another strike killed 20 people sheltering at Al-Aqsa University in the west of Gaza City, witnesses told the AFP news agency. The BBC has not been able to verify the latest reports.

The UN says 85% of Gaza’s 2.4 million people – almost 2 million people – have now been displaced.

“Tonight the sky in world countries will be lit by firecrackers, and joyful laughs will fill the air.

“In Gaza our skies are now filled with Israeli missiles and tank shells that land on innocent, homeless civilians,” Zainab Khalil, 57, a resident from northern Gaza now in Rafah, told Reuters.

Mr Netanyahu said on Saturday that “the war is at its height”.

“We are fighting on all of the fronts,” he said. “We have huge success but we also have painful cases. Achieving victory will require time.

“As the (Israeli Army) chief of staff has said, the war will continue for many more months.”

Earlier on Sunday, more Israeli attacks were reported in central Gaza, with reports of air strikes in al-Maghazi and al-Bureij. On Sunday morning, the Hamas-run health ministry said 150 people had been killed in the past day.

Israel’s far-right finance minister Bezalel Smotrich called for Palestinians to leave Gaza and make way for Israelis who could “make the desert bloom”.

The official line from the Israeli government is that Gazans will eventually be able to return to their homes, though it has yet to outline how or when this will be possible.

Air raid sirens sounded in Tel Aviv and southern Israel as it saw in the new year, with Israeli missile defence systems intercepting rockets fired from Gaza, AFP reported.

One man who was in Tel Aviv celebrating the new year with friends said: “I was terrified, like it was the first time I saw missiles, it’s terrifying.”

Hamas’s military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, claimed responsibility for both attacks in a video posted on social media.

They said they used M90 rockets in “response to the massacres of civilians” perpetrated by Israel.

(Source: BBC News)

اليوم 87 للحرب: غزة تدخل عام 2024 بعشرات الشهداء والمقاومة تقصف تل أبيب

معا- تواصلت الغارات الإسرائيلية على قطاع غزة في اليوم الاول من العام 2024 والذي يوافق اليوم 87 من الحرب مخلفة عشرات الشهداء ومئات الجرحى.

وارتكب الاحتلال 12 مجزرة في القطاع راح ضحيتها 150 شهيدا و 286 مصابا خلال 24 ساعة الماضية لترتفع حصيلة العدوان الاسرائيلي إلى 21.822 شهيدا و 56.451 مصابا منذ 7 أكتوبر الماضي.

وتمكنت كتائب القسام من قصف تل ابيب بعشرين صاروخا في الدقائق الاولى من العام الجديد.

وبثت صورا لعملية القصف في تحد لقوات الاحتلال التي تتواجد في اغلب مناطق قطاع غزة.

جنوب القطاع

وقصفت المدفعية الاسرائيلية مختلف مناطق محافظة خان يونس جنوب قطاع غزة.

وظل صوت الانفجارات يسمع طوال ساعات الليل بالتزامن مع غارات جوية استهدفت احداها منزل عائلة ابو حطب قرب مسجد بلال بخان يونس ما ادى لاستشهاد مواطن واصابة خمسة اخرين.

وارتقى شهيد بقصف استهدف حي قيزان رشوان جنوب شرق مدينة خانيونس.

وارتفعت حصيلة القصف على خان يونس خلال الساعات الأخيرة إلى ٣٨ شهيد.

واعلن الهلال الأحمر وجود شهداء وجرحى في منطقة شارع البحر بمدينة خانيونس.

وسط القطاع

ولا تزال الغارات الاسرائيلية متواصلة في وسط قطاع غزة بمخيماته الأربعة وهي البريج والمغازي والنصيرات ودير البلح بالإضافة إلى قريتي المغراقة والزوايدة.

وارتفع إلى 4 عدد الشهداء بقصف طيران الاحتلال منزلاً لعائلة أبو العطا في دير البلح وسط قطاع غزة.

وارتقى ستة شهداء و عدد من الجرحى جرّاء قصف الاحتلال لمنزل ومدرسة في شارع صلاح الدين بمدينة دير البلح وسط قطاع غزة.

وقصفت مدفعية الاحتلال محيط مدرسة شهداء الثانوية في مخيم المغازي وسط قطاع غزة.

واستشهدت زوجة وزير الأوقاف والشؤون الدينية الأسبق، خطيب المسجد الأقصى يوسف سلامة، متاثرة بجراحها التي اصيب بها جراء قصف إسرائيلي لمنزلهم في مخيم المغازي وسط قطاع غزة وذلك بعد ساعات من استشهاد زوجها.

وتساقطت عشرات القذائف على مخيمي النصيرات والبريج وسط قطاع غزة مخلفة دمارا كبيرا فيما استشهد ستة مواطنين بقصف في قرية المغراقة جنوب غزة.


وشهدت مدينة غزة قصفا عنيفا في احياءً التفاح والدرج والشجاعية والشيخ رضوان وذلك بعد تسجيل تراجع للدبابات في معظم أحياء المدينة.

واستشهد الدكتور محمد أحمد مطر أخصائي العظام في المستشفى الأندونيسي برفقة 3 من أولاده وإصابة زوجته واثنين من أبناءه بإطلاق الاحتلال قذائف مدفعية ورصاص مباشر على منزله في حي الصفطاوي شمال غزة .

وارتقى عدد من الشهداء بقصف مواطنين قرب مفرق دولة نهاية شارع ٨ من جهة الشرق.

وشهدت الساعات الأخيرة استشهاد عشرين مواطنا في قصف قرب جامعة الأقصى وخمسة عشر قرب الجامعة الإسلامية و٤٨ بحي الزيتون.


ويتعرض محيط مناطق جباليا البلد ومعسكر جباليا لقصف مدفعي مركز.

Israel war on Gaza live: Israeli warplanes bomb central Gaza as 2024 begins

Lyndal Rowlands

  • Fierce ground fighting is ongoing in the centre of Khan Younis, reports Al Jazeera’s Wael Dahdouh, as Palestinians start 2024 sheltering from Israeli shelling.
  • Israel says it will withdraw reservists from its Gaza ground invasion so troops can “gain strength” for future battles.
  • The US army has attacked three Houthi boats in the Red Sea, killing at least 10 fighters.
  • At least 21,822 people have been killed and 56,451 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The revised death toll from the October 7 attack in Israel stands at 1,139.

    (Source: Al-Jazeera)

قلق في تل أبيب.. محكمة لاهاي تلوح بتهمة الإبادة في غزة

مع استمرار الحرب على قطاع غزة وسقوط آلاف القتلى والجرحى من المدنيين، عبّرت المؤسسة الأمنية الإسرائيلية ومكتب المدعي العام عن قلقهم من أن محكمة العدل الدولية في لاهاي ستتهم إسرائيل بالإبادة الجماعية في قطاع غزة.

فقد أعرب مكتب المدعي العام الإسرائيلي عن قلقه من احتمال اتهام محكمة العدل الدولية بلاده بارتكاب جرائم إبادة في غزة بطلب من دولة جنوب إفريقيا.

خبير قانوني يحذر

وبدأ الجيش ومكتب المدعي العام بالفعل الاستعداد للتعامل مع الشكوى، فيما يرجح أن تعقد جلسة استماع في وزارة الخارجية اليوم الاثنين، حسب ما نقلت صحيفة “هآريتس” الإسرائيلية.

بينما حذر خبير قانوني كبير عسكريين بينهم رئيس الأركان من خطر إصدار العدل الدولية أمرا قضائياً يدعو إسرائيل لوقف إطلاق النار.

وكانت محكمة العدل ومقرها لاهاي قالت يوم الجمعة الماضي إن جنوب إفريقيا رفعت دعوى قضائية على إسرائيل تتهمها فيها بارتكاب “إبادة جماعية” في قطاع غزة.

تشييع عدد من القتلى في غزة (رويترز)

تشييع عدد من القتلى في غزة (رويترز)

قرار غير ملزم

يذكر أن عدد القتلى في قطاع غزة ارتفع منذ بداية الحرب قبل حوالي 3 أشهر إلى أكثر من 21 ألف في حين زاد عدد المصابين إلى 56 ألفا و451 بحسب وزارة الصحة الفلسطينية في غزة.

في حين أصبح الوضع الإنساني في القطاع صعباً للغاية وسط شح في المياه الصالحة للشرب وانقطاع الإمدادات الصحية والطعام في ظل الحصار المشدد الذي تفرضه إسرائيل منذ السابع من أكتوبر الماضي (2023).

وفي حال توجيه محكمة العدل الدولية اتهاماً إلى إسرائيل بارتكاب جرائم حرب أو ضد الإنسانية فإن هذا القرار لا يعد ملزماً لكنه سيوجه ضربة معنوية قوية لإسرائيل خصوصاً أن أصواتاً عدة حول العالم ارتفعت مؤخراً للتنديد بالانتهاكات التي ترتكب بحق سكان القطاع.

(المصدر: العربية)

Pro-Palestine campaigners call for Gaza ceasefire on New Year’s Eve

Activists are asking people to turn the New Year’s countdown in their countries into a countdown for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Activists have launched a global campaign asking people to turn the New Year’s countdown in their countries into a countdown for a ceasefire in Gaza, which has been under devastating Israeli bombardment since October 7.

“New Year’s Eve is a moment of celebration worldwide, and an opportunity to create resolutions for a brighter future. With nearly 30,000 civilians killed, including over 10,000 children, our only New Year’s resolution is to call for a permanent ceasefire,” Countdown2Ceasefire, a London-based grassroots campaign, said in a statement on Thursday.

“Our aim is to morph the traditional New Year’s countdown into an influential and resounding countdown for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.”

So far the campaign has successfully been embraced by activists in over 30 countries, including Switzerland, Turkiye, Malaysia, Australia, Tanzania, Mexico and Germany, according to the organisers.

While ringing in the new year, these local events calling for a ceasefire will be livestreamed across Countdown2ceasefire’s social media platforms.

“A permanent ceasefire is the first step in ending the current deplorable situation and a tangible move towards a future where traumatised communities can rebuild and recover,” Bushra Mohammad, a campaign spokeswoman, said in a statement.

Israel’s brutal military offensive in Gaza has killed more than 21,500 people and wounded more than 55,000 others triggering global outrage, with protesters across the world rallying to call for a ceasefire. Many have also expressed their disappointment towards politicians and countries who vetoed or abstained from voting for a ceasefire at the United Nations.

Rights organisations including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Doctors Without Borders also condemned countries vetoing a ceasefire, warning that this would result in a humanitarian disaster.

On Saturday, the World Food Programme warned that it’s in a race against time to avert starvation for millions in Gaza.

“Only a long-term ceasefire and unhindered humanitarian access can end this,” the UN agency posted on X.

Israel has refused to stop the bombing that has destroyed more than 70 percent of Gaza homes and displaced more than 90 percent of the enclave’s 2.3 million people.

Countdown2Ceasefire pointed out how people power can make a difference.

“As we enter 2024, we look forward to it being the year that our New Year’s resolution, of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, is fulfilled.”