البنتاغون: روسيا أخطر من الصين على المدى القصير

أكّد نائب وزير الدفاع الأميركي للشؤون السياسية، كولين كال، أن الصين ربما تشكل خطرا أساسياً على الولايات المتحدة، لكن روسيا قد تجسّد مشكلة أكبر على المدى القصير.

وأضاف أنه في السنوات القادمة، قد تتحوّل روسيا بالفعل إلى أكبر تحد أمني تواجهه الولايات المتحدة، وبالتأكيد أوروبا، في المجال العسكري، واصفاً إياها بالخصم الذي يزداد حزماً في سعيه الثابت إلى تعزيز نفوذه في العالم وأداء دور مزعزع على الصعيد الدولي.

واتهم كال موسكو بتقويض الشفافية والقابلية للتنبؤ، واستخدام القوة العسكرية لتحقيق أهدافها، ودعم جماعات تعمل بالوكالة من أجل زرع الفوضى والشكوك، بالإضافة إلى خرقها سيادة جيرانها ووحدة أراضيها.

وختم قائلاً أنّ الولايات المتحدة ستتعامل مع روسيا من موقف القوة الجماعية، مشددا على أن القوات الأمريكية المنتشرة في أوروبا تبقى قوية وجاهزة ومرنة وتقدم ردعا راسخا وفعالاً، مشيراً إلى أنهم يعملون في الناتو مع حلفائهم للتأكد من الاستعداد العسكري لتعزيز وسائل ردع قتالي راسخة في كافة أنحاء المجتمع العابر للأطلسي.

Pakistan initiates dialogue with Taliban for inclusive Afghan government

Pakistan’s prime minister says he has initiated a dialogue with the Taliban to encourage them to form an inclusive government that would ensure peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region.

Imran Khan tweeted on Saturday that he took the initiative after his meetings this week in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, with leaders of countries neighbouring Afghanistan.

Last week the Taliban announced an all-male interim government that included no women or members of Afghanistan’s minorities, contrary to their earlier pledges on inclusivity. They have also since moved to curb women’s rights, harking back to when they were in power in the 1990s.

Khan said he had had detailed discussions with the Tajik president, Emomali Rahmon, on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s meeting in Dushanbe. The economic and security group is made up of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan.

“After meetings in Dushanbe with leaders of Afghanistan’s neighbours and especially a lengthy discussion with Tajikistan’s president, Emomali Rahmon, I have initiated a dialogue with the Taliban for an inclusive Afghan govt to include Tajiks, Hazaras & Uzbeks,” Khan said in the tweet.

“After 40 years of conflict, this inclusivity will ensure peace and a stable Afghanistan, which is in the interest not only of Afghanistan but the region as well.”

Khan did not say what form his dialogue would take or elaborate on his plans.

باكستان: بدأنا حوارا مع طالبان لتشكيل حكومة شاملة

بدأ رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني عمران خان، حوارًا مع حركة طالبان الأفغانية بهدف حثها على تشكيل حكومة شاملة تضم جميع الأقليات العرقية مثل الطاجيك والشيعة الهزارة.

وقال خان إن هذه الخطوة جاءت عقب محادثات أجراها مع زعماء الدول المجاورة لأفغانستان خلال اجتماع قمة منظمة شنغهاي للتعاون الذي عقد في طاجيكستان.

واعتبر رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني أن ضم جميع الأقليات العرقية سيضمن السلام والاستقرار في أفغانستان التي عاشت أربعين عامًا من الحرب

Pakistan: Stability with Taliban is the best way to stabilize Afghanistan

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan called for the necessity of communicating with the Taliban movement to ensure stability in the neighboring country. He said, “The best way to achieve peace and stability in Afghanistan is to reach out to the Taliban and “motivate” them to move forward on some issues, such as women’s rights and inclusive government.”

The prime minister added: “The Taliban controls the whole of Afghanistan, and if they can form an inclusive government, bringing all the factions together, the country can be at peace. But if things go wrong, which is what worries us, the country could go into chaos.”

Taliban looking for international aid

Khan emphasized that the Taliban are looking for international aid to avoid a crisis in the country, which in turn could turn matters for the worse.

“A puppet government cannot be formed in Afghanistan and the people support it…so instead of sitting here and thinking about controlling them, we must motivate them,” he said, referring to Western pressure on the movement that announced its interim government last week, which was not recognized The international community.

He added that the current Afghan government confirms that it will not be able to stop this crisis without international assistance to push it in the right direction.

Zabihullah Mujahid called on the international community to recognize the interim government of the movement in order to work with the international community, calling for lifting the freeze on the Central Bank’s assets abroad.

Despite these appeals, most foreign governments still adhere to their position of refusing to recognize that “Taliban” government, especially since it did not embody Afghan political and ethnic diversity.

باكستان: التواصل مع طالبان أفضل طريق لاستقرار أفغانستان

نادى رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني، عمران خان، إلى ضرورة التواصل مع حركة طالبان، لضمان استقرار الأوضاغ في البلد الجار. وقال: أفضل طريقة لتحقيق السلام والاستقرار في أفغانستان هو التواصل مع طالبان و”تحفيزهم” على السير في بعض القضايا، مثل حقوق المرأة والحكومة الشاملة.

وأضاف رئيس الوزراء: “تسيطر طالبان على أفغانستان بأكملها، وإذا تمكنت من تشكيل حكومة شاملة، تجمع كل الفصائل معًا ، فيمكن أن تنعم البلاد بالسلام. ولكن إذا سارت الأمور على نحو خاطئ، وهذا ما يقلقنا، يمكن أن تذهب البلاد إلى الفوضى”.

طالبان تبحث عن مساعدات دولية

أكد خان أن طالبان تبحث عن مساعدات دولية لتجنب وقوع أزمة في البلاد، والتي بدورها من الممكن أن تحول الأمور للأسوأ.

وقال “لا يمكن أن تشكل في أفغانستان حكومة “دمية”، ويدعمها الشعب.. لذا بدلاً من الجلوس هنا والتفكير في السيطرة عليهم، يجب علينا تحفيزهم”، في إشارة إلى الضغوط الغربية على الحركة التي أعلنت عن حكومتها المؤقتة الأسبوع الماضي، ولم تحظ باعتراف المجتمع الدولي.

وأضاف أن الحكومة الأفغانية الحالية تؤكد أنها لن تتمكن من وقف هذه الأزمة بدون المساعدة الدولية لدفعها في الاتجاه الصحيح.

ودعا ذبيح الله مجاهد المجتمع الدولي إلى الاعتراف بحكومة الحركة المؤقتة بهدف العمل مع المجتمع الدولي، مطالباً برفع التجميد عن أرصدة المصرف المركزي في الخارج.

وعلى الرغم من تلك المناشدات، إلا أنه لا تزال معظم الحكومات الأجنبية متمسكة بموقفها الرافض للاعتراف بتلك الحكومة “الطالبانية”، لاسيما أنها لم تجسد التنوع الأفغاني السياسي والعرقي.

China-US relations: US chief of staff defends ‘secret’ calls with China

US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley has defended himself after a new book revealed that he had made secret phone calls to China amid concerns about former US President Donald Trump’s intentions.

The calls the general made in October and January last year were aimed at reassuring China, the general said Wednesday.

Trump has said the allegations are untrue, and some members of the Republican Party have called for the general to be fired.

President Joe Biden emphasized that his confidence in General Milley was very high.

The spokesman for General Milley said that the calls were among his duties and responsibilities in reassuring China to maintain strategic stability.

The calls with Chinese General Li Zucheng were revealed Tuesday, in the form of excerpts from a new book written by investigative journalists from The Washington Post.

The calls were made shortly after the last presidential election and after Trump refused to concede defeat.

The book states that the general was afraid of losing control of Trump’s behavior.

According to the book, the general told the Chinese general that the American government was stable and assured him that the United States would not launch an attack against China, and if that happened, the Chinese would be alerted, according to the excerpts taken from the book.

The book also states that General Milley told his subordinates that if Trump orders a nuclear strike, he must wait for confirmation from him before carrying it out.

Trump accused General Milley of treason and described what he said as “false”, in a statement issued by him.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio called on President Biden to fire the general.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday at a news conference that President Biden has high confidence in the general’s leadership, patriotism and devotion to the Constitution.

She added that Biden wants General Milley to continue to perform his duties.

US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley has defended himself after a new book revealed that he had made secret phone calls to China amid concerns about former US President Donald Trump’s intentions.

The calls the general made in October and January last year were aimed at reassuring China, the general said Wednesday.

Trump has said the allegations are untrue, and some members of the Republican Party have called for the general to be fired.

President Joe Biden emphasized that his confidence in General Milley was very high.

The spokesman for General Milley said that the calls were among his duties and responsibilities in reassuring China to maintain strategic stability.

The calls with Chinese General Li Zucheng were revealed Tuesday, in the form of excerpts from a new book written by investigative journalists from The Washington Post.

The calls were made shortly after the last presidential election and after Trump refused to concede defeat.

The book states that the general was afraid of losing control of Trump’s behavior.

According to the book, the general told the Chinese general that the American government was stable and assured him that the United States would not launch an attack against China, and if that happened, the Chinese would be alerted, according to the excerpts taken from the book.

The book also states that General Milley told his subordinates that if Trump orders a nuclear strike, he must wait for confirmation from him before carrying it out.

.Trump accused General Milley of treason and described what he said as “false”, in a statement issued by him

العلاقات الصينية الأمريكية: رئيس الأركان الأمريكي يدافع عن مكالمات “سرية” مع الصين

دافع رئيس أركان الجيش الأمريكي الجنرال مارك ميلي عن نفسه بعد أن كشف كتاب جديد أنه أجرى مكالمات هاتفية سرية مع الصين وسط مخاوف بشأن نوايا الرئيس الأمريكي السابق دونالد ترامب.

قال الجنرال إن مناشدات الجنرال في أكتوبر ويناير العام الماضي كانت تهدف إلى طمأنة الصين.

قال ترامب إن المزاعم غير صحيحة ودعا بعض أعضاء الحزب الجمهوري إلى إقالة الجنرال.

أكد الرئيس جو بايدن أن ثقته في الجنرال ميلي عالية جدًا.

وقال المتحدث باسم الجنرال ميلي إن المكالمات كانت جزءًا من واجباته ومسؤولياته في طمأنة الصين إلى الحفاظ على الاستقرار الاستراتيجي.

تم الكشف عن المكالمات الهاتفية للجنرال الصيني لي زوتشنغ يوم الثلاثاء ، في شكل مقتطفات من كتاب جديد كتبه صحفيون استقصائيون من صحيفة واشنطن بوست.

تم إجراء المكالمات بعد فترة وجيزة من الانتخابات الرئاسية الأخيرة وبعد رفض ترامب الاعتراف بالهزيمة.

يزعم الكتاب أن الجنرال كان يخشى فقدان السيطرة على سلوك ترامب.

وبحسب الكتاب ، قال الجنرال للجنرال الصيني إن الحكومة الأمريكية مستقرة وأكد له أن الولايات المتحدة لن تشن هجومًا على الصين ، وإذا حدث ذلك فسيتم تنبيه الصينيين ، وفقًا لمقتطفات من الكتاب. .

يزعم الكتاب أيضًا أن الجنرال ميلي أخبر مرؤوسيه أنه إذا أمر ترامب بضربة نووية ، فعليه انتظار تأكيده قبل تنفيذه.

واتهم ترامب الجنرال ميلي بالخيانة ووصف ما قاله في بيان أصدره بأنه “كاذب”.

ودعا السناتور الجمهوري ماركو روبيو الرئيس بايدن إلى إقالة الجنرال.

قال السكرتير الصحفي للبيت الأبيض ، جين بساكي ، في مؤتمر صحفي يوم الأربعاء ، إن الرئيس بايدن لديه ثقة كبيرة في قيادة الجنرال ووطنيته وتفانيه في تطبيق الدستور.

وأضاف أن بايدن يريد أن يواصل الجنرال ميلي أداء مهامه.

Okus: China criticizes security agreement between USA, Great Britain and Australia as “irresponsible”

China has criticized a historic security agreement between the US, Britain and Australia, calling it “irresponsible” and “narrow-minded”.

Under the agreement, the United States and Great Britain will provide Australia for the first time with the technology needed to build nuclear submarines.

The deal is widely seen as an attempt to counter Chinese influence in the South China Sea, where the region has been a hotbed of tension for years.

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry, said the alliance risks “serious damage to peace in the region … and an intensification of the arms race.”

Legian criticized what he called the “outdated Cold War mentality” and warned that the three countries “are violating their interests”.

Chinese state media published editorials criticizing the deal, and the Global Times said Australia “has now turned into an opponent of China”.

The United States is sharing its submarine technology for the first time in 50 years, having previously only shared it with the UK.

This means Australia can now build faster nuclear submarines that are harder to spot by conventionally powered naval fleets, can stay in the water for months and fire missiles over greater distances, despite Australia saying so. It intends to equip it with nuclear weapons.

The new partnership, called “Ocos”, was announced on Thursday morning during a joint remote press conference between US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Australian counterpart Scott Morrison.

Although China was not specifically mentioned, the three leaders repeatedly cited regional security concerns, which they said had “grown significantly”.

“This is a historic opportunity for the three countries to work with like-minded allies and partners to protect shared values ​​and promote security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region,” said a joint statement.

Experts say the Alliance of OCOs may be the most important security arrangement between the three countries since World War II.

This will make Australia the seventh country in the world to have nuclear powered submarines.

While it is the most important part of the deal, cyber capabilities and other underwater technologies will also be exchanged.

أوكوس: الصين تنتقد اتفاقية أمنية بين الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وأستراليا وتصفها بأنها “غير مسؤولة”

عبرت الصين عن انتقادها لاتفاقية أمنية تاريخية بين الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وأستراليا، ووصفتها بأنها “غير مسؤولة للغاية” و “ضيقة الأفق”.

وحسب الاتفاقية، ستزود الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا العظمى، ولأول مرة، أستراليا باأدوات التكنولوجية اللازمة لبناء غواصات تعمل بالطاقة النووية.

وتعتبر الصفقة محاولة لمواجهة النفوذ الصيني في بحر الصين الجنوبي، حيث تُعد المنطقة بؤرة توتر منذ سنوات.

وقال تشاو ليجيان المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية الصينية إن التحالف يهدد “بإلحاق ضرر جسيم بالسلام الإقليمي … وتكثيف سباق التسلح”.

وانتقد ليجيان ما وصفه بـ “عقلية الحرب الباردة التي عفا عليها الزمن” ، محذرا من أن الدول الثلاث “تضر بمصالحها”.

ووفق ما نشرته وسائل الإعلام الحكومية الصينية، هنالك مقالات افتتاحية تنتقد الصفقة، كما قالت جلوبال تايمز إن أستراليا “تحولت الآن إلى معارضة للصين”.

تشارك الولايات المتحدة تكنولوجيا الغواصات الخاصة بها لأول مرة منذ 50 عامًا ، بالتعاون مع بريطانيا فقط.

وهذا يُعطي أستراليا القدرة على بناء غواصات أسرع تعمل بالطاقة النووية ويصعب اكتشافها بواسطة الأساطيل البحرية التي تعمل بالطاقة التقليدية. ومن مميزاتها أنها من الممكن أن تبقى في الماء لعدة أشهر، ويمكنها إطلاق صواريخ على مسافات أطول، على الرغم من إنكار أستراليا برغبتها في تزويدها بأسلحة نووية.

تم الإعلان عن الشراكة الجديدة خلال مؤتمر صحفي مشترك عن بعد بين الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن ورئيس الوزراء البريطاني بوريس جونسون ونظيره الأسترالي سكوت موريسون والتي تحمل اسم “Ocos”، صباح الخميس.

وعبَّرالقادة الثلاثة مرارًا إلى المخاوف الأمنية الإقليمية التي ، حسب رأيهم ، “نمت بشكل كبير”.

وجاء في بيان مشترك “هذه فرصة تاريخية للدول الثلاث ، مع الحلفاء والشركاء المتشابهين في التفكير ، لحماية القيم المشتركة وتعزيز الأمن والازدهار في منطقة المحيطين الهندي والهادئ”.

يقول الخبراء إن تحالف منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي قد يمثل أهم اتفاقية أمنية بين الدول الثلاث منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية.

وتُعد أستراليا الدولة السابعة في العالم التي تمتلك غواصات تعمل بالطاقة النووية.

في حين أن هذا هو أهم عنصر في الاتفاقية، سيتم أيضًا تبادل قدرات الحوسبة والتقنيات الأخرى تحت سطح البحر.

المصدر: وكالات

White House: Washington does not seek Cold War with China

The White House confirmed that the United States is not seeking a cold war with China, against the establishment of a new military alliance between the United States, Britain and Australia.

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki responded “No” to a question about whether President Joe Biden wants an escalation of tension with China to reach the level of the Cold War.

Psaki added that “the partnership announced between the three countries is not directed against any country,” stressing that Washington “does not want a conflict with China.”

On Wednesday evening, the United States, Britain and Australia announced the establishment of a new security and defense alliance under the name AUKUS.

Beijing criticized the move, accusing Washington of maintaining a “cold war mentality”, arguing that the new alliance threatens peace and stability in the region and triggers an arms race.

البيت الأبيض: واشنطن لا تسعى لحرب باردة مع الصين

قالت المتحدثة باسم البيت الأبيض جين بساكي، إن الولايات المتحدة لا تسعى لحرب باردة مع الصين، وذلك على خلفية تأسيس تحالف عسكري جديد بين الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وأستراليا.

وأجابت المتحدثة بـ”لا” ردا على سؤال عما إذا كان الرئيس جو بايدن يريد تصعيدا للتوتر مع الصين حتى يصل إلى مستوى الحرب الباردة .

وأعلنت الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وأستراليا عن اتفاقية أمنية خاصة لتبادل تقنيات عسكرية متقدمة في محاولة لمواجهة النفوذ الصيني.

وستمكن هذه الشراكة أستراليا، للمرة الأولى، من بناء غواصات تعمل بالطاقة النووية. وحملت الاتفاقية اسم “أوكوس”، وستغطي مجالات الذكاء الاصطناعي والتقنيات الكمية والإنترنت.

وانتقدت بكين هذه الخطوة، متهمة واشنطن بأنها تحافظ على “عقلية الحرب الباردة”، ومعتبرة أن التحالف الجديد يهدد السلام والاستقرار في المنطقة ويتسبب بسباق تسلح.

US, UK and Australia launch military alliance to counter China

The United States, Britain and Australia said on Wednesday they would establish a security partnership for the INDO PACIFIC that will involve helping Canberra acquire nuclear-powered submarines, as Chinese influence over the region grows.

Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison appeared together virtually to detail the new alliance, which will be called AUKUS (pronounced AWK-us). The three announced they would quickly turn their attention to developing nuclear-powered submarines for Australia.

“We all recognize the imperative of ensuring peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific over the long term,” said Biden, who said the new alliance reflects a broader trend of key European partners playing a role in the Indo-Pacific. “We need to be able to address both the current strategic environment in the region and how it may evolve.”

Morrison said the submarines would be built in Adelaide in South Australia state, in close cooperation with the United States and Britain.

“We will continue to meet all our nuclear non-proliferation obligations,” he said.

Johnson called it a momentous decision for Australia to acquire the technology. He said it would make the world safer.

Eyes on China

The new security alliance is likely to be seen as a provocative move by China, which has repeatedly lashed out at Biden as he’s sought to refocus US foreign policy on the Pacific in the early going of his presidency.

Washington and its allies are looking for ways to push back against China’s growing power and influence, particularly its military buildup, pressure on Taiwan and deployments in the contested South China Sea.

The announcement comes just over a week before Biden is to host a first in-person meeting of leaders of the “Quad” group of countries – Australia, India, Japan and the United States – that Washington sees as a key means to stand up to China.

The three leaders did not mention China and senior Biden administration officials who briefed reporters ahead of the announcement said the move was not aimed at countering Beijing.

China’s Washington embassy reacted, however, by saying that countries “should not build exclusionary blocs targeting or harming the interests of third parties.”
“In particular, they should shake off their Cold-War mentality and ideological prejudice,” it said.

James Clapper a former director of US national intelligence, said it was a bold step by Australia given its economy’s dependence on China, adding: “Clearly the Chinese will view this as provocative.”
Republican Senator Ben Sasse said the agreement “sends a clear message of strength to Chairman Xi.”
“I’ll always applaud concrete steps to counter Beijing and this is one of them,” he said.

A US official briefing before the announcement said Biden had not mentioned the plans “in any specific terms” to Chinese leader Xi Jinping in a call last Thursday, but did “underscore our determination to play a strong role in the Indo-Pacific.”
US officials said nuclear propulsion would allow the Australian navy to operate more quietly, for longer periods, and provide deterrence across the Indo-Pacific.

The partnership ends Australia’s 2016 deal French shipbuilder Naval Group to build it a new submarine fleet worth $40 billion to replace its more than two-decades-old Collins submarines, Australian media reported, a spokesperson for Morrison told Reuters.

The deal, then one of the world’s most lucrative defence deals, was beset by issues and delays due to Canberra’s requirement that the majority of the manufacturing and components be sourced locally.

Australia in June said it was undertaking “contingency planning” as a result.

Biden said the governments would now launch an 18-month consultation period, “to determine every element of this program, from workforce, to training requirements, to production timelines” and to ensure full compliance with non-proliferation commitments.

The pact should be a boon for the US defense industry and among the firms that could benefit are General Dynamics Corp and Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc.

General Dynamics’ Electric Boat business does much of the design work for US submarines, but critical subsystems such as electronics and nuclear power plants are made by BWX Technologies Inc

Britain said the 18-month program would work out details as to what countries and companies would do what, with the aim for the first submarine to be delivered as quickly as possible.

US officials did not give a time frame for when Australia would deploy a nuclear-powered submarine, or how many would be built. They said that since Australia does not have any nuclear infrastructure, it would require a sustained effort over years.

The evolving situation in the Indo-Pacific region in the wake of China’s increasing military muscle-flexing has become a major talking point among leading global powers. The US has been favouring making Quad a security architecture to check China’s growing assertiveness.

In November 2017, India, Japan, the US and Australia gave shape to the long-pending proposal of setting up the Quad to develop a new strategy to keep the critical sea routes in the Indo-Pacific free of any influence.

Beijing claims almost all of the 1.3 million square mile South China Sea as its sovereign territory. China has been building military bases on artificial islands in the region also claimed by Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.

China has built up and militarised many of the islands and reefs it controls in the region. Both maritime areas in the South and East China seas are stated to be rich in minerals, oil and other natural resources and are also vital to global trade.