Antisemitism increases by 235% since outbreak of Israel-Hamas war – report

According to the report, following the October 7 attacks, antisemitic incidents have drastically surged to a record high.

The annual report for 2023 and January 2024 on the fight against antisemitism published by the Diaspora Ministry, the World Zionist Organization, and the Jewish Agency showed that between October and December, the number of antisemitic incidents worldwide increased sixfold. 

According to the report, following the October 7 attacks, antisemitic incidents have drastically surged to a record high.

Between the months of October and December, numbers show antisemitic incidents to be six times greater, or  235%, than the figures for the months of January through September of 2023. 

Geographically, the incidents are spread across the world. The US takes pride of place with 43% of incidents reported, followed by 35% in Europe. 

The report also shows a 33% increase in antisemitic attacks of a violent nature in 2023 in comparison to last year. According to the calculations, 48% of these attacks were in relation to the Swords of Iron Operation

 A demonstrator holds a sign that reads 'no to antisemitism', during a protest against antisemitism and to commemorate the 2012 Toulouse attack against a Jewish school that left three children and an adult dead, at the Place de la Republique square in Paris, France, March 13, 2022.  (credit: REUTERS/BENOIT TESSIER)
A demonstrator holds a sign that reads ‘no to antisemitism’, during a protest against antisemitism and to commemorate the 2012 Toulouse attack against a Jewish school that left three children and an adult dead, at the Place de la Republique square in Paris, France, March 13, 2022. (credit: REUTERS/BENOIT TESSIER)

Out of these attacks, 46% occurred in the US. Britain comes in second with 16%, followed by Germany’s 9%, France and Canada with both 6% and Australia 2.5%.

When analyzing each country separately, according to the report, France has seen the greatest surge in antisemitic events, with 1000%, followed by Canada with 800%, Australia with 738%, the US with 337%, and Germany with 320%. 

‘Severest antisemitism since the 1930s’

Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli said, “This year has been unlike any other. The hatred of Israel around the world is the most severe since the 1930s of the previous century.

“Jews all over the West feel unsafe. Jews who speak Hebrew on the subway in the capitals of Europe are beaten up. Jews who carry [Israeli] flags on the streets are murdered.

“The most severe antisemitic remarks are made by the Palestinian Authority. Our main recommendation is to move from the defensive phase to the offensive phase. We have to file lawsuits against Hamas and the Palestinian organizations over antisemitism and incitement to terror. The Palestinian Authority educates to terror and pays terrorists, and we have to know how to combat this with the proper tools,” he concluded.

(Source: The Jerusalem Post)

وصول السلطان إبراهيم اسكندر إلى القصر الملكي ليتولى العرش كملك جديد لماليزيا

بصفته حاكمًا لولاية جوهور المتاخمة لسنغافورة، فإبراهيم اسكندر كان التالي في الترتيب ليصبح ملكًا بناءً على النظام التناوبي الذي تعتمده ماليزيا، والذي تمّ وضعه بين حكام الولايات التسع في البلاد.

شهدت ماليزيا مراسم تنصيب ملكها الجديد إبراهيم اسكندر، ملكا جديدا للبلاد. وقام الملك الجديد بأداء اليمين الأربعاء في القصر الملكي في كوالالمبور. الملك إبراهيم اسكندر يبلغ من العمر 65 عاما وينحدر من ولاية جوهور الجنوبية وسيخلف السلطان عبد الله سلطان أحمد شاه الذي سيعود لتولي قيادة ولاية باهانج مسقط رأسه بعد إكماله لفترة حكمه التي استمرت مدة خمس سنوات.

وبصفته حاكمًا لولاية جوهور المتاخمة لسنغافورة، فإبراهيم اسكندر كان التالي في الترتيب ليصبح ملكًا بناءً على النظام التناوبي الذي تعتمده ماليزيا، والذي تمّ وضعه بين حكام الولايات التسع في البلاد.

وكان السلطان عبد الله سلطان أحمد شاه قد ترأس فترة مضطربة تضمنت عمليات إغلاق بسبب وباء كوفيد، بالإضافة إلى عدم الإستقرار السياسي الذي شهد أربعة رؤساء وزراء منذ الانتخابات العامة في العام 2018.

وسيترأس إبراهيم اسكندر العرش لمدة خمس سنوات. وكثيرا ما عُرف عن الملك الجديد اهتمامه بالقضايا السياسية لماليزيا رغم أن الشؤون السياسية في هذا البلد من اختصاص الحكومة ورئيس الوزراء.

تعتمد ماليزيا نظاما ملكيا دستوريا “فريدا” حيث يتناوب سلاطين البلاد التسعة على تولي منصب الملك من طرف حكام ولايات البلاد التسع كل خمس سنوات.

(المصدر: يورونيوز)

بسبب حربها على غزة.. استبعاد إسرائيل من مؤتمر ميونيخ للأمن

قرر مؤتمر ميونيخ للأمن استبعاد إسرائيل من المشاركة الرئيسية في الحدث، وذلك بسبب استمرار حربها على غزة. هذا ما تم الإعلان عنه خلال مقابلة أجرتها القناة 12 العبرية مع منظمي الحدث يوم الاثنين.

قرار استبعاد تل أبيب من المؤتمر الذي يعتبر أحد أهم المؤتمرات في مجال الأمن القومي كان غير متوقع. فإسرائيل كانت تؤدي دوراً رئيسياً في هذا المؤتمر لفترة طويلة

وفي العام الماضي، تم منح ممثلي إسرائيل مكانا هاما في المؤتمر، حيث خصّصت مقاعد مركزية لرئيس الوزراء نتنياهو ووزراء الدفاع بيني غانتس ويوآف غالانت ويعالون.

إلا أن هذه الدورة تحل بظروف مختلفة، وقبل المؤتمر المزمع عقده بعد أسبوعين، قررت إدارة الحدث رفض كافة طلبات الاشتراك المقدمة من الدولة العبرية.

هذا وتم اتخاذ قرار بتقليل ظهور وزير الدفاع يوآف غالانت وعائلات الرهائن، حيث تم رفض طلبهم لتنظيم حفل تكريم للرهائن.

وتم اقتراح حلاً بديلًا للعائلات، وهو عقد “حدث جانبي” بمشاركة أقل في المؤتمر، مما يؤدي إلى انخفاض اهتمام وسائل الإعلام الدولية بشكل محدود أيضًا.

ورفض طلب مكتب وزير الدفاع يوآف غالانت للتحدث في المؤتمر، كما حدث سابقاً. ولكن عوضا عن ذلك، تم تقديم فرصة له للمشاركة كمتحدث في اللجنة.

وذكر في اللقاء أيضاً، أن المنظم لمؤتمر ميونيخ هو كريستوف هيوسغن، الذي كان مستشار الأمن القومي الألماني السابق، ويُعتقد أنه لديه سجل مثير للجدل فيما يتعلق بإسرائيل.

كمثال على ذلك، تبريره لحديث الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة أنطونيو غوتيريش، الذي أعطى بعض الشرعية لهجوم حماس، حين قال إن “هجمات حماس لم تحدث من فراغ، وأن هذه الهجمات لا تبرر لإسرائيل القتل الجماعي الذي تشهده غزة”.

(المصدر: وكالات)

متاعب عمران خان مع القضاء الباكستاني لا تنتهي: السجن 10 سنوات بتهمة “تسريب أسرار الدولة”

قضت محكمة باكستانية اليوم الثلاثاء، بالسجن عشر سنوات بحق رئيس الوزراء السابق عمران خان، لإدانته بتسريب محتوى برقية دبلوماسية سرية.

وأدان قاضي المحكمة الخاصة، أبو الحسنات ذو القرنين، خان ووزير خارجيته السابق شاه محمود قرشي بعد عدة جلسات استماع عقدت في السجن.

وأكد متحدث باسم حزب حركة “الإنصاف الباكستانية” الذي ينتمي إليه خان:” حكم على الاثنين بالسجن لمدة 10 سنوات”.

ودفع كل من السياسيين ببراءته عندما تم توجيه اتهامات إليهما في أكتوبر الماضي بالكشف عن سر من أسرار الدولة في تجمع عام.

وقال رئيس الحزب المحامي جوهر خان: “سنطعن في إجراءات المحكمة اليوم أمام المحكمة العليا” ، وأوصى أنصار الحزب بالتزام الهدوء.

وجاء قرار المحكمة قبل أسابيع من الانتخابات الوطنية، وقد أطيح بحزب خان إلى خارج السباق ويواجه قادته قيودا مشددة.

ويواجه عمران خان، النجم الرياضي السابق /70 عاما/ سلسلة من الاتهامات منذ إقالته من منصب رئيس الوزراء في تصويت برلماني بحجب الثقة العام الماضي.

(المصدر: 24G)

War on Gaza: Israel bombed British doctors on ‘de-conflicted’ site in Gaza

Dania Akkad

An Israeli air strike hit a compound in Gaza housing doctors working for a UK charity a month after the Israeli military told British counterparts the site had been “de-conflicted”, MPs heard on Monday.

Foreign Affairs Committee chair and Conservative MP Alicia Kearns raised concerns about the attack during a parliamentary debate following Friday’s ruling from the International Court of Justice in the Gaza genocide case against Israel.

The compound in the southern Gaza town of Al-Mawasi held staff from the UK’s Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP) and the US-based International Rescue Committee (IRC), headed by former UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband, who were part of an emergency medical team working at nearby Nasser Hospital.

Around 6am on 18 January, the facility was hit by a bomb which Kearns said was dropped by an F-16 jet which MAP has previously said left several of the staff and a bodyguard with non-life threatening injuries. The compound was left severely damaged.

“Thankfully, the four British doctors living there were only injured, although that itself is a cause for concern,” Kearns said.

A month earlier, on 22 December, she said it was confirmed through UK defence channels that the Israeli military had “logged the co-ordinates of the humanitarian base and de-conflicted it, marking it as a protected sensitive and humanitarian site”.

“I am gravely concerned that the air strike still took place,” Kearns said, asking what the Israeli military’s response had been and whether the government had seen targeting permissions for the strike.

Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell acknowledged the attack and said it had been raised by Foreign Secretary David Cameron in Israel last week and by the British ambassador in Israel, Simon Walters, but did not answer Kearns’ specific questions.

“We continually remind the Israeli government of their duties under international humanitarian law,” Mitchell said.

“The bombing of the compound is an extremely serious matter, which, as [Kearns] rightly said, needed to be raised at the highest level.”

Following the bombing, the IRC and MAP said they were working with the UN to determine what had happened and to ensure “the continued safety of our teams and viability of their vital humanitarian work”.

“We re-emphasise our call that humanitarian workers and civilians must be protected at all times from attack,” MAP said earlier this month, declining to comment further until details were clarified.

Middle East Eye has asked the Israeli military for comment on the bombing. MEE has also asked for comment from the British foreign office and the Ministry of Defence. MAP directed MEE to its earlier comments.

Nasser Hospital, the main medical facility in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip where the emergency team was set to work, has been under a siege imposed by Israeli forces earlier this month.

The facility has completely run out of food, anaesthetics and painkillers, Dr Ashraf al-Qudra, a spokesperson for the Palestinian health ministry in Gaza told MEE last week.

Only 10 percent of its personnel were working as of last week under conditions the ministry called “inhumane”.

(Source: Middle East Eye)

What keeps Palestinians strong? History, olive trees and football

Dr. Ramzy Baroud

Despite the horrific war in Gaza and the unprecedented number of casualties, millions of Palestinians in the Middle East and around the world took a brief respite from their collective pain to watch their national football team make history in Doha.

The Palestinian team, also known as Fada’ii — the freedom fighter — had a decisive win against Hong Kong on 23 January. Even though the “Lions of Canaan” finished in third place, after Iran and the UAE, they still made it to the round of 16 of the AFC Asian Cup for the first time in history.

Like the FIFA World Cup, also held in Doha in November 2022, Palestine’s presence was felt in all AFC games, with Palestinian flags waved by thousands of Arab fans.

Palestinian players came to Doha from Palestine itself, and also from across the Middle East; in fact, the world. They included the Palestinian Chilean player Camilo Saldaña, and the likes of Oday Dabbagh, a Jerusalemite who is currently playing professionally in Belgium.

For most Palestinians, sports are a symbol of unity as well as persistence.

Very few sports teams in the world have been through what Palestinian teams have experienced, whether in the form of direct harm to them and their families, or through their association with the Palestinian collective.

Yet, the fact that they can, against all odds, attend matches, participate in tournaments, equalise against teams such as the UAE, and even win, is a sign that the Palestinian nation will never be erased, neither 75 years after the Nakba, nor a thousand years from now.

A very long way away, another Palestine-linked team, Chile’s Deportivo Palestino, continues to express its historic connection to Palestine, despite the physical distance, different geopolitical spaces, culture and language. Before FIFA admitted Palestine as a member in 1996, Deportivo Palestino served as the symbolic Palestinian national team in exile. Its players donned football shirts adorned with Palestinian cultural symbols and other historical references to Palestine, a map, the colours of the flag and so on. Its players would often enter the Primera Division stadiums wearing the iconic Palestinian black and white keffiyeh.

The football club is over 100 years old, and the history of the Palestinian community in Chile is older than that. It was Palestinian Christians, not Muslims, who established the community, which refutes the claim that the so-called Palestinian-Israeli conflict is about religion, more specifically a “Jew-Muslim” issue.

While faith and spirituality are critical signifiers in the Palestinian national identity, Palestinians are driven by the kind of values which allow them to find common ground, whether they are in Gaza, Jerusalem, Santiago or Doha.

While Palestinians are no different to millions of people around the world in being football fans, sport for them is not just about sport.

Imagine a football stadium brimming with Palestinians from different religious, geographic, political, cultural and ideological backgrounds. They come, whether as fans or players, motivated by a single objective, celebrating their culture while emphasising their national continuity; an immovable reality despite the ongoing attempts to erase it.

Here, other symbols become relevant. The flag as a banner that unifies all Palestinians despite political factionalism; the keffiyeh, the ancient peasant symbol used to fight colonialism over the course of many decades; the map, presented without lines, walls, fences or zones, to remind them that they belong to a single historical narrative; and so on.

In fact, there is more to this symbolism. Arab and Muslim masses, all rallying around Palestinians in their quest for freedom and justice, also send a strong and unmistakable message: Palestinians are not alone; they are, in fact, part and parcel of a cultural, geographic, historical and spiritual continuity that spans many generations, national flags and even borders.

While millions of people are currently feeling the pain of Gaza, expressing unprecedented solidarity with the suffering civilian population, the Arab masses feel that pain at a whole different level. It feels as if the Arab and Muslim peoples have internalised the pain of Gaza as if it were their own. In many ways, it is.

Yet, despite the indescribable pain and suffering of millions of innocent civilians, there is always that historic certainty that Palestine will, as it has always done, prevail over its torment and tormentors in the end. At this juncture, no other symbolism can serve the role of the powerful metaphor as that of the olive tree. It is as old as history, as rooted as hope and, despite everything, continues to endure in the land of Palestine; it will go on producing some of the world’s best olive oil.

Palestinian farmers do not simply see their olive orchards as a source of income, but as a source of strength and love. The late Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish wrote in his seminal poem The Second Olive Tree: “If the Olive Trees knew the hands that planted them, Their Oil would become Tears”.

One day, Palestine will become a reality, free of pain, suffering and tears. But even then, it will continue to be a generator of meaning that will keep future generations of Palestinians as conscious of their past as they are eager for the future.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.

OPINION – Ukraine and Gaza: Exposing the West’s Double Standards

Dr. Sami A. Al-Arian |


Ever since Russia’s attack on Ukraine in February 2022, the United States (US) and its Western allies have mobilized the whole world against Russia as they called attention to the devastation caused by the war. The United Nations estimates that Ukraine suffered [1] around 10,000 civilian deaths, including 560 children, and about 18,500 injured during the first 21 months of the conflict. Every Western official, from US President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to all other high-ranking American and European officials, accused Russian troops of committing genocide [2] and war crimes. [3]

Meanwhile, Israel has killed at least 26,000 Palestinians, while thousands more remain missing, in just the first 100 days of its onslaught on Gaza in the wake of the Hamas attack on 7 October. Seventy percent of the casualties are women and children. In addition, there have been over 63,000 injured [4] Palestinians, many maimed for life, and once again, the majority of those are women and children. While the destruction of property cannot be minimized in wars such as in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria, the destruction in Gaza against civilian life and structures has exceeded [5] all levels, the likes of which, according to the United Nations, have not been seen since World War II.

Double standards and dehumanization of the victim

Yet, the United States has not only justified Israel’s brutal actions and supplied it with all weapons used to wreak havoc on Gaza but has also shielded it diplomatically, using its veto power in the United Nations Security Council to kill [6] resolutions calling for a ceasefire, and defending its ruthless behavior in other international forums in the face of desperate pleas and warnings from the UN Secretary General [7] and dozens [8] of leaders from around the world.

Though this double [9] standard applied by the United States in the case of Israel is extreme, it’s not unique. The US has built an international order that favors certain countries, peoples and cultures. It’s the continuation of the legacy of imperialist European powers that go back centuries.

A British governor of Bombay in 1875 wrote “We hold India by the sword.” More than a century later, in 1988, an Israeli prime minister witnessing the first Palestinian uprising against Israel’s brutal military occupation said, [10] “The Palestinians must be crushed like grasshoppers, and their heads smashed against the boulders and walls.” Thirty five years later in October 2023, another Israeli defense minister pledged to starve the Palestinians of Gaza calling [11] them “human animals.”

In its quest to demonstrate its “superior” culture and values, the West indulges in self-righteousness, using lofty rhetoric of its unyielding belief in democracy, rule of law, human rights, free speech, representative government, international institutions, the right to self-determination, respect for diversity, and so on. Yet, every time these principles and ideals get in the way of exercising its hegemony over the Global South or advancing its narrow interests, it turns a blind eye to these ideals and principles.

When over 1.8 billion Muslims are offended by political cartoons with insulting depictions of the Prophet Muhammad or public celebrations of Qur’an burnings, the West is quick to condemn “Muslim outrage” and defend these provocative actions under the justification of defending the value of free speech or expression. Yet, when supporters of the Palestinian struggle speak out against Israeli aggression and its genocidal war, or call out the racist and supremacist nature of the Zionist ideology and institutions, Western governments, politicians, media outlets, and cultural elites immediately lead campaigns to silence anti-Zionist voices or cancel them, if not outright defame them, fire them from their jobs, or even prosecute them.

The West celebrates its liberal values when applied to its societies but is not willing to extend them universally. It promotes them selectively depending on its system of racial hierarchy of peoples around the world. Israel is, thus, judged by one standard, considered a democracy, and afforded all the privileges and benefits given to the Western class of countries. Palestinians are not.

Colonialism’s new face: Israel

The Zionist state has, thus far, been successful in establishing a settler-colonial state in the historical land of Palestine. It has implemented several strategies and employed varying tactics to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians since 1948. It uses tactics that include the forced expulsion of millions of Palestinians and the denial of their return, the confiscation and annexation of territories and holy shrines, the establishment of a security state where over half of the population in historical Palestine is subject to military rule and discriminatory practices protected by unjust laws. Israel institutionalizes an ID system based on ethnicity, the establishment of Jewish-only colonies/settlements, and the construction of separate roads for Israeli citizens around many of these colonies. It uses hundreds of military checkpoints in the West Bank, erects the separation wall around the majority of Palestinian communities and uses Palestinians as cheap labor, sanctioning inequities in infrastructure, legal rights, and access to land and resources. A discriminatory legal structure is instituted, including marriage law, the passing of citizenship and Jewish nationality law, the continuous Judaization of Jerusalem, and denial of religious rights for Muslims and Christians. Assassinations are used as a tool to eliminate thousands of Palestinians and other supporters around the world for resisting the brutal occupation, as well as countless other tactics to usurp Palestinian territories and exclude as many Palestinians from their historical land as possible. In addition, it has imposed a crippling siege over Gaza for over 16 years before undertaking a genocidal and destructive war against the people of Gaza over the last 16 weeks with no end in sight.

Such strategies and tactics used by Israel over decades have resembled and surpassed many aspects of the South African Apartheid regime of a bygone era, and constitute blatant forms of neocolonialism and a new form of an Israeli Apartheid system, contrary to international and humanitarian laws. But the US has yet to condemn, let alone actively reverse, any of these actions that directly contradict its professed liberal values.

Because of their deep racist attitudes towards non-Western peoples, the United States and its Western allies have refused to acknowledge Israel’s oppressive regime. They only see one side as human, one party as deserving sympathy and backing with all means, without any compunction or sense of guilt.

The great American author Noam Chomsky once said, “For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit.” That’s the primary principle by which the US has used to maintain its primacy in the world, and by extension to overlook Israel’s crimes and allow its hegemony over its victims. If double standards must be used to achieve that, then so be it, liberal values be damned.












*Opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Anadolu.

Report: Under US pressure, Israel okays UN visit to northern Gaza, places conditions

Acceding to US pressure, the war cabinet last Thursday approved allowing a United Nations delegation to enter northern Gaza to assess the situation there and map the residents’ needs ahead of a mass return home, the Ynet news site reports, adding the Jerusalem has placed conditions.

The move is largely procedural after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said earlier this month that Israeli leaders had agreed to facilitate the visit.

There are no details on when the visit will take place.

Ynet says Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has conditioned the visit on the UN team first touring Israeli communities ravaged during Hamas’s October 7 onslaught; on Israel clarifying that okaying the visit doesn’t constitute an intention to return Gazans to the Strip’s north; and on having a US official join the UN delegation.

(Source: The Times of Israel)